
1. the James family

(beep, beep, beep)

the alarm blared, making her curse under her breath trying to turn it off with her eyes closed but she ended up falling with a thump

"blast you stupid alarm"

she screamed glaring at the alarm that was still beeping, she grudgingly dragged herself to the alarm turning it off.

she got up to the bathroom and seeing her reflection made her gasp, her face looked like a zombie that haven't eaten, her forest green eyes had eye bags under them, her blonde hair looked like a bird's nest. the 5ft8, 21 year old lady glared at her reflection

"don't even think about judging me"

she said to her reflection before grabbing a toothbrush, stripped off and got into the shower.

after getting dressed in a baggy jeans and crop top, she checked the time and realized she was running late.

'she's gonna have my ass for being late... again'

she thought, on reaching the cafe where she worked, more like spent her time stuffing her face with cookies, the sweet smell of coffee welcomed her

"Hilary James!"

someone screamed, but she already knew it was her sister

'oops, caught... again'

she turned to face her sister Jamie who was fuming like a bull, she could practically see smoke coming off her ears.

" it isn't what you think "

Hilary said trying to explain the reason that didn't exist

"so you're saying, you didn't go to a club, came home late, slept off, and tried to kill your alarm without realizing how late you are?"

Jamie asked, with her hands on her hips

Hilary didn't blame her sister, though her sister had her escapades, she never turned to work late so as to help out their patents.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again"

Hilary apologized

"just like you said it won't happen again yesterday, or the day before yesterday, or the day before the day before yesterday or the day..."

"stop being so hard on your sister"

their mother Vanessa scolded Jamie, she was glad Hilary never got drunk neither did she throw herself at guys, 'no child is perfect, the good just have to outweigh the bad' she always said but Jamie called it bull, even though she knew it to be true

"thanks ma"

Hilary said, happy to get off easily today then ran to the backroom to greet her dad

"I defended her, but who does she go to kiss first, her dad"

Vanessa murmured making Jamie laugh

"no child is 100% Perfect, the good just have to outweigh the bad"

Jamie teased Vanessa earning a glare from her

(ding, ding, ding)

the sound from the door announced a new customer has arrived

"go serve the new customer instead of dallying about"

Vanessa shoed Jamie making her stick her tongue out before going

"I saw that"

the only response she got was the laughter of Jamie

"hello, what can I get you?"

Jamie asked the new customer which was a guy with dark brown hair, muscular, a strong jaw, he was wearing black boots, leather trouser and he looked badass, when he raised his head she was met with the most beautiful sea blue eyes she had ever seen making her loose her breath, he was utter perfection


a sweet, dreamy voice said , it caressed her, a hand snapped in her face. she had been gawking at the guy, he was now standing with a worried look on his face, she would have called it cute if he wasn't looking so intimidating, she never considered herself short but looking at this guy that was 6ft7 she felt really small but that didn't stop her from drinking him in more

' it's not like I'm cheating by checking out a hot guy'

she thought

"are you all right?"

the same deep, dreamy voice asked her making her blush a deep crimson

"I'm sorry, someone else will come attend to you"

she said scrambling off to go fetch her sister

"hils, there's a really hot, sexy customer out there and you should go attend to him"

"what about you?"

she whined, Hilary hated attending to male customers, they always checked her out, she was no virgin but she hated flirting ever since her breakup with her boyfriend, they dated for 3 years before he ended, saying she wasn't what he wanted, she was never that into him or any other guy for that matter so flirting annoyed her.

"my leg hurts, besides you owe me, you've always come late and you'll thank me later"

"you know no guy have ever interested me"

"go give it a try, if you don't like him, I'll conclude you're into animals, or better yet, go become a nun"

Jamie pushed Hilary out the back room, he was the only customer that haven't been attended to so she went straight to his table

"hello, what would you lik...?"

she stopped halfway, the most beautiful smell invaded her nostrils, earth and forest and it was coming from the guy, if she wasn't mistaken it smelt like... home