
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

13. First make-out w/ boyfriend

The moment lasted for a moment, you sat there quietly enthralled by the electric crimson that surrounded the outer linings of his violet orbs. No response came out of your mouth except for your gazing awe at the sudden change of his irises.

You had in mind to question of why that was happening, but your mouth remained shut, as if it was glued onto a paper.

He remained the same curled expression, scanning your countenance as if he was expectant of a repeated reaction. Yet, you continued to stare with starry eyes, while silence continued to loom between the two of you.

His crimson red lips irked in a frown before he reluctantly lurched his head away and stood up. A wide-eye form filled your face with a sudden perplexed demeanour.

"H-Hey!" You blurted, as you watched him shove his hands in his pockets, making his way to the front door. "...Shinsou!"

The creaks of the door were evident, door swung wide open before he faced you waywardly, glancing his handsome pale face back at you. His eyes returned to his previous violet ones, illuminating a purplish glow in the midst of the lightly lit hallway.

Your eyes locked with his own momentarily before he stifled back and swivelled to trod out of the dorm.

You simply sat there dumbfounded, your mind's eye recalling of his beautiful features—still quite entranced by his mixed-colour eyes, which gorgeously adorned his pale skin and pepper red lips.

Quite unsure of why your heart began to drum within your ears, feeling a warmth greeted your chest in a newfound astonishment at the purple-haired male. Not understand why just one glance into his eyes would cause such an a warm daze in the consciousness of your mind.

Soon enough, another shrill feeling cascaded in your lungs with the creeping clouds of fear upon the vacancy of the dorm room.

Your eyes peeped around, missing Shinsou's surprisingly comforting presence as the same uncomfortable feeling lurched in your throat.

You continued to hug the little kitten's furry body in your arms, still felt exposed in your back as if you had a broken shield.

Your heart jumped when you heard a ferocious knock on the front door. Your eyes overshadowed with a clouded intimidation when you instinctively sensed that whoever was staring into your soul was outside that very door.

You quickly got up, still feeling weighed down with a lethargic feeling, quite paralyzed by a warning voice inside that says not to open the door.

The series of knocks drummed louder as you stepped your way against the dark oaken floor towards the metallic door. You stopped right in front of the door, knowing full well that it was not your roommate instinctively, yet also knowing the fact that Shinsou could open it since he had access with his student card.

The silent tension increased before you gripped your fingers around the metallic handle, unlocked it and swivelled it open.

Your jaw tightened, gulping in utter agitation before your head dipped to the opening, causing an eye-popping stance to colour your face.


"Quick, quick, get inside," he urged, before he brought himself in, moving yourself aside as he closed the door behind him.

He leaned back against the door, panting slightly as his red cherry lips parted with his nose scrunched up, before he looked back down to your eye level, sapphire blue eyes gazed at you with his usual curled smirk.

"...T-Touya? What are you doing...here?" You asked cautiously, gulping, while recovering from your self-imposed fret. "...is someone coming after you?"

"No, no," he reassured, as he drew closer to you, sighing in relief. "I sneaked out of class and someone snitched on me, now I think I lost them."

"Oh...I see." You let out a sigh of relief, before looking down, vision trailing towards your trembling fingers.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He questioned, before lifting your shaking hands and encased it within his larger hands. His sapphire eyes looked back into your own with a mixture of concern and calm. "...did something happen before I came?"

You hastily cleared your throat, forcing a wide smile before shaking your head. "N-No, I just...felt like someone was watching me, but... I'm really glad you're here now."

He smiled thinly. "M'kay, just let me know if someone does stalk my girlfriend, I'll beat em' right up."

You giggled softly, feeling a wave of relief before you embraced his form, leaving a breath-filled chuckle to escape his lips. "Thank you, Touya..."

Touya has not been to your dorm room except once—only because your roommate was here. Tense vibes exuded when they even have one glance at one another. So, it was rare for Touya to visit in.

Touya requested for a quick tour, saying how it looked similar to his dorm since there were different features in each dorm room. And soon enough to your bedroom.

Through it all, you swore that you felt something off when you opened the door, as if Touya was the one who had the watchful gaze of intensity in your gut feeling. You shook your head in dismissal at such ridiculous thoughts, knowing that your boyfriend couldn't possibly give off such a menacing aura. Yet, Shinsou's voice rose up at the back of your head of the death news he showed you earlier.

He clutched onto your shoulders to look straight into your eyes with that curled grin. "Lucky me to have a cute little girlfriend like you, now what do I get for a prize?"

"A prize...?"

"Mhmn, for bringing relief to you."

"Oh, um..." you looked down, rummaged through of what you could give him, but he took the initiative to lift your chin up, drawing dangerously close with a hot breath.

"How about..." he parted his red cherry lips with squinted gleaming eyes. "...a little taste of you?"

His wet lips crashed onto your soft ones, hungrily nibbling onto your own, his insistent mouth parting on your shaking ones. Eyes wide with sudden surprise at his sudden gesture, before he forcefully slammed your back against the nearby wall and continued to swim his lips—slightly holding himself back from devouring you completely.

You felt giddiness spun in your stomach, dazing your mind as you joined in the dance of kisses he was leading, succumbing to flutter your eyes squinted. He began gliding his fingers underneath your shirt, before you lurched your head back to gasp in for breath.

"...T-Touya...is this...why you're here?"

He smiled slyly with a wink before pecking another kiss to drag your lips in a squashing sound. "I'm gettin' bored with my class, and I miss you so bad, so of course, you got me there, baby-doll."

"O-Oh." You flushed red, before he leaned in once again to drag your lips in a passionate kiss, nearly parting to touch your tongue, before you quickly dragged away, feeling slightly overwhelmed.

"Touya...We can't do this right now," you swallowed, as you watched him gaze at you with attentive ears, looking at you with an exponential hunger in his sapphire eyes.

"...Awe, why not?"

"...There's something I need to ask you about," you disclosed, slightly hesitant.

"Oh? What is it?"

You inhaled sharply. "...there's something I'd like you to be honest about..."

"Hm?" He raised a brow, tilting his head slightly before he squinted his eyes at you. "...Is there anything I've ever been dishonest with you?"

You shook your head in panic. "No, no, I mean I've just been thinking that..." you looked away. "...I feel like..." you averted your eyes back into his blue, starry ones. "...there's something you haven't told me about?"

"What exactly?" He asked, slightly growing serious in tone.

"Well, for one," you cleared your throat. "...do you actually work in your father's company?"

"...I told you I did, didn't I?" He let out a forced laugh before he shook his head, causing slight bits of his spiky hair to prickle against your temple. "What ever made you doubt my words, dolly?"

"Well..." you began, feeling butterflies in your stomach rummaging nervously. "...just heard some rumours that...because you hate your father, you don't ever want to work for him, claiming that you're being dishonest about such things..."

"Tch," he scoffed before he shook his head at you with a confident smirk. "Don't tell me you believe them, do you?"

"N-No, of course I trust you," you responded quickly, gulped as you held your breath. "...I was just wondering I guess...I'm glad I got to hear it from you in person."

"Good," he chirped, before he leaned his lips up and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "Don't trust those fakes, they just wanna ruin our relationship..."

"Right…" you replied softly, before you leaned back and rested at the crook of his neck. "...I guess I'll trust you."

His warmth embraced you, yet a tense feeling about Touya did not settle well with you, as if Shinsou's words were such an influence in your thoughts. But you did not understand why you would trust your irritating roommate more than your own boyfriend.

You sighed softly, knowing that for now, you'll have to give him the benefit of a doubt.