
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

4. First class with him

You let out a discontented sigh at the unfavourable turn of events. Soon enough, the lady at the counter called out to you. She had snow-white hair with a tinge of red spots at some areas. She had a kind look with a warm-hearted smile. You finally felt relieved to find someone to look at you like that—what a startling contrast to the cold deamenor of your male roommate.

"Ah, you must be the latecomer," she mentioned with her sweet, sugary voice and a cheery smile. "What can I help you with?"

"Uh, can I make a request...regarding my dorm?"

She sighed, before she hummed a nod. "Just know that we cannot have you moved, it's all filled in unfortunately, so I wou—"

"No, no, I mean...like could I request to put a lock in the washroom?"

"There's no lock in the washroom?" She repeaywd, visibly confused as you were. "...I didn't know that happened with Shinsou."

You blinked, now confused on your part. "Uh, what do you mean by that?"

She leaned in to whisper, looking to and fro to ensure there was no one lurking around. "Shinsou has always lived alone since first year, in fact, he paid to be alone in that dorm room."

"Oh? How come?"

"I don't know, but every time someone happens to dorm with him, he somehow gets them kicked out and have the room all to himself, he's rather...mysterious."

"Mysterious? I think he's rather strange," you joked, earning a chuckle from the female.

She let out her hand for you to shake, you gladly complied. "I'm Todoroki Fuyumi, I'm just a volunteer student, but I also study here, third year."

"Ahh, I see, I'm [Last Name], [First Name], just second year, very nice to meet you."

"If you're having a hard time with your roommate, you can always come visit my place," she offered. "...maybe we could have a fun sleepover sometime with my siblings."

"Ah, really? That would be great! It's just that… I don't know anyone...and my roommate isn't very...umm, nice?"

She soon laughed adorably with her hand over her mouth. "Tell me all about it after school, how about we chat at the cafe lounge later on?"

You nodded with a cheerful grin. "Yeah! That would be great!"

"Here's my number."

From there, you two exchanged numbers and went on your way. You looked down at your papers provided and saw that your first class was biology.

There were many students going at different directions at the hallway, making their way to their own respective classes. You focused on finding the class you were in, until you made it to the very end of the hallway.

Still lost.

You were internally panicking, leaning yourself against a locker as you mentally wished that someone could help you. But, this place was way too big, feeling like a face in a crowd in the midst of the busy traffic of students.

The day was just going great, you didn't know how much better it could get.

You let out a stressful sigh, before going on another round to find your classroom.

"Hey, you lost, girl?"

You turned around and spotted a tall male towering above you with dark spiky hair. Your eyes locked gazed into the ocean glowing eyes of the male with a similar ivory skin as Shinsou. You wondered why nearly all the people you encounter were very pale compared to you.

…maybe I've been out in the sun for too long? Nah, it could be, I mostly stay indoors…

His hands were tucked behind, as leaned closer to you with a curious smirk of his red lips.

"...uh, yes? I am kinda lost…"

"What's your class?"

"It's um..." you gulped, feeling your heart thumped at the smoothness of his husky voice, which sounded soothingly friendly too. "...biology."

"Ah, you first year, yes?"

"Uh, no, actually, just a late second year."

He hummed a nod. "Perfect," he commented before smoothly placing his arm around your shoulder, causing you to be slightly surprised and stiff, as he led you to the designated classroom.

Soon enough, he brought you in front of the doorway, removed his arm from you before giving you a cheerful grin. "There you go, see ya around, dolly."

"Oh, u-um, thank you," you replied, with a respectful head bow, feeling a tinge of red surface your cheeks at how extremely good-looking, friendly, and kind he is to you. Not realizing how likeable he already is.

You felt a release of your lungs, quite relaxed now, realizing that maybe everyone was actually really nice here, and you just happened to unluckily stumble upon a moody purple-haired male.

You strolled in the classroom, causing everyone's eyes to gaze Finland onto your form, feeling as if you owned the momentary spotlight before teacher greeted and welcomed you.

"[Last Name], [First Name], we'll have you caught up soon due to your late arrival, but for now, sit over there at the back, it's the only spot left available, since you arrived late."

You nodded at him, flushed embarrassed at how he kept mentioning how late you were in front of the class—almost as if he wanted you to feel shameful about it. But you just ignored that and scurried your way fo the spot he mentioned.

Your own face paled when you realized that you were truly stuck with none other than your purple-haired roommate for the rest of the year—even in your class.

Great. Just absolutely great.


You swallowed, meekly making your way to the very back corner. Many curious eyes remained on you, while you slowly walked your way to settle on the seat beside Shinsou. You recalled how he looked as though as if he inherently hated you, maybe due to the cat thing or plainly due to the dorm arrangements.

Either way, you felt the same way.

He plainly ignored you, as you did for him like usual. The class soon began, the instructors continued off to some lessons that you were already way behind on. You felt stumped, not knowing much of what was going on.

Suddenly, the most unusual thing occurred. Shinsou took out a black mask and placed it around his mouth.

You crinkled your brows, clearly baffled at why he would put on a mask. You remembered how he commented on how bad your odour was—even though that was your presumption—causing you to lift your hair and sniff it slightly, knowing you already took a shower. You hair scent was great. Fresh and minty. You didn't understand what part of you smelled off at all.

"Since when did you start wearing a mask?" You asked in a whisper.

He slightly turned his head at you. "...ever since you came."


"Just focus on the class."

You huffed, turned back to the front before curiosity caught your tongue and looked back at him with your brows remained in a curl. "...but, why are you wearing a mask now? Surely I don't smell bad, I just took a bath…"

His violet gaze wandered to you blankly, his black mask accentuated his perfectly structured, sharp nose, dark mask shaped down his mouth. "...it's none of your concern."

You frowned, a strange feeling rising in you of wanting to speak with him again—since you were bored of the class, utterly lost anyways—and a part of you felt concerned of your own scent.

He seemed quite honest, despite his disinterest in you. So? you wanted his opinion to ensure that your somewhat "bad smell" wouldn't exude off to any other nearby students.

"It is my concern, it has to do with how I smell like, right?" You hissed, only for him to hear. "I don't want to go around smelling...bad around the others..."

His eyes slightly widened, crinkled his brows slightly before returning his gaze at the front. "...I'm just sensitive to certain scents...just..." he looked back at you with a squinted gaze. "...make sure you shower often."

You blinked, quite taken off guard at his subtle change in tone, reminding you of the time you were showering last night when he saw your backside. A fierce shade of red surfaced your cheeks, causing you to cover your face altogether at the evoking memory of utter embarrassment—on your part.

You bit your lip. "...As long as you give me more privacy, then I'd accept that request of yours...more often."

"Oh?" He raised a brow, before he snickered with his violet eyes glazing back to the front. "...but it was a fine view."

"Ha?!" You gaped, screeching in the slightest bit. His comment burned your body harder. It has been confirmed, he totally saw your backside, in full view.

You huffed, quite annoyed. "Gosh, I hate you."

"I hate you more."

"I hate you most," you retorted, eyeing him with a glare, not realizing that his eyes were slightly filled with amusement—which quite surprised you.

"I hate thieves," he continued. "Like you."

"Thief?" You snarled. "I stole nothing from you."

"My cat, you stole her from me."

"What??" You hissed with a loud pout of cloud, escaping your lips. "I did not."

"You stole the spotlight, getting the attention and all," he muttered, almost pretending to be annoyed.

"That's just childish," you remarked with a pout. "If anything, I have every right to be mad at you, pervert."

He scoffed, nearly gagging at the word you spoke. He adjusted himself on the spot as he shook his head and locked his violet eyes with your own. "Excuse me? You stole my washroom."

"Your washroom? You mean our washroom," you spat back a little louder.

"[Last Name], [First Name]," your teacher called out to you sternly, causing you to quickly turn back to the front.


"Can you answer this question for us please?" He requested, as he pointed at a huge paragraph on the board.

You panicked as you bowed in shame, knowing full well that you had no idea what he was talking about, also the fact that most of your classmates were looking at you. "S-Sorry, I'm not sure."

"Will your seating arrangement be a concern for your studies?" He asked solemnly, sharp eyes fixated on you.


"Actually sir," Shinsou spoke up, with his deep warm voice, earning the attention of every person in the class. "I'd like my seat exchanged, my neighbour is a bit of a distraction, disrupting my focus altogether."

"Ooh—" some students chimed together, earning giggles and chuckled from the people in the class, especially with the tone he used, as if ruling the crowd over to his side.

You bit your lip so hard, clearly flushed embarrassed at his confession. You felt your blood boil in your veins, wishing you could strangle him at night. You clenched your fist at his honesty—as if it was his way of teasing and annoying you.

"...Tch, how did I end up getting stuck living with a guy like him?"