
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Triumphant Return

The sounds of the trumpets reached all of the way to the castle, Every person inside the castle became happy as the Lord of the castle had returned from the fight safely.

"He is finally home safe, He promised he would come back to me" Julieta said with tears in her eye's and a smile upon her face.

"Yes My Lady, Just like I told you he would make it back safe, Hopefully he will fill all of us in about the events of the battle and of the outcome" Jerome stated as he to was happy Lord Black returned safe and sound.

"High Commander Kellnor and High Knight Bragdon you will accompany to the castle we have matters to discuss in the war room" I stated as we were walking through the main gate of the kingdom.

"Yes My Lord" Both men replied is unison, They both were happy with the turn of events and had a lot of respect for Lord Black for his actions as a ruler.

We have reached the inside of the walls of the kingdom and there were citizens everywhere cheering and applauding the return of all the men that had left to fight, They noticed that the Lord himself lead the way entering the city so they also bowed in respect as he went by.

Returning back to my people and seeing them happy and cheering that the men made it home safely showed me that I have done the right thing by going as well, To me going along was what a ruler should do no one taught me that but it felt correct and proper, It also shows the people that the Lord is not afraid to fight along side his men and risk his life for them.

As I come down the main road I can see the gates of the castle opening up and a few figures standing there awaiting the Lord's arrival, Those standing there were Julieta, Jerome and the Head maid Erika, Seeing Julieta waiting for me I became really happy and I rushed up to the castle gates, Once I reached the gates I got down from the horse and rushed up and picked her up and held her close as I gently kissed her.

"I am so happy you have come back, If anything would have happened to you I don't know what I would have done" Julieta said while holding on to me.

"I told you I would return to you, I will never leave you all alone in this life time" I replied to her while holding her close to me.

"I have a counsel I must attend with the new appointed High Commander and High Knight, You may come as well its in regards to some new information that was gained during the fighting of some rather troublesome news about the abandoned kingdom to the south.

When Julieta heard this information she became worried and asked "What information was discovered?".

We will discuss all of the information inside away from everyone, "Jerome please find any maps and information in regards to the kingdom itself to the south and what exactly happened if we have it".

"Yes Lord Black right away" Jerome headed right away to the records room to look for the relevant information on the abandoned kingdom as the rest of us head to the war room.

We reached the war room once inside the door is shut and we all sit down at the table, "Alright I asked you both here as we need to discuss the information we got during the last fight, The information is about the orcish creature's that we fought, We have found out that they had come from the abandoned kingdom to the south, We need to find out exactly what is causing those abominations to move out of the dead lands and what has happened to the sentries that were placed to guard our borders".

"What creature's are you talking about?" Julieta asked in a curious tone as she understands the importance of this meeting.

"My Lady, The creature's Lord Black refers to is a abominations it looks like a orc but it was decaying and abnormally strong for the way they looked, They were a different undead creature compared to the ones that were released by the traitors"

Julieta nodded as she listened to the information, "So what's the plan for the abandoned kingdom, Everyone that has gone there has never returned".

"The most important thing to do first is to check on our men stations at the border garrison to check and see why they weren't able to stop the creature's from escaping the dead lands"

"You are right My Lord, The weirdest situation at had is what happened to the garrison as they had the means to always keep those creature's trapped in the dead lands, We also need to figure out what is happening inside the abandoned kingdom itself, All we know at this time is that the kingdom to the south was lost a few hundred years ago its in complete ruins and no one can ever live there again, Not to mention the war and plague that followed killed everyone in that kingdom".

"How many men were station at the garrison?"

"Fifteen hundred men plus their families who live in the small village built along side the garrison"

"Have we had any letters or new from the garrison recently? I find it strange we have not heard from them in quiet some time"

"Indeed it does seem strange for a garrison with fifteen hundred men plus a village with their families to just stop sending notice nor ask for aid from castle" Julieta said with a straight face and serious tone.

"I agree with my wife, This situation needs to be investigate immediately at the same time we need to make sure that when we investigate that we bring everyone back alive that we send out plus whoever is alive at the garrison"

"I have returned with all of the relevant information on the lost kingdom, The only missing information is what had become of the kingdom once the plague wiped out all of the inhabitants" Jerome stated as he set all the documents on the table for us.

"Thank you Jerome, Now one thing I was state is that everyone inside this room is not to say anything to anyone less we start a panic amongst the citizens, I won't let anything happen to everyone here in the capital but until we know more we will keep it from anyone, if anyone speaks about this or tries to steal the information they will be severely punished"

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, They all understood the seriousness of this matter and they did not want to scare the populace at this time, One thing for sure everyone was worried bout the men and their families more then anything else at this time, The dead lands were a second priority but still a matter that needs to be resolved as well.