
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantaisie
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Chapter 21-Tier 2 Sage

Waking up the next day, I was determined to go back to the dungeon, but I needed to think about what happened yesterday.

In one-on-one duels, I was basically uncontested as long as the opponent wasn't faster, but when it came to groups of enemies I was struggling.

I took way too many hits because I choose to stand my ground instead of disengaging and whittling down their numbers. I don't know if Sages had AOE spells, but it would help out a lot in dungeons.

I should focus on leveling my Mana Leech and Weapons Mastery as they were still Tier 1.

I also had the skill Mana Disruption but it was difficult to level as it only increased when the target cast spells themselves and it cost more.

So far the only enemy I've encountered that could cast spells was the Goblin Summoner and he was in the spawn room.

Keeping him alive to grind was dangerous as he could spawn a random goblin unit and multiple regular goblins.

I would have to level whatever I could every time I fought him without putting myself in danger as well. Hopping out of bed, I got to the upcoming grind to Tier 2 mastery.

4 months later....

Walking back from the dungeon back to the cottage I pulled up my status.


Race: Half- Elf

Class: Sage LVL 27

Health: 750

Mana: 2020

Available Skill Points: 19

Available Skills: Mana Glimpse Tier 2 LVL 10, Mana Regeneration Tier 1 LVL 10, Mana Manager Tier 2 LVL 10, Weapon Mastery Tier 1 LVL 10

Available Spells: Blessing of the Elk Tier 2 LVL 10, Blessing of the Stone Armor Tier 2 LVL 10, Blessing of Health Increase Tier 1 LVL 10, Curse of the Tortoise Tier 2 LVL 10, Curse of Defense Reduction Tier 2 LVL 10, Curse of Health Reduction Tier 1 LVL 10, Curse of Magic Disruption Tier 1 LVL 7


Sage or Healer?, Eternal Sage, Harrowing Curse, Mana Discerner

Active Blessings/Curses:

Acute Mind(Permanent)

Glitch in the System(Permanent)


I tried to max Magic Disruption by repeatedly fighting the Goblin Summoner, but he was too good of an enemy to get farmed skill levels off of.

Enemies in the spawn room took a week to respawn, so I took that time to grind other skills while waiting.

From the many spawn room attempts, I got 5 more mana orbs and 2000 more gold. Turns out item rewards were rarer than mana orbs and gold in spawn rooms. The only notable item I got from the spawn room was Boots of Quick Step, which allowed me to dash in a direction on a 15 second cool down.

With my Class level a bit past the required, my skills and spells almost all maxed out, a trip to the Crystal was required.

Luckily for us, we didn't have to travel to the Capital this time, as another city named Wynleth was borrowing the Crystal for their Class Awakening Ceremony.

After they were done with their ceremony it would remain there for 3 weeks, allowing it's use for others until promptly returned to the Capital.

Since the Crystal was going to announce my class again, I ran my subclass decision by with Garbhan, which got his approval.

I decided to go for the Assassin since I was already basically doing that and already had armor that looked the part. Plus, those guys I met months ago at the Capital left an impression on me.

The journey to Wynleth would take a full day if we didn't stop, so we would arrive early next morning.

I figured the trip would be at least 3 days, but Garbhan informed me he has business here that would take at least a week.

With that information I was adamant on enjoying my time at Wynleth after leveling. I wasn't planning on doing anything stupid, just tour the city, try some food, probably buy something nice for myself.

We set out after sandaling he horses and making sure we everything was settled at the horse for our long stay.

Knowing that I was going to be bored on the trip, I decided to ask Garbhan to teach me how to me how drive the carriage.

When we were in the forest, he would take the reigns, as he didn't want to waste time trying to take over in case there was trouble.

I took over when we in open plains, minimizing mistakes. Focusing on driving was a good form of entertainment, plus useful to know in the future.

We made it to Wynleth in no time without any problems. Massive farms extend towards the gated city, houses and other buildings spread within the walls.

Wynleth also happened to be a coastal city, so many boats darted through the waters, while others remained at a massive dock.

Riding up to the gate, we get our papers checked and state our business, to which we get told that we won't be getting usage of the Crystal today as there are an exceptional large number of attendees this year.

Sending our carriage to the city stables, I go to book our rooms at a nearby inn, while Garbhan heads off to handle his business.

The first inn I try is fully booked so I get directions to the next best.

Walking through the city, I spy a marketplace, but it being early in the morning, they were just beginning to set up their stands to sell various products.

I needed to go past to get to the inn, so I was planning on coming back later as I had nothing to do today.

Following the directions given to me, I walk to a two-story wooden house with a sign on their window saying, Helena Inn. I walk in to see an elven woman wiping tables, and another elven guy writing in a book behind a counter.

I approach the man at the counter, "I'd like two rooms for a week with meals."

"That'll be 120 gold, we're just starting on breakfast, which includes fish. If you don't eat fish, we can just not serve it with your meal."

I was sure that I could try fish without it messing up my stomach plus, trying new foods was another reason I was here anyway.

"I would actually like to try it, but if you could, can you put the fish to the side for me. If they're dishes that you can't, I'll just eat it as is."

"Ah the adventurous type, you won't be disappointed in your decision to try our fish sir. If you'll have a seat at a table, your meal will be a long shortly."

I move to an open table near the wall facing the window. The woman comes carrying a tray and sets down a plate with a sunny side up egg, potatoes, asparagus, bread and a cup of fruit juice. There's also a plate of just salmon on it.

She places down a plate of what looks like crepes, which has salmon, cream cheese, and capers in it. Enjoying my meal, I gaze out the window admiring the ocean in the distance as the sun continues to rise.

After eating such a big breakfast, I decide to walk it off by touring the city, determined to relax after training for so long.

I head back to the marketplace to see anything that interests me, but they mostly sold food, so I buy some clothes for the beach.

Leaving the marketplace, I head towards the docks to see how the boats are made in this world. They're slender with only a main sail to move the rest of the ship. Finding a comfortable spot on the beach, I take in the sun and relax.