
Vampiric Tree

The Darkness within forests often is off-putting to many but some will not heed their instincts that danger lurks deep within often leading to their demise at the hands of something stronger. 400,000 humans were tossed into a newborn world as Creatures that could evolve based on their forms our mc was reborn as a vampiric tree once he was a person who was devoured by doubt in his own self-worth now, he shall work to prove that everything will change when he is finally given a chance to shine. Eventually he may even become a progenitor of a species ancient and terrifying. There are no humanoid species yet in this world and humanities reincarnates shall decide what races shall be born some will stick to a more monstrous life while other will gladly become humanoid and remove all possibility of more evolution.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


My mind was consumed with madness I must feast I need blood now now now. My roots began to whip around when I felt blood slowly drip onto the ground above the hollow, I had created from a dead rabbit with chunks torn from its neck. My tendrils quickly burrowed beneath its skin draining it. My mind slowly came back and I saw that the Fox had been hurt a few scratches bleeding from her back.


I quickly stopped my tendrils from moving the wasps around me having calmed down as I did due to their deep connection to me. I saw that the wasps were now quite big about the size of a small apple. I tried to sense Plaux and connected to their mind and body feeling what they felt and seeing a giant forest with mangled prey in front of the small rabbit it was nearly just a pile of flesh which had mostly been consumed. Plaux then continued to eat feeling my Prescence they bowed before they began to eat though.


I stopped looking at them and began to sway my branches slightly my sap rushing through me I chose to release my sap to attract food and to apologize to the fox who I'm sure is a reincarnate.I picked up my branches when suddenly I felt something watching me as I drank the blood from many prey feeding the fox and wasps of which they had built another nest of which I scanned the new queen in that nest.


{Slave Queen} - A wasp queen that has no emotions or thoughts of its own it will obey whatever the one who created it says.


Then a wasp queen landed on me the original and I could feel thoughts being projected to me so I opened a link with her and said "Hullo little one my branch is your home free are the skies for your kind rooted and bloody I be wish for skies of darkness do I."


She looked me over and said "Stop being cryptic I know your human at least that's what this {Symbiotic} ability says. Also thank you for allowing me to create a nest my name is Vuriel what's yours?"


"My name is Boramir like a form of Boromir from the Tolkien Lord of the Ring." I shook my branches as she fluttered around my body pestering me with questions on how I can see what my abilities are and how she could help me. I notice the fox lay beneath me in the hollow I created so I tried to speak with her but her mind was completely closed to me as if I was an enemy never to be trusted.


I simply sat waiting the day through and slowly trying to level without a care for this world. It took days to slowly level up and the people in the rankings had majorly slowed down as soon as they hit level ten. I had only hit Level 4 where my ghoul had hit level 6.


[Status Window]

Name: Boramir Korman

Age: 5 days 

TA (True Age/Soul Age): 21

Species: Vampiric Tree (Stage 1)

Level: 4

Exp: 1,601/100,000 (+10 an Hour due to Spirit Deer Fur)

HP: 79/93

BR: 70/93

MP: 178/178

Fruits: Blood Fruit (x2)

STR: 6

INT: 17.8 (Slightly Suppressed Evolve to remove the suppression)

VIT: 9.3

Sense/SEN: 7.9 (I had made a mistake earlier missing 3 extra stat points on each stat)

Blood Bounds: 

Plaux- Lv6 Evo.0


(New) Abilities:

{Sap Shard}- A shard of hardened sap it can be launched piercing the veins instantly melting into the blood exposing all your sap can do.


{Improved Poison/Venom} - You now have a type of paralytic venom within your sap and your poisons effects have strengthened considerably.


{Minor Telepathy}- due to constantly expanding the link between you and others you have finally gained access to minor telepathy allowing you to easily spread your thoughts to others easily translating itself to attune to their minds.


{Vampiric Spawn}- using a creature bestow a gift (Must be living cannot be done to an unwilling living being that has blood)