
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

30. Haunting Sleep w/ boyfriend

The movie soon ended, Touya insistent on bringing you up to the room, you eventually complied—not that you could truly resist anyways. His large, lukewarm hand clutched around your own, as he slid the door shut, covering the opaque, cream honey colour of the curtains hanging in a curvilinear fashion.

Eyes of Caribbean blue flickered over to you with feverish excitement within his expression. The pounds of your heart were not helping you calm down, especially after watching a heart-warming, romantic movie, arousing desires within you.

The attention from your gaze averted away from him, looking over at the large, queen-sized bed with a crimson thick sheet of comforter, along with two large pillows leaned against the wooden overhead. A bright beaming light was shining above the overhead in a rectangular form, bringing about a warm, fuzzy aura of the overall room.

"...just one bed?" You asked shyly, lips kept to a thin line, stopping the nerves.

He gave you a tight squeeze of your hand. "It should be big enough for the both of us," he pulled you by the hand, bumping your front against his own, eyeing each other intently.

"... I changed the comforter, just something much more comfortable for a special guest."

"...O-Oh, okay..." you bit your lip, held your breath as you watched his velvet red lips part, heat fanned across your cheeks as he began to tilt his head. Sapphire eyes fixated onto you as he lurched his soft lips ever so closely, pressing against your own.

The movements were fervent, almost eager on his side, causing an uproar of your own as well. His hands began to slide around your back, pulling you in as you instinctively slid your arms around his back, fingers rummaging through his spiky, coal coloured hair. He pressed your body backwards, cautiously leading you closer and closer to the bed. Eventually, the tip of your back knee hit the bed frame, causing you to tip backwards against the soft, red cushions.

It gave you a breathing moment, panting heavily as he positioned himself atop of you, knees at each side of your body, hands locking against your own. There was a considerable distance between the faces, his gleaming blue eyes scanning you with fervent hunger.

"Beautiful..." he breathed, hot breath escaping his lips, while briefly inhaling your scent, stopping for a while as if he was holding himself back.

Your hair scattered all over the pillow on the right side of the bed, the balcony was wide open, showcasing the dawning sun over the horizon, hiding its glory for the darkness to overshadow the landscape.

"...Touya, are we gonna...?"

"Unless you wanna," he replied almost immediately, a sly smirk curled on his velvet red lips. "...won't force anything on you if you don't wanna."

"...okay, but Touya, I was wondering...why the sudden idea of this sleepover?" You asked softly.

"Isn't it obvious?" He slurred, grinning mischievously.

Your lips pressed tightly to a thin line, cheeks emanating evident heat. "...But, you invited your siblings, surely there had to be another reason?"

"Ah, fine," he muttered with a chortle, "...there's another reason."

"...what is it?"

He leaned teasingly closer, ocean blue eyes staring into your soul in a squinted form. "...The truth is that my father forced to bring us to some family business trip tomorrow, so my siblings and I will be away for the week, as much as I hate to go."

"...oh," was all you said, feeling a slump within your thoughts. "...it's good to be with your family."

"Ah, don't worry, I'll be back, we can have another sleepover, just wanted to spend my last time with you before a quick break with then," he murmured, lips fanning a mild, hot breath before he leaned closer. "But, for now..."

Your heart thumped across your chest when he began to devour your lips once again, your head lurched up, catching onto his own as his mouth began to part, while you followed suit. Your eyes fluttered down furiously when he began to fork his tongue around your own, mouths complementing each other like a puzzle-piece, while he left an intoxicatingly sweet taste that melted on onto your tongue couldn't comprehend, filling your entire mouth.

You faintly fluttered your eyes open, brows knitted when you saw his eyes brimmed with blood red, no longer the same blue eyes that you loved to see. Your eyes widened, your mind's eye immediately showcasing a similar set of eyes from Shinsou earlier.

"...T-Touya," you murmured underneath his lips, feeling a heavy weight of his hands gripped tightly with increasing heat, nearly pricking your wrist with pain.

"...T-TOUYA—!!" You yelped underneath with a groan, he held back. His mouth was releasing a hazy grey most while his red eyes widened in slight uncertainty, almost shocked at you. "...T-Touya, your eyes, they're r—"

"LET'S sleep," he cut you off before he abruptly landed beside you, pushing your back to the side before he spooned hug you underneath the comfortable cushions. You flinched with a warning fear rippling all over your spine, clear shock were in your eyes as you felt his mild breathing blowing at the back of your head.

You gulped, dared not to utter a single sound. Your heart was clearly pounding loud, despite the closeness of his chest against your back, you couldn't hear a single beat from his own. It was frightening, a haunting feeling shrill down your body.

"...T-Touya, w-what just...happened?" You asked carefully, speaking softly, in hopes that he would reply. "...you just breathed out something greyish and your eyes turned red, like...my roommate."

"...just go to sleep," he hissed into your ear with the husky, smooth voice, ones that filled with a ghastly, haunting tone.

You gulped, stomach rummaging with nervousness as you kept your breathing to a minimum. You didn't know how you ought to sleep like this with myriads of rummaging questions bombarding your mind, not to mention the haunting feeling about him almost confirmed all the times you felt in the past. Nevertheless, your eyes began to grow heavy, feeling the sweetness from the time he tongued you, almost like breathing into a suffocating scent that drowned you down to a deep sleep.

"...you're different," he murmured in your sleeping state, cold fingers trailing down your cheek and down to your lips. "...it'll be fun to spare you, even for a little while."