
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

3: First morning with roomie

The hairs of your skin stood on edge, even though it was wet, right when you heard him unzip a certain part of his clothing.

That's when you heard liquids splashing against an existing one.

You tried to ignore it with your own shower water running, but your mind was swirling with terror at this thought:

How could I possibly ignore him when bombarding thoughts ravished through my mind with utter embarrassment of being exposed butt naked like thi—?

You were also busy hiding your own bare chest—ensuring that he sees none of it despite the fact that he has already seen all of your backside.

Soon after, you heard him use the sink causally, washed his hands, pretending you didn't exist.

A sharp inhale and exhale went through your lungs as you carefully peaked at the corner of your eyes in efforts to see him through the slightly flight glass tube you were in, but still enough to see his figure as much as yours were exposed—wishing that he would leave as soon as possible.

Soon enough, his footsteps retracted away, moving towards the door as soon as he was done.

He's leaving. He's leaving. He's finally leavi—

"Also," he spoke up, with those deep, monotone voice. "Know that there is no lock in this room."

He finally shut the door.

You sighed in relief that he was finally gone. But, you groaned in utter annoyance and disbelief of why there wouldn't be a lock for a washroom door. What kind of logic did those who built it had?

You furiously ran your fingers through your hair, utterly frustrated with the sudden turn of events as you swished off any soapy substances within the gaps of your hair.

After repeating the same process for your body, you switched the shower closed, leaving only remnants of dripping water to shower down before it completely shut.

You got out of the shower tube, plopped on your white robe towel to hug around your feminine figure before you started fo dry yourself.

Soon after that, you placed your white short-sleeved top shirt on, along with a warm grey pyjama pants cozying your legs in pleasant heat..

You stared at your reflection quite blankly, forcing a smile before it soon dropped down in irritation due to your roommate. You knew that you already had a bad start with him, and even now, you couldn't find any possibility of being comfortable with him at all—especially doing private 'things' in the washroom.

Such a thought does not exist in your peanut brain.

You disheveled your chunky hair, as you strolled your way out of the washroom—checking to see if there really was a lock. You pushed and pulled the oaken door, until you were convinced, clearly confirmed that there was no form of lock on the door.


Just great.

You spotted him laying on his queen-sized bed, reading a book with his cat on his lap. He didn't take any form of glance, besides plainly ignoring your existence.

For once, you were relieved.

If was going to treat you like you didn't exist, then so did you.

After sorting through some of your items, you did your mundane routine after taking a bath—brushed your hair, dried it off, brushed your teeth and cozied yourself to bed.

Even though there were no dividing walls between the two of you, it felt as though he was still staring at you from the corner, beyond the physical, but a different he had a sense beyond his own.

You quickly dismissed it by tilting your body to the opposite side, ensuring that you wouldn't notice the strange feeling of being stared at quite creepily by this narcissistic, rudely creepy roommate. Despite his natural good looks albeit he looked groggy, messy, and someone who never sleeps. But he had a rather entrancing features of his looks, almost like a perfect structure.

Too bad his personality bends his appearance.

At least there's some balance there.

But if he wanted to if more you, why stare?

Even you knew yourself that there was not anything interesting to bother considering to stare at you.

You decided to play some beautiful instrumental music with your earplugs before drifting off to sleep. Feeling every inch of you being closely scrutinized by a certain pair of hungry violet eyes gleaming with rising red rims surrounding his irises.


Morning came, you groggily shut the alarm clock from your phone before you began your usual routine of staring at the blank, ivory ceiling, reminiscent of some random memories that were mostly cringe-y.

You glanced towards your bedside table, spotting an empty, disheveled bed at the other side of the furniture.

He was already up.

Your first subject was about to start in an hour, so a nice breakfast was a must, since it would go on for two hours per subject.

You hoisted yourself out of bed, lazily made your way towards the washroom, while glancing through the transparent walls downstairs—to hopefully spot the purple-haired male, but to no avail.

You felt slightly paranoid, since he made no sound when you first encountered him, almost like some sneaky ninja.

He could sneak up on you at any moment—based on your fearful assumptions. What if he's secretly some handsome gangster killer disguised as a university student?

You soon huffed out a cloudy pout, realizing how ridiculous that sounded. You absentmindedly opened the washroom door, eyes widening at the suddensight.

Your body stood frozen when you spotted Shinsou across the room, in the bathtub, top body bare and exposed. His long lash was fluttered shut, giving off a relaxed vibe with his red, velvety lips forlorn in a tugged smirk. Each of his arms rested on each side of the porcelain tub, as you looked down to spot his lean and well-built structure of his upper body.

The moment soon ended when he slowly opened his eyes, meeting his piercing violet orbs, staring blankly into your own. You felt a wave of heat rush through your body like a mighty river, feeling shameful of barging in without any notice. But, then again, he did the same thing to you last night and saw all of your backside—as if it was nothing.

You felt slight anger rise in you at that, realizing that this ought to be your new normal—to waltz in and just do your own thing, while ignoring each other's presence completely.

You made your way to the sink, feeling a pair of violet eyes trailing its gaze at you. You simply ignored it, focused on your own endeavor by washing your face with water. Yet, even through the drippy vision, you could see his watchful gaze fixated on your form.

You were tempted to scream at him to stop, but you supposed that silence is a better option—since you did not want to get on his bad side more than you already have.

You hastily made your way out of the washroom in eerie silence. You could finally breathe out in relief. If there was one goal you had in mind—was to complain to the office on why there was no lock in the washroom. And maybe request for a possible dorm switch—or at least have someone notify you when you could possibly switch.

You felt determined to do so by the end of the day, and nothing will stop this established decision.


You popped in some cornball cereal on the white, ceramic bowl, spilling in some almond milk in the mix. A sudden tinge of goosebumps ran through your body when you felt something furry rub against your feet.

You dipped your head down and realized that it was the cute grey kitten once again. She was adorably circling around you again, tempting you to pet her. You quickly glanced around, knowing that Shinsou was not around, so you hastily squatted down and petted her softly, rubbing at her sides, feeling the warmth of her flesh beneath the ultra soft fur.

"Gosh, you're so cute~!" You squealed softly, under your breath.

"Did I not say, not to touch her?"

You froze once again, mind completely boggled at how he was able to sneak up on you like some experienced ninja—amazingly unnoticeable. But, it did scare you a bit more since you were crouched down behind the counter, and he wasn't even supposed to be able to see you. But, somehow he did, as if he knew your every move.

You quickly stood up, wanting to protest until your eyes popped wide open once again, to see him completely shirtless. Nothing but jeans.

A rosy hue of red lifted within your cheeks at the sight of his muscular form once again—first, from the bathtub, and now this?

You had to admit he was good looking at the beginning, but now with a full view of his lean, structured body with rippling and was just a big tease.

"...sorry, but," you began softly, looking away shyly. "...I'll stop touching her if you promise to give me some privacy in the washroom."

"Tch," he simply scoffed, as he made his way around to pick up his cat with a quick squat and up, before he stared at you blankly once again. "...What if I really had to do it...like last night?"

You swallowed, feeling nervousness increase every second. "...Then just hold it in until I'm done."

"Pft, that's not happening."

"Just...go pee outside, for all I care," you retorted with a snarl, had enough of his rude attitude towards you.

He raised a brow with mingling amusement at your new choice of response, with his red lips slightly parted. "...What if I needed to release other wastes and excrements that is not liquid?"

You rolled your eyes, began to walk off with a soft scoff. "Whatever…just please knock the door at least."

You frowned at his stubbornness, it felt as though he was purposely pushing your buttons. You simply sighed, knowing that you needed to get to class after. You took a note to make sure that you either get a new dorm—which was not possible at the moment—or at least get someone to install a lock on the washroom door.


You soon left earlier than him by quickly eating your breakfast. You walked through the halls, watching other dorm students gather in groups—assuming they were groups of friends.

You frowned, feeling like a fish out of water, realizing that you knew nobody—except for that irritating roommate fo yours you have to deal with for the rest of the year.

You went through the halls, crossed the sky bridge to make your way to the office lounge. As you were making your way there, your face blanked, nearly drained from its colours when you saw a tall male with purple hair once again.

You rubbed your eyes, quite convinced that your vision was playing tricks on you. But no, it was definitely him, right when he averted his head back to meet your eyes—as if he knew exactly when you were coming.

What's up with this guy? He can teleport or something?

You swore that you had left before him, but how was he even able to be there before you?

You felt an uncanny feeling, slightly creeped out due to your strange roommate. You shook your head and simply convinced yourself that maybe he knew a faster route than you did—since you did arrive late overall.

You scurried your way towards the front counter, standing at an equidistant from the purple-haired male. You held onto the strap of your bag tightly, quite curious at why he would be here.

"Why are you here?" A deep voice soon asked.

Did he read my mind? I was about to ask the exact same thing on him…

You gulped, nervously averting your eyes towards the male for a moment before returning to look at the front. "...just making a request, how about you?"


You nodded softly, chewed your bottom lip in peak curiosity of what he could possibly request. You had in mind to keep your mouth shut for the moment, but your own lips betrayed you.

"What're you requesting?"

"..." there was silence for a moment, causing you to slowly fidget and look at him—who was already staring at you blankly—yet appeared to have no animosity unlike before.

He cleared his throat. "Don't get offended, but I'm hoping to move dorms."


Your heart began to pound, unsure of why your heart felt a pang when your roommate wanted to move out...because of you. But, at the same time, you wanted him to move out. You preferred if it was a sweet, chill girl you could at least talk to, but you had to be paired up with him out of all people.

"Well..." you began, dramatically cleared your throat as you locked eyes with his own. "I genuinely hope your request will be accepted."

"Oh?" He scoffed, nearly chuckling before his lips formed back to a thin line. "What's your request then though?"

"Ah, you know..." you began, as you rolled your eyes to the front. "...Just requesting for someone to put a lock on the bathroom door."

From then on, he did not reply.

You hated the uncomfortable silence, this was the longest conversation you had since last night. You were glad that the counter lady came along and assisted Shinsou right away.

You happened to eavesdrop on their conversation, hearing how his irritation took over his naturally attractive features, while his voice spoke in an extra, frustrated manner. You assumed it was no good, clearly indicating that his request would be rejected.

He finally let out a sigh, turned his body away, glancing towards you once again with a clear scowl on his face. "...Guess we're stuck together for the rest of the year."