
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantaisie
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236 Chs

Chapter 34: Entering the Cemetery

"Do you mean that Yin Lisha's death was intentional poisoning?" Rayan frowned and asked Mina's mother.

"I can't be sure, and there's no evidence now."

Mina's mother stopped sobbing and lifted her tear-filled eyes. "Your Excellency, I also thought about confessing this to Morien, but since my sister died, he has completely lost his mind. I'm afraid that if he knew, he would blame me for delaying my sister's diagnosis and treatment. I... I also have a child..."

"I understand."

Rayan gave her a comforting look. "Do you remember any characteristics of that person?"

Mina's mother tried to recall, then gently shook her head. "I didn't see his face at the time; I just felt like it was a man, with long fingers, like eagle claws. If you ask about characteristics, the bird that flew away left a deep impression on me, its pair of wings painted with some strange symbols."

Rayan felt the situation was unexpectedly complex. Mina's mother was wiping her tears, looking sincere, not like her cunning husband, but her words might not be completely credible. Perhaps her vision was blurred, or maybe she was overwrought with grief at her sister's death, leading to delusions. After all, a man who could transform into a bird...

Rayan took a deep breath and decided to put this issue aside for now, waiting to seek answers from Duke later. The urgent matter was to learn more about the situation between Morien and Yin Lisha.

"Did you see Yin Lisha after she was resurrected?"

"Only once, on the day Yin Lisha was resurrected."

Mina's mother's eyes were misty as she said: "Morien wouldn't allow the villagers to bury Yin Lisha. He took back the body and stayed indoors. Three days later, he brought the charming Yin Lisha back in front of everyone. Everyone was shocked; by then, Morien was like a god to us. But from my sister's beautiful golden pupils, I saw something unfamiliar. I mean, although she still smiled at me, calling me dear sister, asking about Mina's growth as if she had just returned from a trip abroad, I still sensed something off about my sister — Your Excellency, please believe me, I love my sister, and when she was resurrected, I dare say no one was happier than me, not even Morien's love for her could match a sister's love for her sister. Yet, my ecstatic joy did not get the response it should have from her. She did not rush to hug me, did not wipe the tears from my eyes, telling me not to worry... From then on, I started to suspect that she was no longer Yin Lisha."

"Since then, I've wanted to see my sister again, but Morien always found various excuses to keep me out. Then, grave robbing began to occur in the village cemetery; many villagers' relatives' bodies were dug up, leaving only skeletons... My husband and other villagers formed a night watchmen group, ambushing around the cemetery..."

Mina's mother could not continue; she covered her face, sobbing again.

After that, Rayan could imagine the rest, and the whole incident's framework became clear in his mind. He believed that if Morien could use evil means to resurrect Yin Lisha once, then it was very likely he could do it a second time, and his mission must also be related to this.

Mina's father, carrying a bunch of things, entered with a triumphant smile, but seeing his sobbing wife and Rayan's furrowed brow, his smile froze.

"You wretched woman, how dare you cry in front of our esteemed guest? I see you don't want to live!"

He harshly set down the things and raised his hand to hit Mina's mother.


Rayan quickly grabbed Mina's father's wrist, his Battle Qi bursting out, a red light appearing unexpectedly even to himself, as he hadn't anticipated his Battle Qi to gather back so quickly.

Mina's father emitted a lamb-like trembling moan, his thick neck turning red with pain, unable to utter a complete sentence.

Instead, Mina's mother pleaded urgently to Rayan for her husband, "Your Excellency, please don't hurt him, I've told you everything I know..."

Rayan's anger was hard to calm, but he caught sight of Mina peeking from behind the door, her big eyes watching everything.

Punishing her father in front of the child would be very cruel. Rayan quickly let go of his hand, lowered his voice and said to Mina's father, "Don't let me see you hitting your wife again."

"Yes, yes!"

Mina's father nodded like pounding garlic. "Your Excellency, you are truly magnanimous..."

Mina's mother wiped away her tears, hurriedly laid out a lavish spread of dishes on the table, and poured a full glass of wine for Rayan, then stepped aside and softly said, "Your Excellency, please enjoy your meal."

Rayan looked puzzled at them, "Why don't you sit down?"

Mina's father chuckled bitterly, "How dare we sit at the same table to eat with Your Excellency? By the way, that great sword behind Your Excellency, do you need help placing it?"

"No need."

Rayan said sternly. The pain of losing the Twilight Blade was deep, and he would never allow such a thing to happen again. "Sit down and eat together."

"We dare not, dare not..."

"Sit down!"

Rayan pushed a chair towards Mina's father with his foot, turned back and waved at Mina, who was peeking outside, "Little sister, come eat too."

Seeing her parents sitting down, Mina nervously bit her finger and shyly stepped out from behind the door, taking a seat next to her mother.

Dinner was very quiet, the Mina family dared not speak lightly, just focusing on their food. These dishes were something they could not normally afford, so even their chewing and swallowing were exceptionally meticulous. On the other hand, Rayan was the opposite; his mind was occupied with what task Morien would assign him next, so he merely tasted the exquisite food on the table.

Mina's father stealthily observed Rayan's indifferent expression, sighing quietly, thinking Rayan really was a noble young master, not even caring for such fine food.

After the meal, the sky had completely darkened. Mina's mother hurriedly went to prepare Rayan's room, returning breathless and sweating, "Your Excellency, there's no suitable place in the house, only the upstairs attic is still clean and tidy, I hope you don't mind."

Rayan thanked her, then walked towards the attic.

The staircase was narrow, and the wooden boards were not very sturdy, creaking underfoot.

The attic room had a low ceiling; Rayan had to bend his head to avoid hitting it as he entered. The only furnishing was a pile of thick hay with clean, neat bedding laid on top. A thick stub of tallow candle was on the low windowsill. Rayan lit it with the candle in his hand, bolted the door, and finally laid down his heavy sword, lying down on the soft bedding in his clothes.

Though the conditions were modest, it was evident the hostess had made a great effort. Rayan closed his eyes, cleared his mind of all distractions, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, when Rayan got up, the candle on the windowsill had already burned out, and a thick fog still enveloped the village. He slung on the black giant sword, took an apple and a pickaxe, and walked out of the low attic, stretching his limbs broadly.

"Good morning, Your Excellency."

Mina's mother courteously greeted, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Rayan nodded, "Very well, thank you for your hospitality. May I ask, I'd like to visit the cemetery, how do I get there?"

"The cemetery?"

A trace of surprise flashed across Mina's mother's face. "Your Excellency, why would you want to go to such a place?"

"Just out of curiosity, I want to see the place where Yin Lisha is buried," Rayan replied.

Mina's mother nodded, "The path to the cemetery is quite complicated. My husband left early for duty, and I can't leave the house, so I'll have Mina take you there. Also, I made some dry food from last night's dinner leftovers for you to eat on the way."

"Thank you."

Mina's mother handed the packet of dry food to Rayan, then called out her daughter to lead Rayan to the Dusk Village cemetery.

Along the way, Mina was like a cheerful little deer, bouncing and hopping ahead, stopping to play with something interesting, picking a pretty flower to stick in her hair, and occasionally turning back to make a cute face at Rayan. Rayan didn't mind, just leisurely following behind Mina.

After about twenty minutes, Mina raised her little hand, pointing to an iron fence, and said, "Big brother, that's our village cemetery."

"Thank you, Mina."

Rayan said, "Alright, this is no place for little kids, you should go back now."

Mina pouted softly in protest, "Brother isn't much older."

Rayan smiled lightly, "I'm ten years older than you."

"Yin Lisha aunt and Morien are also ten years apart, and they are husband and wife," Mina said.

Rayan didn't quite know how to explain the difference between the two situations, he patted Mina's hair, "Go back, don't make your mother worry."

Mina then reluctantly turned around, not walking far before twisting back to give Rayan a sweet smile, "Thank you, big brother."

"For what?" Rayan asked, puzzled.

"For not hitting my dad."

After saying this, Mina bounced off into the mist.

Rayan shook his head with a resigned smile and turned to walk into the cemetery.

The cemetery was quiet, rows of tombstones standing tall amidst the thick fog. Rayan slightly frowned, unsure of where Yin Lisha was buried.

"Stranger, are you lost?"

A chilling voice sounded from behind, almost giving Rayan a big scare.

"Who are you?"

Rayan's hand involuntarily reached for the hilt of the black giant sword, having not had a chance to test it since he carried it.

"Hehe, I am one of the night watchmen here, and who might you be?"

The speaker was tall and thin, with a fox-like face, a pointed nose, and messy hair. He looked Rayan up and down with narrow eyes, as if sizing him up like a piece of prime cured meat.

Upon learning the other party was one of Dusk Village's night watchmen, Rayan took his hand off the sword hilt.

"I am... a guest at Mina's house."