
Battling Gaud, the Chief Guard

4 hours ago…

About a dozen Surf shuttles appeared close to the Gundam Shelter.

After days of relentless searching and pursuit, during which time he got himself and his warriors into terribly dangerous battle situations, Gaud finally traced the tracks of the 2 young masters to the Gundam Shelter.

"They actually made it here". He said absentmindedly in an amazed tone.

None of his warriors commented though because they knew what would follow next. They were right, Gaud's face soon experienced a rapid switch back to its usual seriousness as he gave instructions authoritatively.

"All the Surf shuttles will be left outside the shelter".

"Banter, you will be the leader of the 10 that will be tasked to stay with and protect the Surf shuttles".

He continued without turning back. "As for the remaining 7 of you, get ready. In 5 minutes, you will all be following me into the Gundam Shelter".

"Yes, Chief Guard".

These 18 warriors were the last of the entourage that followed Gaud.