
Vampiric Tree

The Darkness within forests often is off-putting to many but some will not heed their instincts that danger lurks deep within often leading to their demise at the hands of something stronger. 400,000 humans were tossed into a newborn world as Creatures that could evolve based on their forms our mc was reborn as a vampiric tree once he was a person who was devoured by doubt in his own self-worth now, he shall work to prove that everything will change when he is finally given a chance to shine. Eventually he may even become a progenitor of a species ancient and terrifying. There are no humanoid species yet in this world and humanities reincarnates shall decide what races shall be born some will stick to a more monstrous life while other will gladly become humanoid and remove all possibility of more evolution.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

First Fruit

I quickly pulled myself out of the dark past I had and focused on my status instead of reminiscing about something I could never change and now I realized I could move my branches quite quickly.


[Status Window]

Name: Boramir Korman

Age: 3 Hours (Sapling)

TA (True Age/Soul Age): 20 

Species: Vampiric Sapling

Level: 0 

Exp: 0/10

HP: 30/45

BR: 0/45

MP: 30/30

Fruits: Despair's Heart

STR: 0.2

INT: 3 (Growth is Suppressed)

VIT: 4.5

Sense/SEN: 2.1



"System why did my health disappear and my sense increase?"


[Emotion Fluctuation Over 3 Hours Long Resulted in automatic Growth of Fruit which resulted in a growth of SEN due to it being a unique type of fruit, you may see what the fruit will do if you focus upon it]


I then looked upon myself seeing a small crimson fruit with what looked like black screaming souls moving on its surface.


[Fruit of Despair's Heart] - A fruit infused with despair it would mentally damage those who eat it but if the person who eat it survived, they would gain {Mental Resistance} and the debuff {Corruptive Thoughts}- you will be in constant doubt about whether you should live or not Afterall your worthless aren't you. Lasts 2 years.


Holey shit that's terrifying I wonder if I can store it in the system?


[You Cannot for it is a part of your body.]


"Hey, I wasn't Speaking to you also I was just wondering it was a passive thought not directed at you."


I began to focus on forcing my sap outside of my small sapling body so I could attract some prey I had realized a fox was hanging out nearby as if searching for prey near me due to my nature as a vampiric tree. "System can I scan things and if so, scan that fox?" I could also see a small wasp, but I wasn't paying attention to it much.


[Affirmative Bringing up their Status]


[Fox's Status]

Species: Lingering Fox

HP: 50/50

BR: 50/50 (This is the amount of blood they can lose before death)

MP: 100/120


"System Why Can't I see their full Status?"


[They have a higher SENSE stat then you]


I then cast a status check on the small wasp.


[Wasp Status]

Species: Yellow Jacket Queen/ Dolichovespula Arenaria Queen

Age: 4 Hours 

Level: 0 

Exp: 0/1

HP: 10/10

BR: 0/0

Mp: 20/20

STR: 0.1

INT: 3 (Growth is Suppressed)

VIT: 1

Sense/SEN: 0.5


"Wait couldn't this little wasp help me if I lure it over and it nests on me, please come this way if you make your nest here, please come over little wasp." I was basically trying to toss my thoughts out to it trying to make it come over, but my thoughts couldn't enter its mind.


[It Cannot hear you but if you truly want to attract it release enough sap that you lose hp.]


I began to release more and more sap which attracted a rat that the fox quickly pounced on before it could even begin to eat my sap. The fox almost respectfully used its teeth to tear its throat apart allowing blood to cover the ground which was quickly absorbed by my roots.


[+10 Exp Level up Achieved +0.2 to all stats.]


[Status Window]

Name: Boramir Korman

Age: 4 Hours (Sapling)

TA (True Age/Soul Age): 20 

Species: Vampiric Sapling

Level: 1

Exp: 0/100

HP: 25/47

BR: 10/47 Consumes 1 to heal 1 or 10 every day

MP: 30/32

Fruits: Despair's Heart

STR: 0.4

INT: 3.2 (Growth is Suppressed)

VIT: 4.7

Sense/SEN: 2.3

AP: 1


I immediately put my attribute into sense causing my senses to expand to 30 meters around me. Then I felt a small form land on a branch of mine and begin building something then it stopped hesitated and began to try to eat my sap I quickly asked, "System is there any way to remove the paralytic Qualities of my sap?"


[Yes, you can but it would inhibit this bug from growing you could lessen the effects of your venom by focusing on lightening the sap as if you are making it less consistent.]


After I did so the sap began to run almost as if it was water the wasp drank all the sap and then flew unsteadily back to where it had started to make its nest then it slowly created the wax paper of the nest which strangely took on the same color as my bark. I felt something nibbling on my bark as if trying to get more access to my sap when it stopped moving. I then began to move the thin roots I had covered a slight area of 0.33 meters around me. The thin roots began to intravenously insert themselves into the body of the rabbit and slowly removed all its blood. I had also realized I was now 0.4 Meters tall I guess Str is related to that.


[+20 Exp, +0.1 Exp for the kill on a lower-level lifeform]
