
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantaisie
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87 Chs

Chapter 15- Super Sage

I hear a light knocking at my door, then notice the sun beginning to peak over the horizon.

Getting up, I crack the door, seeing that it's an already dressed Garbhan, to which I hold the door open for him.

Not moving from where he's standing, "Our appointment for the Crystal is later today, so I was going to take you to go get your daggers at the armory wherever you're ready." He walks downstairs to wait on me, and I throw on a blue t-shirt with jeans and run downstairs excited. Asa sees me about to head out and wishes me a good day, to which I politely wish her one as well.

Heading down the streets Garbhan says quietly, "Your father knows the purpose of this trip so he has graciously provided our budget, so pick whatever daggers you like, we can probably afford them." We come to a building with a wooden sign that has a sword and shield as the picture with the words Armory on top.

Entering the building we see an assortment of weapons, each separated into their own sections. I take a look at the sword section first, to see if there are any katanas but only find double-edged blades and even a scimitar.

I head over to the daggers and see a wide variety of some I didn't even know existed. I pick up one that was labeled 'Poignard' which is a long, thin dagger which I can tell is exclusively used for stabbing.

Deciding that I'd prefer to slash with my dagger, I look at other options. Trying out the different daggers until I get a feel for one, I notice a set of daggers with the label 'Falchion', which are mid-sized, single- edged, slightly curved black blades in a silver handle.

As I try the dagger out it reminds me of a katana but much smaller. Satisfied with my choice, I meet up with Garbhan who is chatting with the shopkeeper.

"Ah the Falchion Blades eh. Good choice, a lot of customers have had their eyes on those blades lately. I'll give them to you for 300 gold."

Before I can ask a question, Garbhan speaks up. "You mean the same Falchion Blades that a blacksmith regarded a failure? The same Falchion Blades that should just be one weapon of the blacksmith hadn't run out of ore while smithing them and last second split the weapon into two? Cause if they're those same blades I'll give you 175."

The shopkeeper straightens his posture as he realizes the how the situation is going. "175? Even if what you claim to know is true, then you know that's too low. 255 is the lowest I'll go."

"215 or we're walking." The shopkeeper thinks for a moment. "Fine, I'll get the sheathes for those blades."

I've never had to buy anything, much less haggle for anything so watching what happened between those two was good for information. He comes back with two brown leather sheathes and Garbhan pays.

I decide to strap one blade over my left waist and the other behind my right shoulder. As we're leaving, I realized suddenly, " Hey Garbhan, won't I need some armor?"

He nudges me towards the less busy side of the street where he quietly says, "Armor is class exclusive, therefore yours is illegal. Your father is handling on getting you some proper armor."

We head towards a large church like building with many elves in white and blue robes are walking around. The holders of the Crystal, who take their job seriously, any offenders who try to harm or steal the Crystal can get killed immediately.

As long as I remain calm, everything will be fine. The Crystal only announces a class at awakening, so I could level without worry. Waiting in line, inwardly I was excited, but I kept a calm demeanor.

Finally, it's my turn for the Crystal and I hold my breath as I approach it. Touching the Crystal, my mind is once again flooded with blue as various text come into view.

[Would you like to upgrade the following spells?

-Enhance Speed Tier 1 LVL 10 to Blessing of the Elk Tier 2

-Enhance Defense Tier 1 LVL 10 to Blessing of Stone Armor Tier 2

-Reduce Speed Tier 1 LVL 10 to Curse of the Tortoise Tier 2

-Mana Control Tier 1 LVL 10 to Mana Manager Tier 2

-Mana Sense Tier 1 LVL 10 to Mana Glimpse Tier 2]

I confirm that I do want to increase them and is now taken to a new menu where their assortment of perks to spend my skill points on. There were over 500 different perks, a lot just repeating stat boosts. Time while leveling worked differently, it was slower out there then here which meant I could take my time reading through them.

I didn't need to take long though, as only four were unique perks which I chose.

-Eternal Sage: Targets retain blessing or curse effect for an additional 3 seconds after the spell ends.

-Sage or Healer?: When a target has 2 or more blessings, begins healing for 15 per second.

- Harrowing Curses: When a target has 2 or more curses, begin to take 10 damage per second.

- Know Thy Enemy: Targets that you successfully sense are identified.

-2x Mana Increase: Increases your mana by 10

-2x Health Increase: Increases you health by 10

[You now have the spells: Blessing of Health Increase Tier 1, Curse of Health Decrease Tier 1]

As I should be done now I mentally prepared to leave the Crystal menu but a notification popped up.

[Congratulations: You have gained the blessing, Glitch in the System

Glitch in the System: When people view into the Crystal, it's limitless potential is too much for mortals to comprehend, therefore, forget what they have seen. A certain god has blessed a certain someone to retain ALL important information allowing them to remember what they shouldn't, therefore causing the system to bug, making ME update after 6000 years. Thanks death. (You can now see numerical values of everyone's status.)]

Coming out of the Crystal menus, I momentarily pause to recollect myself, then quickly walk out the church. Inside my mind, I couldn't help but feel excitement on what the hell just happened.