
Vast Sea Visualization

In a world where magic meets the mind's vast expanse, Lucas, reborn as Harry Potter, wields the power of visualization to master his emotions and wandless magic. With a tranquil sea as his mental fortress, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and magical mastery.

Evoxius · Livres et littérature
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84 Chs

Beyond Prodigy

In the pre-dawn hours, a soft, contemplative light filtered through the windows of Lucas's study, casting a gentle glow across the room. The space blended 1980s technology with signs of advanced scientific understanding, featuring wooden shelves lined with books, a state-of-the-art computer for the year 1986, and walls adorned with diagrams and computational models.

Lucas stood at the centre of his study with his gaze fixed on the newly awarded plaque in his hands. The plaque, a recognition of his groundbreaking advancements in climate prediction models, felt cool and substantial in his grasp. He traced his fingers along the engraved letters, the corners of his mouth lifting almost imperceptibly as he read his name etched into the metal.

With a steady hand, Lucas placed the plaque among the other awards on the shelf, each one a symbol of his achievements across various scientific disciplines. His emerald eyes lingered on the collection, a quiet intensity in his gaze as he considered the broader implications of his work.

These awards are more than mere accolades, he mused. They are stepping stones, markers on the path to a greater purpose.

One of Lucas's ambitions was twofold: to achieve unparalleled status and to ensure that the Earth remained habitable for his future indefinite lifespan. He had leveraged his knowledge from 2024 to accelerate scientific advancements across multiple fields, aiming to be recognized as a modern-day Da Vinci. Despite his youth, he had already made significant contributions to various disciplines, and he planned to continue using his advanced understanding to positively impact technological progress.

He turned away from the shelf, and his eyes fell upon the ordinary notebook resting on his desk. To the untrained eye, it appeared to be nothing more than a simple, mundane object. However, Lucas knew that within its pages, the Elemental Sphere lay hidden, a powerful artifact that he had painstakingly crafted to aid him in his magical pursuits.

With a subtle flick of his wrist, Lucas summoned the notebook to his hand, the pages rustling softly as it floated through the air. He ran his fingers along the cover, feeling the faint thrum of magic that pulsed beneath the leather.

Setting the notebook back on the desk, Lucas sat down on his chair and paused for a moment with his fingers poised on the keyboard.

My growing influence and access to important figures will be critical to my future plans, he pondered, and his eyes narrowed slightly. The ability to subtly align others to my vision through Legilimency will be crucial as I grow older and more powerful.

Lucas began to type, his fingers moving swiftly across the keys. The soft clicking of the keyboard filled the room as he worked on transcribing his next model. He knew that his interdisciplinary scientific contributions were key to ensuring his future status and would improve the Earth's sustainability as well.

While he worked, Lucas became aware of a familiar presence in the room. Nyx, his loyal grass snake companion, had slithered silently into the study while her scales caught the soft light of the breaking dawn. She coiled herself on the corner of the desk with her unblinking eyes fixed upon Lucas as he typed.

No words were exchanged between them, but Lucas could sense the quiet understanding that passed between him and his serpentine friend.

When the first rays of the rising sun began to filter through the windows, casting a golden glow across the room, Lucas leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting to the horizon beyond the glass. The world outside was still, the silence broken only by the distant chirping of birds heralding the new day.

It's about time for that conference…

With a final, appraising glance at his study, Lucas rose from his chair. He reached for his jacket, slipping it on with a fluid motion, and made his way towards the door.


The vigorous energy of the global environmental conservation conference filled the air as Lucas stepped out of his sleek, black car.

A throng of reporters and attendees surged forward with their cameras flashing and voices rising in a burst of questions and exclamations. Lucas's bodyguards moved swiftly, forming a protective barrier around the young prodigy as he made his way towards the entrance of the sprawling convention centre.

The clamour of the crowd seemed to fade into the background as he approached the entrance, while his thoughts turned to the presentation he was about to deliver.

Lucas stepped through the doors, and a distinguished-looking official from the conference organizing committee greeted him with a warm smile and a firm handshake.

"Mr. Potter, it's an honour to have you with us today," the official said with a respectful tone. "Please, allow me to escort you to the main auditorium."

Lucas nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he followed the official through the busy corridors of the convention centre. The walls were adorned with vibrant posters and displays showcasing the latest advancements in environmental conservation.

When they entered the main auditorium, Lucas took in the impressive sight before him. The room was vast, with a soaring ceiling and new technology integrated seamlessly into the design. The stage, bathed in a soft, warm light, stood at the front of the room, flanked by large screens that displayed the conference logo and the names of the esteemed speakers.

The auditorium was filled to capacity, with attendees from all corners of the globe eagerly awaiting the commencement of the conference. The low hum of conversation filled the air, along with the occasional burst of laughter or the rustle of papers as people settled into their seats.

The conference began, and a number of presenters took to the stage, each sharing their insights and expertise on various aspects of environmental conservation. Lucas listened intently, processing it with a keen, analytical eye.

He made mental notes of the key points, already considering how he could incorporate them into his own work and future initiatives. Then, the moment arrived.

The presenter at the podium cleared his throat and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to introduce our next speaker, a true luminary in the field of science and a tireless advocate for environmental conservation. Despite his young age of just six years old, he has already made groundbreaking contributions to multiple scientific disciplines, advancing progress in each field by years. Please join me in welcoming the renowned prodigy, Harry Potter!"

The auditorium erupted in applause as Lucas rose from his seat and made his way towards the stage. As he ascended the steps, the technicians quickly adjusted the microphone stand to accommodate his small stature. Lucas approached the podium, emerald eyes scanning the audience before him.

He took a moment to compose himself with his hands resting lightly on the sides of the podium. "Thank you for that kind introduction," Lucas began confidently. "I am honoured to be here today, among so many brilliant minds and passionate advocates for our planet's future."

Lucas paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping across the attentive faces before him. "Before I begin, I would like to take a moment to address the recent tragedy at Chernobyl. The loss of life and the environmental devastation caused by this nuclear accident serve as a morbid reminder of the inherent risks associated with nuclear energy. While we mourn those who have been lost, we must also use this tragedy as a catalyst for change, to re-evaluate our reliance on potentially dangerous energy sources and to seek out safer, more sustainable alternatives."

Though I don't believe any of it myself… nobody will listen to a word I say if I speak of the benefits of nuclear energy at such a time.

While Lucas spoke, the audience leaned forward in their seats, hanging on his every word. His voice, though young, carried a weight and authority beyond his age.

"The challenges we face in ensuring a sustainable future for our planet are complex and multifaceted," he continued as he stepped into the heart of his presentation.

"One of the most pressing issues is our dependence on finite resources, such as oil and gas. Not only are these resources rapidly depleting, but they also contribute significantly to the degradation of our environment." Lucas's eyes shone with a quiet intensity as he spoke, and his passion for the subject was clear in every word.

"However, there is hope on the horizon. The rapid advancements in renewable energy technologies, particularly solar panels and wind turbines, offer us a path forward. As these technologies become more efficient and cost-effective, they will increasingly outcompete fossil fuels, not only in terms of environmental impact but also in terms of economic viability." He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"In my recent paper on battery technology, I have proposed a series of hypotheses that, if confirmed through rigorous experimentation, could revolutionize the way we store and utilize energy. By developing advanced battery systems capable of storing larger amounts of energy more efficiently, we can unlock the full potential of renewable energy sources, making them a reliable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels." As Lucas spoke, the screens behind him came to life, displaying graphs and diagrams that illustrated the key points of his presentation.

The audience watched as he outlined the potential impact of his research on the future of energy production and storage.

"The path ahead is not without its challenges," Lucas acknowledged solemnly. "But I firmly believe that by investing in research, fostering collaboration across disciplines, and embracing innovative solutions, we can create a future in which our planet thrives, and our energy needs are met in a sustainable and responsible manner."

He looked out at the audience. "The decisions we make today will shape the world we leave for future generations. It is our responsibility, as scientists, policymakers, and global citizens, to act with foresight and courage, to prioritize the health of our planet and the well-being of all its inhabitants."

Lucas concluded his presentation, and the auditorium erupted in a standing ovation. The audience rose to their feet, and their applause thundered through the room. Lucas stood at the podium, a subtle smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he acknowledged the audience's response with a slight nod of his head.

The applause continued for several moments. When the clapping began to subside, the conference moderator stepped forward, shaking Lucas's hand firmly. "Thank you, Mr. Potter, for that truly enlightening presentation," the moderator said with a smile on his face. "Your insights into the future of energy storage and the potential of renewable technologies are nothing short of groundbreaking."

Lucas inclined his head slightly, his eyes meeting the moderator's gaze. "Thank you," he replied. "It is my hope that the ideas presented here today will inspire further research and collaboration, guiding us towards a more sustainable future."

Lucas stepped down from the stage, and was immediately surrounded by attendees eager to express their appreciation and discuss his presentation further. He navigated the crowd carefully, his small hand extended to shake the hands of those who approached him.

Among the attendees was Dr. Amelia Novak, a renowned materials scientist whose work on advanced battery technologies had garnered significant attention in recent years. She approached Lucas with eyes alight with curiosity. "Mr. Potter," she began, "I must commend you on your groundbreaking work. Your paper on the potential of solid-state electrolytes and nano-structured electrodes has already had a profound impact on the field."

Lucas met her gaze. "Thank you, Dr. Novak," he replied. "I believe that by pushing the boundaries of materials science and embracing innovative design principles, we can improve energy storage technologies significantly."

The day progressed, and the conference continued with presentations and panel discussions, each building upon the themes and ideas introduced by Lucas. The atmosphere was electric, and the attendees were buzzing with excitement.

When the final presentation drew to a close, the conference organizers invited the speakers and attendees to a reception, an opportunity to network and continue the discussions in a more informal setting. Lucas made his way through the crowd to the reception hall.

The reception hall was a grand space, with high ceilings and elegant décor. Waiters circulated through the room, offering hors d'oeuvres and drinks to the attendees.

Lucas walked into the room when he was approached by a group of executives from a major energy company who had expressions full of scepticism. "Mr. Potter," one of the executives began gruffly, "while your presentation was certainly impressive, I must admit that I have my doubts about the viability of renewable energy sources in the long term. Fossil fuels have been the backbone of our energy infrastructure for decades, and I believe nuclear energy will definitely be very important for our future."

You're completely right about nuclear energy, but I can't allow that train of thought right now. If I had the knowledge, I would've pursued nuclear energy with all I have, but I didn't have a hobby of reading papers on nuclear technology in my previous life, so renewables it is for now.

Lucas regarded the executive calmly. "I understand your perspective," he replied. "However, the data suggests that the transition to renewable energy sources is not only necessary but also inevitable. The declining costs of solar and wind power, coupled with advancements in energy storage technologies, are already making renewables increasingly competitive with fossil fuels."

As he spoke, Lucas subtly extended his Legilimency, his mind brushing against the executive's thoughts. He could sense the man's deep-seated attachment to the fossil fuel industry. With a delicate touch, Lucas began to shift the executive's perspective, planting seeds of doubt about the long-term viability of fossil fuels and highlighting the potential of renewable alternatives.

The executive's brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "I suppose there is merit to what you're saying," he conceded. "Perhaps it is time for us to re-evaluate our position and consider investing more heavily in renewable technologies."

Lucas nodded, a subtle smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I believe that companies that embrace the transition to renewables will be well-positioned for success in the coming years," he said assuredly. "By investing in research and development, and by collaborating with innovators like yourself, we can accelerate the shift towards a more sustainable energy future."

The conversation stopped soon after, and Lucas moved through the room, engaging with other attendees and subtly influencing their perspectives through a combination of persuasive arguments and delicate applications of Legilimency. He could sense the shifting tide of opinion, as more and more people began to embrace the potential of renewable energy and question their reliance on fossil fuels.

The reception soon drew to a close, and with a final, appraising glance at the room, Lucas made his way towards the exit.


The Sixth Form classroom at The Perse School, Upper School, buzzed with the low hum of conversation as students huddled around their desks. The room was divided into groups of four, each tasked with tackling a complex math project that would have challenged even the most gifted students in the school.

Amidst the sea of 16 and 17-year-olds, a six-year old child sat in stark contrast to the older students surrounding him. Despite his youth, the six-year-old prodigy was more than capable of solving the problem at hand. His regular publication of scientific papers and his enhanced intelligence, bolstered by his mastery of the Vast Sea Visualization technique, made the project seem like child's play.

The students and teachers in the room were well aware of Lucas's extraordinary abilities, and they knew better than to ask him for the answer directly. Instead, Lucas was permitted to offer subtle hints and guide his groupmates towards potential approaches.

Lucas listened to his groupmates discuss the problem, and scanned their thoughts. His Legilimency allowing him to sense their moments of doubt and hesitation. The girl to his left chewed on the end of her pencil with a furrowed brow as she stared at the equation, the eraser tapping against the paper in a frustrated rhythm.

"I think," Lucas began calmly, "that we might find some success by applying the principles of Game Theory to this problem."

The other students turned to him with their eyebrows raised in surprise. The boy across from him leaned forward with his elbows resting on the desk. "Game Theory?" he asked, his tone uncertain. "How would that even work?"

Lucas mirrored the boy's posture, and his small hands rested on the desk as he met the boy's gaze. "Game Theory is a mathematical approach to decision-making in situations where multiple parties are involved, each with their own goals and strategies," he explained. "In this case, we can think of the variables in the equation as players in a game, each with their own objectives and constraints."

As he spoke, Lucas extended his Legilimency, his mind brushing against the thoughts of his groupmates. The girl to his right sat up straighter, eyes widening slightly as she tilted her head, absorbing his words. The boy across from him, however, still looked lost.

"Think of it this way," Lucas continued, adjusting his explanation in real-time based on the feedback he received through his Legilimency. "Each variable is like a player trying to maximize its own value while considering the actions of the other players. By analysing the potential strategies and outcomes, we can determine the optimal solution to the equation."

The boy's eyes cleared up, and he nodded slowly. "I think I get it," he said. "So, we need to consider how each variable affects the others and find the best balance between them?"

Lucas inclined his head, the corners of his mouth lifting almost imperceptibly. "Precisely," he affirmed. "By applying the principles of Game Theory, we can break down the problem into smaller, more manageable components and develop a systematic approach to finding the solution."

The group began to work through the problem while Lucas guided them using his Legilimency to anticipate their questions and concerns before they even voiced them. The scratching of pens on paper grew more fervent, and the students leaned closer to their notebooks.

Despite the ease with which he could have solved the problem himself, Lucas remained patient, allowing his groupmates to work through the steps on their own. He knew that the true value of the exercise lay not in the answer itself, but in the process of discovery and understanding.

When the class drew to a close, the teacher made her way over to their group, and her eyes scanned their work with a critical gaze. "Impressive," she murmured, her eyebrows lifting slightly. "I must say, Mr. Potter, your ability to break down complex concepts and guide your peers towards understanding is truly remarkable."

Lucas inclined his head slightly, acknowledging the compliment with a subtle nod. "Thank you," he smiled gently. "But I believe the others had a good grasp on the problem."

The teacher held his gaze for a moment, her head tilted slightly to the side. "Indeed," she agreed. "It's a shame that the Education Ministry insists on keeping you in school, despite your obvious talents. I have no doubt that you would excel in a university setting."

Lucas met her gaze. "Thank you for the compliment," he replied, his voice even, "but I understand the Ministry's concern for my mental well-being. Besides, I find that there is value in guiding my peers."

The teacher nodded with her lips curving into a small smile. "Of course," she said. "Well, I must say, your groupmates are lucky to have you as a resource. Keep up the excellent work, Mr. Potter."

The teacher moved on to the next group, and Lucas leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting to the window and the world beyond. The Education Ministry's decision to keep him in school was a minor inconvenience, a small obstacle in the grand scheme of things.

For now, he would play the role of the dutiful student, guiding his peers towards understanding and honing his own skills in the process.


Lucas made his way through the Dursleys' living room, eyes scanning the opulent surroundings, taking in the expensive decor and artwork that adorned the walls. The once modest home had been transformed into a luxurious space because of their connection with him.

The guests, a mix of Vernon's colleagues from Grunnings, their wives, and a collection of new "friends" drawn to the Dursleys by their association with the young genius, watched him with curiosity. Their gazes followed him as he navigated the room with their conversations hushing to a whisper when he passed by.

Nyx, his faithful companion, lay coiled around his neck invisibly. Her scales brushed against his skin as she hissed softly in his ear, "This gathering is rather tedious, isn't it?"

"Indeed," Lucas whispered back in Parseltongue, lips barely moving as he responded to her comment. "But appearances must be maintained."

He approached a group of Vernon's colleagues who straightened their postures when they caught sight of him. One of the men, a balding executive with a ruddy complexion, extended his hand, his palm slightly damp with nervousness.

"Mr. Potter," he said, voice a touch too loud in his excitement, "it's an honour to finally meet you. Your work in the field of batteries is simply groundbreaking."

Lucas took the man's hand in a firm grip. "Thank you," he replied politely. "I believe that the advancements we make in battery technology will have far-reaching implications for a wide range of industries. I'm glad to hear that you find my work interesting."

As he spoke, Lucas extended a Legilimency probe towards the executive's thoughts. He could sense the man's awe, tinged with a hint of envy, and the desperate desire to forge a connection with the young prodigy. With a subtle touch, Lucas planted a seed of positive association, ensuring that the man would leave the interaction with a glowing impression of their encounter.

Moving through the room, Lucas engaged in similar exchanges with the other guests with a polite demeanour. He soon caught sight of Petunia, whose face was alight with a smile as she chatted with a group of wives. The women leaned in close as Petunia regaled them with tales of her nephew's accomplishments.

Lucas's gaze lingered on his aunt for a moment, taking in the way she held herself, her posture straight and her head held high. The Dursleys had adapted to their new status with surprising ease, their initial discomfort with his intelligence fading as they basked in the glow of his success.

He knew that they had deluded themselves into believing that his intelligence was a purely natural gift, divorced from the magic that flowed through his veins. It was a convenient fiction, one that allowed them to reconcile their newfound prosperity with their long-held prejudices.

The corners of Lucas's mouth twitched, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips at the thought. The Dursleys' wilful ignorance was of little consequence to him, a minor footnote in the grand scheme of his ambitions.

His thoughts turned to Vernon's new position as the head of a branch of Grunnings he had established in Cambridge. Thanks to his association with Lucas, the branch had performed exceptionally well, and Vernon seemed to carry himself with a newfound confidence.

Lucas mused on the irony of the situation, how the man who had once resented his presence in their home now owed his success, in part, to the very thing he had despised.

As the evening wore on, Lucas continued to mingle with the guests with his every interaction carefully crafted to leave a lasting impression. He knew that his reputation was a valuable currency, one that he could not afford to squander.

Nyx shifted against his neck. "How much longer must we endure this?" she hissed impatiently.

"Not much," Lucas whispered, voice barely audible over the din of conversation. "We'll make our excuses soon enough."


The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the stone floor of Dumbledore's office, the warm light filtering through the arched windows and illuminating the faces of those gathered around the headmaster's desk.

Dumbledore sat at the head of the table with his long fingers steepled beneath his chin as he surveyed the assembled group. Professor McGonagall's lips were pressed into a thin line, her square spectacles glinting in the sunlight. Beside her, Professor Flitwick shifted in his seat.

Across the table, representatives from the Ministry of Magic sat with rigid postures. Amelia Bones, head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, leaned forward with her elbows resting on the polished wood.

"Albus," she said crisply, "we can't ignore the potential implications of Harry Potter's fame in the Muggle world. When he comes to Hogwarts, his sudden disappearance from the public eye will raise questions. We need to be prepared to address them."

Dumbledore nodded, blue eyes meeting hers. "You're right, Amelia," he agreed. "The Statute of Secrecy must be upheld. We'll work closely with the Muggle Liaison Office to ensure that Mr. Potter's transition into the wizarding world is as seamless as possible."

Professor Snape, who had been sitting silently at the far end of the table, spoke up. "And what about the boy himself?" he asked. "Are we supposed to just pluck him from his life of Muggle celebrity and expect him to adapt to our world without question?"

McGonagall's nostrils flared. "Harry is a child, Severus," she said in a stern tone. "It's our responsibility to make sure he's prepared for the challenges he'll face as a member of our community."

Snape's lip curled. "A child, yes," he conceded in a sardonic tone, "but one with an ego inflated by his Muggle fame. Who's to say he won't let slip the existence of magic in front of a television camera, just to get more attention?"

Flitwick cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the room. "Maybe," he suggested, his voice diplomatic, "we should consider telling Mr. Potter about his magical heritage in advance. Give him time to adjust and understand the importance of secrecy."

Bones frowned. "And risk him exposing our world before he even sets foot in Hogwarts?" she countered with a raised eyebrow. "The boy may be intelligent, but he's still a child. Children aren't known for their discretion."

Dumbledore held up a hand, his eyes twinkling behind his spectacles. "I believe," he said calmly, "that we must approach this situation with both caution and compassion. Mr. Potter has grown up in the Muggle world, and we must be mindful of the challenges he will face in adjusting to our ways."

He paused, and his gaze swept across the room. "I propose that we work closely with the Muggle Liaison Office to develop a comprehensive plan for managing Mr. Potter's transition. We'll need to create a plausible explanation for his absence from the Muggle world, one that will satisfy both the public and those closest to him."

Bones nodded thoughtfully. "The Muggle Prime Minister will need to be informed," she said, her tone businesslike. "We'll work with his office to ensure that Mr. Potter's disappearance is handled with the utmost discretion."

Dumbledore inclined his head. "Excellent," he said warmly. "With careful planning and cooperation, I have every confidence that we can ensure Mr. Potter's introduction to the wizarding world is a smooth and successful one."


When the last of the visitors filed out of his office, Dumbledore leaned back in his chair as his gaze drifted to the window and the darkening sky beyond. The meeting had been productive, but unease settled in the pit of his stomach.

Harry Potter. The name alone sent a shiver down his spine. The boy was a mystery, a prodigy whose intelligence and charm had captivated the Muggle world. And yet, there was something about him, a similarity to another brilliant young man he had once known, that set Dumbledore's teeth on edge.

Tom Riddle. The name hung in the air like a Specter, a reminder of the darkness that could lurk behind a charming smile and a brilliant mind. Riddle had been a prodigy in his own right, a student whose talent and ambition had known no bounds. And yet, he had chosen a path of darkness, a path that had led to unspeakable horrors and the rise of Lord Voldemort.

Dumbledore shook his head, pushing the thought away. Harry was not Tom, he reminded himself firmly. The boy's intelligence may have been prodigious, but it was a different kind of brilliance, one that had led him to make groundbreaking discoveries in the Muggle world. Even Voldemort, for all his power and knowledge, had never achieved such feats.

And yet, the similarities lurked beneath the surface. Both boys were orphans, both brilliant and charming. Both had the potential to change the world, for good or for ill.

Dumbledore sighed, and his eyes closed for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. He could not let his fears cloud his judgment. Harry was a child, a boy who had grown up in a world far removed from the wizarding one. He would need guidance, support, and understanding as he navigated the challenges that lay ahead.

But even as he tried to reassure himself, Dumbledore could not shake the unease that clung to him like a shadow. Harry's intelligence, his drive, his potential... they were all qualities that could be used for great good, but also for great evil. And in a world where the ghost of Voldemort still loomed, where the darkness had never truly been vanquished, the stakes could not have been higher.

Dumbledore rose from his chair as he made his way to the window. The stars were just beginning to emerge, tiny pinpricks of light against the velvet sky. He would watch over Harry, he vowed silently, his eyes fixed on the horizon. He would guide him, protect him, and do everything in his power to ensure that the boy's prodigious gifts were used for the betterment of all.