
Veil Of Nights

What is the meaning of life? family? friends? wealth or health? then what if you got a chance to get one of that but have to sacrifice something important you already have? Is it worth..? If someone agreed with that, forget about being a normal or a good time in the end.. Including sleep. The dream may be a miles away from yours to end. - Jun Gisher -

Luiz_67 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Orphanage Days

In the bustling classroom filled with lively teenagers, there's an enigmatic and aloof presence of 18-year-old boy named Jun, sitting at the back row seat near the window. He has a deep brown eyes and tired sleepless dark circles. His black hair, interspersed with natural silver coloured, indirectly sparkled in the sunlight that shining through the window.

As the friends chatter and laughter filled the air, he remained lost in his own world. Singularly focused and engrossed in his writing, the pages marked with annotations and dog-eared corners. His silence personality and his odd appearance seemed to invite a bad speculation to whoever that tried to be his friend.

While lost in his own thoughts, he feels a wave of breeze as he glanced out of the window to enjoy the expansive clear sky. He shift his sight a second towards his classmate as he take a deep breath.

"How nice today. " he murmured while staring the clouds far above the hill beside the school, then resumed his routine.

Suddenly, a collision disrupted his thoughts. Someone had bumped into his desk. He watched his utensils and book crashed to the floor.

"Owh, sorry man", that boy just stood there and do nothing. Jun eyes stare to the culprit nametag that written 'Eric Dauner'. They made everyone in the class turn and look at them without saying a word. Jun noticed that the situation suddenly became awkward, so he nodded briefly as an answer to the boy.

As he collected his scattered belongings, he continuing to write in his book as if nothing had happened.

Iritated by him, Eric suddenly get his face close to Jun's. "Hey Weirdo.. Are you deaf?" he asked. "Didn't you hear I'm apologizing to you?"

Jun remained silent, a portrait of stoic resilience drawn on his face, he know Eric intentionally did the collision to mess with him, but he refused to let the provocation break his composure.

Sensing his tension growing, Eric decided to escalate the situation, he delivered a sharp slap to Jun's head. "Answer me!" he taunted.

A sudden slap surge an anger and frustration within Jun's chest, his jaw clenching in response of hurt and annoyances. However, Jun still want to remained unresponsive to the provocation. He's waiting for the time to shift itself as he swiftly glanced at the ticking clock and continued his bussines.

The boy, feeling challenged, grew increasingly belligerent. He kicked Jun's chair and taunted, "Who do you think you are to ignore me!!?"

The other students that sit in front of Jun who just arrived, quickly run and trying to calm down the situation. "Hey Eric, that's enough.."

Eric, "Why? Can't i do this to him? 

Boy 2, " I mean.. What is.. " Before he done talking, Eric suddenly lifted his leg and release his self offense art.



The second kick striking hard on Jun's waist, causing him to stumble to the chair. 

"Look, he's nothing than a fxcking nerd!" Eric announced to the class while smirking satisfyingly. 

Jun's patience is wearing thin. He stood up from the floor and stare straight and fiercely towards Eric while holding his fist.

The room became quiet. Some of them were surprised when Jun stepped in front of Eric, their gazes returning with a various feeling towards the two. Jun's expression conveys readiness to face the situation.

Eric scoffed, with one hand kept in his trousers pocket, the other hand poking at Jun's shoulder with his fingers; "What? You want to shoot a laser in my face? Try it then!.."

"Didn't you heard your friend said 'enough'? Are you deaf like me? " Jun said firmly. He know his words wouldn't stop that arrogance creature. But still, it's just his way to hold his anger.

Boy-2 gathered his energy and speak to him again. "Eric, he's right, it's not good to treat someone to that extent. Just let him be." He tried to diffuse the heated zone between the two individuals standing upright while verbally shooting "lasers" at each other.

Eric then laughed sarcastically. He always known as a bully in the class, driven by a desire and curiosity to see how everyone would react to his tantrum. And also because he annoyed, considering that no one dared to disturb Jun all this time, since Jun were unintentionally well-known for being the scariest figures at the school.


His father was the President of the School. Fueled by his father position and privilege, reveled in the control he held over to his self confidence. Despite the opposite treatment he got at home.

His father's role as the President of the School shielded him from consequences, at least from the minor one. Leaving the other students fearful and unable to report his bullying behavior. This only directed his audacity to torment freely on those he deemed inferior. As a result, nobody had the courage to report him to the teachers.

More unfortunately, almost half of the students in the class, including Jun, hailed from the Ozil Orphanage. Their shared background as an orphans made them easy targets for his "mischievous" taunts and actions. Disregarding the impact of his hurtful behavior, he enjoyed provoking them since they had no impact on his nasty behavior. But somehow today, he's more intense than usual.


"Why?!" he chuckled "Why did everyone so scared with this 'freaking nerd' ? Don't you see he's being cocky like he is the only shtt orphans here?" Eric said that out loud while kicking hard on Jun's desk.

Hearing those words, Jun suddenly lose his control and " Thudd! " Jun's head landed on his face. Eric stumbled back upon the effect. 

The room suddenly became chaotic with murmuring voices. They were surprised but only observed with their own expectations to see how the situation would continue.

Although Eric's body was a quarter larger than Jun's, he's no longer cared about their size difference. The hit represented everyone who had been bullied by that kid.

The Boy-2 before, took a step back, surprised by Jun's sudden change in demeanor. He always see him from a distance before, because of Jun's cold image and weird loner habit. No one dared to talk with him, even they're the orphanage roommates. 

Eric leaning on the desk of the next desk, holding his red and throbbing nose from Jun's attack, and the bleed drip out to his hand. He glanced around and noticed the eyes that seemed satisfied with it.

Jun suddenly approaching his face and whispered, "If I really had a laser, your head would've be fuxking holes by now."

"You *%$^#!," Eric quickly retorted, swinging his fist towards Jun. However, the Boy-2, swiftly stepped in and grabbed Eric's hand to restrain him.

Just as the situation seemed about to escalate further, someone entered the room.

"Eric! Jun! What are you doing?!"

(The classroom teacher arrived.)

" What happened here? " she enquired the other students. But no one dared to answer.

They know who starts first, but Eric condition right now is on top of the answers at the time. Some of them wants to help, but they didn't know what to do. At the end they just pretend to not see anything.

"You two come with me!" she said, using a strict voice. Jun followed her without hesitation, while Boy-2 helped Eric, who was feigning dizziness to walk.

"Yuan, take Eric to the nurse office first" the teacher says to the Boy-2.

"Alright..." Yuan nodded. "Jun, you alright? He took Eric's hand while asking Jun beside him.

Jun stared him blankly and nodded as he step out the class to follow the teacher first.

As they walked the hallway, Jun caught a mysterious pitch black smoke at the corner of his eyes enveloping Eric and Yuan from the windows of the class that mirroring them.

He rubbed his eyes to see it clearly, but it's already vanished. He contemplating what he sees all the way.

The teacher's eyes shifts back to Jun's behind her and noticed his forehead that reddened, "Jun... Are you ok..? If you're fine, then follow me.. We'll talk there.."

Jun follows her silently. As the two go straight to the nurse office at the same floor.

At the teachers room, she took a seat on her desk while Jun stood before her.

"So, tell me what happen?" she said, displaying a serious face.

Jun remained silent, his gaze fixed on the ticking clock.

"Jun, look at me. Why did you do this out of the blue? You were a good and silent boy all this time," she said, looking at Jun with determined eyes.

Jun continued to stare at the clock, then finally spoke in a cold tone, "What can you do if I say I'm not guilty?"

The teacher frowned slightly, "Just tell me what happened.."

He take deep inhale and sigh, "Alright.." the teacher had started to get his nerve but he doesn't have another choice than explain. He began recounting the events from the beginning, describing his perspective of the situation.

*A few moments later...*

Teacher: "I understand that you were pushed to your limits, Jun, but resorting violence is never the solution. There are other ways to address conflicts and express your feelings, he's your friends after all and...#/%#&" she's nagging continously for 5 minute that feels like 5 hours standing.

Jun's eyes narrowed, dulled as he listened to the teacher's response. The frustration within him is already burnt-out, but he tried to maintain his composure as possible. 

And at the end, she asking him to say apologies to Eric.

Jun scoffed out, filled with irritation, it make his migraine strikes again. 

"Alright, I'll do that.. Is there anything you want to say again to me? Can i leave now?"

She stared at Jun up and down, noticing his pale face and the dark circles under his eyes. However, she decided to ignore it. "Okay. Make sure you two get along after this. If you don't, this case will get heavy. I know you wouldn't be able to handle it. You can go now."

(bells ringing)

"Don't forget to eat, it's already break time now" she says to Jun and tapping his shoulder.

Jun swiftly walked out from there. 

He quickly descended to the toilet on the lower floors. 

As he pushed open the door and entered, he went straight to the toilet bowl. He began vomiting all of the breakfast he had consumed. His head throbbing hard, spinning as if it would split open any moment.

("It's getting worse than before, If this continues, I'll join with my parents instantly at this age..") he thought, even though it's still whirling as he so tired to use his mouth. 

("Are they'll nag me there..? But, hopefully not today, I've done enough with the nagging") he chuckled while sitting on the floor, staring blankly at the flush.


He exhaled deeply ("That wasn't bad though, i miss their voice") still in his thoughts. He get up unsteadily and left the restroom, and walked out, slow paces.

"Ah, i forgot to flush" he entered again and pushed the button. And walked out slowly and wavering. He tried to keep walking, but his legs gave out and he collapsed to the floor.

As he laid there, his head throbbing even harder. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing. The pain in his head is like dragging him to the another world. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, he heard a voice. Shouting from afar calling his name.

He open his eyes slightly and saw an unknown girl running towards on him in an unstable image.

She had long and dark hime cut hair. She was wearing a school uniform, just like him.

"Who is th..?" His voice was strained, and then suddenly the vision turned red and wavy before turning dark. He fell unconscious right after that.

Hi! Thanks for reading.

The story and the grammar or etc maybe wouldn't be good as you're expected. But, I'll try to fix that over the time.

And, actually the main genre is Drama-mystery before. But I like to try inserting any other genre as well as i could, Heh...

Hope you enjoy reading this..^;^

Luiz_67creators' thoughts