
Vast Sea Visualization

In a world where magic meets the mind's vast expanse, Lucas, reborn as Harry Potter, wields the power of visualization to master his emotions and wandless magic. With a tranquil sea as his mental fortress, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and magical mastery.

Evoxius · Livres et littérature
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84 Chs

Lifespan Exhaustion

With a soft pop, Albus Dumbledore apparated away from Hogwarts' ancient stone walls. The Scottish highlands faded, replaced by the rolling hills and vineyards of the French countryside.

A quaint, ivy-covered cottage stood nestled in a secluded valley. As Dumbledore approached, the engraved door swung open, and he stepped inside. The air was thick with scents of aged parchment and simmering potions.

A reedy voice called out, "Albus, my friend!" Nicolas's voice carried warmth. "We've been expecting you."

Dumbledore followed the sound into a cozy sitting room dominated by a massive stone fireplace. Flames crackled merrily in the hearth, casting a warm, flickering glow over the room's occupants.

Nicolas Flamel sat hunched in an armchair, swathed in blankets. His face was deeply creased, skin papery thin, and tufts of white hair clung to his spotted head. His sunken eyes spoke of centuries of weariness, and even wrapped in layers, he looked frailer than a dried leaf.

Beside him sat Perenelle, Nicolas's wife of over six centuries. She too was wrapped in blankets, her silver hair hanging in lank strands around her wizened face. Though her eyes burned with an inner fire, the lines etched into her features spoke of a profound weariness.

"Nicolas, Perenelle," Dumbledore greeted them warmly, settling into a squashy armchair opposite the ancient couple. "You're looking well."

Nicolas gave a wheezy chuckle that quickly devolved into a rattling cough. "Ever the diplomat, Albus," he rasped once the spasm had passed. "We are breathing, at least. For now."

Perenelle tutted softly, reaching out to pat her husband's gnarled hand. "Don't mind him, Albus," she said in a voice little more than a croak. "You know how dramatic he can be in his old age."

Despite her teasing tone, Dumbledore could see the tiredness etched into the lines of her face. The Elixir of Life may have sustained the Flamels for centuries, but even its power had limits against the ravages of true old age.

"I trust your journey was an easy one?" Nicolas asked as his milky eyes fixed on Dumbledore. "The wards around our home are strong, but they cannot totally conceal us from those who know where to look."

Dumbledore nodded, reaching into the folds of his robe to withdraw a small cloth bundle. "The journey was swift and untroubled, my friend," he assured the ancient alchemist. "Though I did take certain...precautions to ensure my arrival went unnoticed."

With deft fingers, he unwrapped the bundle to reveal the glittering ruby surface of the Philosopher's Stone nestled within. Its multifaceted planes seemed to glow from some inner light source, pulsing faintly in the firelight.

Nicolas's eyes widened at the sight of the Philosopher's Stone. His tongue darted out, wetting his cracked lips. "You have it, then," he breathed, sounding almost reverent. "The culmination of centuries of study and labour, finally returned to its creators."

Carefully, Dumbledore lifted the priceless artifact and held it out to the withered alchemist. Nicolas's fingers, twisted and gnarled like ancient tree roots, traced the facets of the Philosopher's Stone, and his clouded eyes lowered.

"I cannot thank you enough, Nicolas," Dumbledore said softly, "for entrusting me with the Stone's safekeeping these past months. I know full well the sacrifices you have made to aid me in this endeavour."

"Think nothing of it, Albus," Nicolas waved away his pupil's gratitude with a skeletal hand, his voice growing stronger as if drawing vitality from the Stone's presence. "You and I both know there are greater forces at work than mere immortality."

His cloudy gaze sharpened, boring into Dumbledore with an intensity that contradicted his frail appearance. "You would not have asked for the Stone if the situation were not dire. Voldemort stirs once more, does he not?"

At the utterance of the Dark Lord's name, Perenelle flinched, her grip on Nicolas's arm tightening. The flames guttered, casting deeper shadows that accentuated the lines etched into their ancient faces. Woodsmoke stung Dumbledore's eyes, and he blinked rapidly as embers danced in the air.

At last, Dumbledore nodded and his expression grew somber. "I fear it is so, Nicolas," he said heavily. "We have...contained what remains of Voldemort's spirit for the time being. But it is only a temporary solution."

Perenelle made a soft noise of dismay, clutching her husband's arm. Nicolas simply stared at Dumbledore, his gaze sharpening. "Tell me everything."

Shadows seemed to elongate as he recounted that fateful night in Godric's Hollow - the ruined cottage, the slaughtered Potters, and the inexplicable rebounding of the Killing Curse that rent Voldemort from his physical form. Of the Dark Lord's containment within the hallowed halls of the Ministry itself, the subsequent attempts to toss him into the Veil of Death, and the discovery that he has made an Horcrux.

"A Horcrux," Nicolas breathed when Dumbledore had finished. "He created a Horcrux..."

Perenelle crossed herself, muttering a brief prayer under her breath. Even in their centuries of studying the magic arts, the very concept of a Horcrux was considered an abomination - a perversion of nature itself.

"We know he succeeded in creating at least one," Dumbledore confirmed grimly. "Though given Voldemort's obsession with immortality, I fear there may be more."

Nicolas shook his head slowly in revulsion. "To rend one's soul in such a manner..." His voice was thick with disgust. "Voldemort has damned himself in the pursuit of power."

Perenelle stirred beside him. "Such a vile act..." She shuddered, pulling her shawl tighter. "To think of the depravity one must embrace..."

"Which is why I have come to you, my friend," Dumbledore pressed on. "The Ministry has Voldemort's spirit contained for now, but we both know such measures will not hold him forever. Not with the anchors his Horcruxes provide."

He leaned forward, his blue eyes intense behind his half-moon spectacles. "I was hoping, Nicolas, that in your many centuries of study, you may have uncovered some lore or knowledge that could aid us. A way to utterly destroy Voldemort's soul, Horcruxes or no, so that he can never threaten the world again."

Nicolas's gnarled fingers traced the Stone's facets as a weary sigh escaped his cracked lips. The cottage filled with the soft crunch of parchment as Nicolas shifted in his chair, the sound mingling with the crackle of the fire. "I'm afraid I have no easy answers, Albus." His rheumy eyes met Dumbledore's gaze. "The path you seek is dark and twisted, little-trod by even the most learned."

The ancient alchemist lifted his head, and his old eyes bored into Dumbledore's. "A Horcrux, by its very nature, anchors the soul to the mortal plane through the darkest of rituals. So long as even a single one remains intact, Voldemort's spirit can never truly be destroyed or banished."

Perenelle stirred, her own voice a reedy whisper. "Perhaps...entrapment?" Perenelle's voice was tinged with uncertainty as she offered the suggestion. "If his spirit could be bound to an object, or a living host..."

But Nicolas was already shaking his head. "A temporary solution at best," he said with certainty. "You know as well as I that no prison can hold one as powerful and determined as Voldemort forever. He would find a way to escape eventually, and when he did..."

The unspoken horror of that possibility hung in the air, thick and suffocating. The thought of the Dark Lord returning after centuries of confinement with his power amplified to terrifying heights sent a shiver down Dumbledore's spine.

Nicolas paused as his gaze drifted to the flickering flames. "As loathe as I am to admit it..." His voice took on a weary tone. "I fear the path before you is clear, Albus. If you wish to ensure Voldemort's permanent destruction..." He met Dumbledore's gaze with intense eyes. "You must first find and destroy every last fragment of his shattered soul."

A log shifted, sending up a swirl of embers that danced in the air currents. Perenelle stirred beside him as her hand tightened on his arm.

He held up the Philosopher's Stone, letting it catch the firelight. "Only then, when he is left utterly unmoored, can his spirit be banished or destroyed for good. It is a monumental task, one that may take decades or even centuries to complete. But I fear it is the only way."

Nicolas fell silent, his rheumy eyes growing distant as he stared into the dancing flames. Perenelle reached out with her age-spotted hand trembling as she placed it over her husband's gnarled fingers.

"The path before you is grave indeed, Albus," she said, the firelight casting her face in an almost skull-like relief. A brittle chuckle escaped her thin lips. "Though I suppose grave matters are all an old woman like myself can expect at this age."

"But, you have our support," she croaked. "For as long as these weary bones still draw breath."

A heavy silence descended upon the ancient cottage, broken only by the crackling flames in the hearth. Nicolas nodded his head slowly, the firelight glinting off the gossamer strands of white hair clinging to his scalp. He opened his mouth to speak, but was seized by a rattling cough that racked his frail body. Perenelle leaned forward, concern etching her features as she gripped his arm.

Dumbledore's gaze lingered on the Philosopher's Stone, its ruby facets glinting in the firelight. Nicolas followed his line of sight, a flicker of uncertainty passing over his weathered features before he gave an almost imperceptible nod.

At last, Dumbledore spoke with grim resignation. "Then that is the path I must walk," he said solemnly. "No matter how long or arduous, I will not rest until every last anchor holding Voldemort to this world is severed. Only then can we truly be free of his evil."

The crackling flames cast flickering shadows across Nicolas's wizened face, accentuating the deep grooves etched by time. The scent of burning oak mingled with the aroma of ancient books, enveloping the cottage in a comforting embrace.

Nicolas regarded his old friend with eyes that had seen centuries of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. Slowly, he nodded in silent understanding and respect.

Dumbledore's eyes shone with warmth as he regarded the ancient couple. He clasped Nicolas's hand tightly, swallowing hard against the tightness in his throat. "Thank you, my friends," he said affectionately. "Your counsel means more to me than I can say. I must return to Hogwarts...the weight of this task is immense, but your wisdom gives me strength."

Nicolas and Perenelle nodded solemnly. As Dumbledore made his way to the door, the ancient alchemist called out one final time.

"Albus!" His voice was strong, the rasp gone. "When the time comes...do what must be done. Show no mercy, for Voldemort has long forsaken any claim to such human decency."


The soft glow of the enchanted lanterns cast flickering shadows across the Hufflepuff dormitory, illuminating the peaceful slumber of Lucas's dorm-mates. Their steady breathing filled the air, punctuated by the occasional snore or sleepy murmur as they dreamed.

Lucas lay motionless in his four-poster bed, emerald eyes open and alert as he listened intently to the quiet sounds of the night. Beside him, Justin's blond head was barely visible beneath the tangled mess of blankets. Across the room, Neville's round cheeks twitched slightly while his brow was furrowed as if lost in some fitful dream.

Satisfied that his dorm-mates were truly asleep, Lucas made himself invisible, thermally camouflaged and silent, and slipped out from beneath his covers. His bare feet ghosted across the cool stone floor, not even a whisper of sound betraying his movements, and he paused for a heartbeat, straining his senses for any sign of disturbance.

When none came, and clad in nothing but his pyjamas, Lucas crept towards the dormitory door with light, soundless steps. A flicker of magic deadened any ambient noise that might give him away, ensuring his passage remained utterly silent.

The weighty wooden door swung open silently, revealing the darkened stairwell beyond its threshold. Lucas slipped through the gap, pulling the door shut behind him with a mere thought.

Down in the Hufflepuff common room, the dying embers of the fireplace cast a soft, ruddy glow across the overstuffed armchairs and squashy poufs. Delicate shadows danced across the walls, thrown into stark relief by the stained-glass windows that looked out over the grounds.

Lucas drifted through the deserted space like a wraith with muffled footfalls because of the plush carpet. He paused in the center of the room, allowing the thermal currents to flow towards him to ensure the coast was clear.

Reaching into the pocket of his pajama bottoms, Lucas withdrew a slender length of polished pine wood – his wand. With a deft twirl, he levitated it up and out of sight, stowing it safely in the shadowed rafters overhead for later retrieval.

Next, Lucas pulled open the flap of his pouch, retrieving a neatly folded bundle of clothes. The garments floated in the air and unfurled themselves, ready for him to slip into with practiced ease.

Moments later, Lucas was dressed in a pair of black jeans, sturdy boots, and a plain grey shirt that hung loose on his slender frame. A hooded jumper completed the ensemble, the dark fabric helping him blend into the shadows as he moved towards the barrel-shaped entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.

With a distorted and whispered command, the lid swung open, granting Lucas access to the darkened corridor beyond. He slipped through the gap, pulling it shut behind him with a thought that sealed it tight once more.

The castle was utterly still at this late hour, the torches burning low in their sconces as Lucas made his way through the winding passages and down multiple moving stairs. The various paintings were vast asleep in their portraits.

At last, he reached the broad staircase that would take him up to the Entrance Hall and out onto the grounds. Lucas paused at the base of the steps, leaning back against the cool stone wall as he withdrew a piece of parchment from his pocket.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he murmured, tapping the aged paper with one magic-imbued finger.

At once, spidery lines began to bleed across the surface, spreading and intersecting in a dizzying array of pathways. Within moments, the entire expanse of Hogwarts Castle had been meticulously mapped out in glowing ink – every corridor, every classroom, every hidden alcove rendered in perfect detail.

Hundreds of tiny footprints appeared next, scattered across the map and labeled with a seemingly endless litany of names. Lucas's eyes roved over the parchment, searching...

There. No sign of Albus Dumbledore anywhere on the grounds. Even more perfect than anticipated.

Tucking the Marauder's Map safely away once more, Lucas turned his attention towards the grounds. Through the high windows, he could just make out the twisted silhouette of the Whomping Willow thrashing in the darkness.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Lucas's mouth as he contemplated the path ahead. Slipping through the shadows, he made his way outside with the silent grace of a prowling cat with his senses alert for any potential threats.

The grounds were bathed in inky blackness, the moon obscured by thick banks of cloud that scudded across the night sky. A chill wind whipped at Lucas's jumper as he approached the violent tree, but he paid it no mind as his gaze fixed upon the gnarled roots with an intense focus.

Lucas conjured a dozen smooth stones and banished them towards the trunk in rapid succession. Each one struck a different knot with pinpoint accuracy, freezing the Willow's thrashing branches in an instant.

Not wasting a second, Lucas darted forward and slipped through the gap, disappearing into the narrow tunnel that burrowed beneath the tree's grasping roots.

The passage was pitch-black, the dank air thick with the musty scent of earth and mold. Lucas moved forward cautiously, one hand trailing along the rough stone wall as he navigated the winding path.

At last, a faint glow appeared up ahead – the first signs of the Shrieking Shack's dilapidated interior. Lucas emerged into the dusty sitting room as his gaze roved over the shredded furniture and deep gouges that scored the walls.

Pulling a slender wand that came from the Ukrainian wizard from his pocket, Lucas focused his intent, picturing his desired destination with crystal clarity. There was a loud CRACK as the air was violently displaced, and suddenly he found himself standing in the shadowed streets of a small rural town on the outskirts of London.

Rusty farm equipment lay strewn about the overgrown fields, their paint peeling and faded with neglect. Lucas moved with purpose now, striding across the uneven ground towards a ramshackle wooden structure. Despite the late hour, the soft clucking of slumbering hens drifted from within.

With a subtle wave of his hand, the rotting door swung inward on creaky hinges, granting Lucas entry. He slipped inside, and was once more glad for his Wristband of Air Purification, as he could imagine the stench of chicken drippings that must be infused within this place. The dim interior was illuminated only by a few errant shafts of moonlight filtering through the cracks in the weathered walls.

Dozens of feathered forms huddled together in the shadowy nests that lined the coop with their beady eyes closed in peaceful sleep. Only the occasional sleepy ruffle of feathers or soft coo broke the stillness as Lucas moved deeper into the musty confines.

His emerald gaze roved over the drowsing flock, searching... There. In one of the larger nests, a pair of proud roosters slumbered amidst their harem of hens. Their crimson combs lay flat against their heads, no longer standing tall with bravado in the quiet of night.

Lucas's eyes narrowed as he lashed out with his magic, plucking one of the roosters from the nest and drawing it towards him in a swirl of straw and ruffled feathers. The hapless bird startled awake with a muffled squawk, beating its wings furiously as it found itself suspended in midair before the young wizard.

Another pulse of magic stilled the rooster's struggles, a band of force clamping its beak shut as a potent Silencing Spell was applied to the creature at the same time. The rest of the flock stirred fitfully at the disturbance, but didn't fully rouse from their slumber.

Satisfied, Lucas turned on his heel once more, twisting space itself as he pictured the Shrieking Shack in his mind's eye. There was a final, resonant CRACK of displaced air, and suddenly he found himself back amidst the shack's dusty confines, rooster in tow.

Not wasting a moment, Lucas retraced his steps through the narrow tunnel, emerging out onto the grounds once more. The Whomping Willow still stood frozen, its branches locked in an unnatural stillness. 

Casting his gaze upwards, Lucas took in the stark silhouette of Hogwarts castle looming against the night sky. The path ahead was clear with his prize secured.

It was time to face the monster that lurked within the Chamber of Secrets.