
Vampires Tale: Immortals

Hey, I know it's been a long *ss time and there has been no updates on this novel. If you actually cared, I am truly sorry for that and supremely grateful that words I wrote managed to reach you. I started this novel as a 15 year old kid who thought he could make a better book than most on this platform. I wasn't prepared for it and was unable to figure out how to continue the story in the way I wanted. So this is officially the end of vampires tale: immortals as short as it was. However, a year later I feel prepared to embark on a new adventure, a second chance. On June 1st I will be releasing a new book called 'DRAGONS DYNASTY'!!! I am truly excited for this book and have been planning it for the last 3 months and recently started writing it. However to make sure it's a high standard novel, I won't be publishing until June 1st. This book is guaranteed to be at least 10 times better than VTI, you have my word! Love you all, and see you there!!!

KIngii_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
122 Chs

First Blood (pt.1)

*SIGH*I had that last kill, how did I lose?" questioned a teenage boy alone in his room talking to someone on his headphones.

"According to the playback you didn't, so take your defeat like a man, wuss" retorted his online friend.

"Y'know, good point but counter argument, and hear me out, screw you!" sarcastically joked the teenager.

"Hahaha, love you too brother" came the response.

" *Knock Knock* Honey, can I come in" A female voice suddenly came from the other side of the teenagers door.

"Sure mom, what's up?" replied the boy.

"It's almost midnight, you have school tomorrow, go to bed" ordered the mom.

" Ok mom, sure thing" said the teenager with a fake smile that the mom seemingly didn't notice.

"Goodnight then, Marcellus" said the mom while leaving the room.

"Goodnight mom," replied Marcellus.

Then, as the mom left the room he heard another familiar voice," Are you actually going to sleep, Marcel?" his friend said in a knowing tone that was lost on Marcellus.

"No dumbass, we are meeting in the woods remember, it was your idea, Arthur" replied Marcellus with a hint of exasperation in his voice.

"Oh, right, my dad still hasn't found that police scanner that I stole from him so we are in the clear" said Arthur with excitement visibly heard from his voice.

"...." This moron thought Marcellus with a vein popping in his forehead.

"How long?" questioned Arthur.

"I'll be there before midnight, see ya later" replied Marcellus before hanging up.

*SIGH* alright, let's get going" said Marcellus to himself after a long sigh.

Marcellus then went to get ready. He put on some black combat boots with the laces tied tight, tight black sweatpants, a long sleeve black shirt and a black beanie. He then went to look at himself in the mirror.

He had tanned skin with no blemish in sight, he was skinny with only 54kg and was 5.9 feet tall. He has short, black, straight hair and his eyes were very special, their color was a purple and pink mix.

His resting face was a small smirk that made people wonder what he was planning. Overall, he was a little above average in looks.

'Looking good, hehehe' thought Marcellus.

He looked over at the combat knife he had on his dresser and thought about grabbing it.

'He definitely has something weird planned, better bring it to protect myself from that idiot' thought Marcellus. *SIGH*

'This guy is gonna be the death of me..sounds fun' Marcellus thought then put on his usual smirk.

He grabbed his combat knife and jumped out the window. When he saw that he was in the clear he started jogging to the place he and Arthur were going to meet.

45 minutes later…

Marcellus arrived at the meeting point but he didn't see Arthur anywhere.

'Where is he?' thought Marcellus.

Suddenly Arthur jumped out at him, "Boo!"

"Ah," Marcellus screamed.

He then swung his knife but stopped when he realized he was about to hit his best friend.

"Oh, Art what the hell, you scared me!" exclaimed an exasperated Marcellus.

"Hahahahaha, bro your face was priceless, I should have got that on camera, hahahaha" came the response from Arthur.

"....And I should have cut you, dick' Marcellus thought while gritting his teeth.

" So I'm here, what are we doing?" sighed Marcellus.

"We are here to help my dad find a dead body… without his knowledge or permission," replied Arthur with a wry smile.

"What!!! Why?" exclaimed Marcellus.

"The body was of a girl named Alice Xander, she was 18 years old and she went missing 2 days before her body was found. Apparently she was attacked by an animal, it had bite marks around the neck, wrists and legs but the craziest thing was that the cause of death was exsanguination" stated Arthur.

'What! Exsanguination?' thought Marcellus.

"Ok, but still what does this have to do with us?" said Marcellus after thinking for a bit.

"Nothing really, but I need to prove myself to my dad… maybe if I can help him solve this he will actually think about me becoming a detective instead of dismissing me." replied Arthur while clenching his fist.

"Plus you owe me remember, I saved your life, when you were being beaten to death by Zachory" Pleaded Arthur.

Marcellus' expression became dark at the mention of that memory but he still thought about helping Arthur.

"What if what, or whomever, killed her is still out here" Marcellus pointed out.

"I hadn't thought of that but come on, please" Arthur replied while putting his hands together.

"...."Marcellus sighed then looked at his best friend of 4 years for a good 30 seconds before he sighed again.

*SIGH* After questioning your mental health, the great Marcel has decided to help this peasant in finding this dead girl. How great am I?" said Marcellus while puffing out his chest.

"Oh, great one, this peasant thanks you for your time" replied Arthur with a sarcastic smile.

The two fought but they would risk their lives for each other. Marcellus might have said it as a joke but Arthur knew he had his back.

*SIGH* alright, lets go get killed" exclaimed Marcellus with his usual smirk. As they started walking they grabbed each other's forearm, slid it down then fist bumped.

"Hahahaha yeah, lets go" replied a determined Arthur as he reciprocated Marcellus' gesture.

Little did they know that destiny had other plans for these two, the dead girl and the future of their world. And finally, no matter what, this event would change their lives forever. And they would be introduced to eternity, as immortals.

"By the way, why do you have that knife?" inquired Arthur.

I didn't trust you, I thought I might need it. Imagine my surprise when I turned out to be right" sarcastically replied Marcellus as he narrowed his eyes at Arthur.

"Ha..ha..ha" nervously responded Arthur.

"But do you even know a proper way to use it?" asked Arthur.

"...Shut up" exclaimed a slightly embarrassed Marcellus.

Sometime later while they were walking in the woods they saw an old, rickety, house in the middle of nowhere. It would have looked like a decent sized mansion in its hay day but it looked like something bad had happened. While the duo was walking closer to the house because of their curiosity they saw red and blue flashing lights.

Arthur thought it might be his dad so he pulled Marcellus behind a tree to avoid being spotted.

"Do you think that the body is in that house?" whispered Marcellus.

"I don't know, it's possible because of how the body disappeared," Arthur explained with an ever growing tense expression.

"Thinking about it, you said we were out here to find a dead body of a girl but how did you know she was dead?" suspiciously inquired Marcellus.

Marcellus wasn't suspicious of Arthur being a murderer but just about the way his trouble-making friend knew such information.

"Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that but the body was in the coroner's office but was stolen by some weirdo, they managed to track him to these woods but an hour after that he was found leaving without the body." Arthur explained.

"Do they know why he stole the dead girls body?" asked Marcellus curiously.

"I haven't heard anything but there's a lot of kinky people out there, Marcel" responded Arthur with an expression of wisdom, as if he was some wise monk teaching an ignorant kid about the ways of the world.

"...You're one to talk 'Mr. I want to find a dead girl'" Marcellus responded with a 'you can't be serious!' expression.

Arthur just laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"So are we going to get closer?" Inquired Marcellus.

"I will head closer first to check out the police car to see if i can find anything about why they are at this creepy abandoned house, you should follow close behind but out of sight in case we get caught" replied Arthur.

"..." Marcellus was speechless. Why didn't he put that amount of thought and planning into dragging them out here in the first place?!!

*SIGH* Alright, now go" said Marcellus with a tired expression.

They both got closer to the house with Arthur taking the lead. He crouched down on the side of a police car while Marcellus hid behind a close tree. Arthur then made sure the coast was clear before entering the car.

As he got in he spotted another person looking at him from the driver's seat.

He tried to get out after getting spotted but the other person in the car locked the doors.

"...Arthur" Arthur's dad said in an even tone with an expressionless face.

In any other person that might have made them wonder what was about to happen but in Arthurs case he knew that meant his dad was fuming!!!

"...H..ey dad, long time no see" Arthur said nervously.

"You know you're not supposed to be out this late at a school night, how did you find this place anyway?" said Arthur's dad in a chiding tone.

"Nothing important really" Arthur tried to play innocently but his dad was having none of the games.

Arthur's dad pressed on his walkie-talkie and said something that made Arthurs soul leave his body. On the police radio in Arthurs bag he heard a loud sound.


"...It was at this point that Arthur knew he done goofed.


Meanwhile outside the car…

Marcellus, still behind the tree, watched as the cop car pulled away. He didn't see Arthur leave so he assumed that he got caught.

'That guy, he better not sell me out or i'll give him a good beating' thought Marcellus with a righteous judgment expression on his face.

*SIGH* 'lets just go ho—what was that?'

As Marcellus was getting ready to leave the creepy abandoned house he saw a flash of blood red light through the broken bits of the building. He got closer to check it out but didn't see anything inside. He then decided to enter the building but as he got closer he noticed that the building was covered in soot, as if it was burned down a long time ago.

As he was opening the door he saw something he would never be able to forget. He saw someone who would change his destiny forever.

Hey, everyone who saw this novel and decided to read it, you are awsome and thank you. I am a new novel writer and have a ton of ideas for the derection of this story. I hope you all happen to like it and I will try my best to improve. In the beginning it is nowhere near as exciting, dangerous and melancholy as the next, so stick around for a while please :)

Also if you want you can follow me on instagram: @King.Aamir69

KIngii_creators' thoughts