
Chapter 82: Change of Plans

“The palace will never stop judging me and they’ll make my twin run the country on his own. No way! I’m not comfortable with this,” Raven added before he headed for the entrance of the palace.

“Better tell that musician to lay off from kidnapping Steven. Maybe Steven is an okay guy. Maybe we can work things out,” he told himself as he walked towards the minor dance hall with quick, determined steps.

He thought about Steven’s attitude during the game of tennis.

“He actually seemed okay about me almost winning. That’s big. So, if someone does not use the tennis court as a battle ground, then how can they be cruel or bitter?” he asked himself.

Maybe I should have given him a chance before acting all paranoid,” he thought while walking.

“I have to stay ahead of the palace authorities and come across as friendly, no matter what happens or I will lose my chance to rule,” he murmured to himself.