
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Surprising Answer's

I walk up to the door as the maid has moved aside and bowed to me as I am about to reach for the door and walk into the room, Before I could touch the door to push it open the door opened on its own to make way for me to enter.

I walked through the doorway into a massive room with a dark atmosphere to itself but it felt very calming as I entered, I noticed it was dimly lit but had enough light to notice the elegance of this beautiful room, I could see all the details in the room clearly and it was breath taking to see.

"Hello Lord Black welcome to your domain" A familiar voice came from behind me, I turn to look and notice Julieta is standing there with a calm expression on her face and is nice to me as always, "Julieta your here as well? What is going on where are we?".

"I know you have alot of questions and I will answer all of them, But first before I answer any of your questions, how are you feeling? Did you have any problems when you awoke?".

I was just staring at Julieta wondering how she knew I was here and for the fact she was still watching out for and taking care of me, Even though I am no longer in my village or the fact my parents are gone she is still here for me.

"I was a bit stiff when I awoke and it took me awhile to adjust my eye's but once I was able to move and see I have had a single issue" I responded naturally to her question like nothing has changed at all since she first helped me to get better.

"That is great to hear, I am glady you are getting stronger with every passing day, Now I understand you have alot of questions and I know you are very upset about your parents, What questions do you have?" Julieta asked me know I was confused about the situation.

When she mentioned my parents I had a wave of emotions go through me, First sadness that lasted for a bit but the longer I thought about that day my sadness was replaced with a uncontrollable rage building up within me, To the point where everyone within the walls of the castle could feel the oppressive are pouring from my presence.

"What question do I have for you?" I stand there as my face turns dark and extremely angry, "Where are those creatures that took my whole world from me?" I say in a deep low voice enough to shake the floor beneath my feet.

Julieta just looked at me calmly and with a feeling of sincere care coming from her eye's and stance, "They destroyed several villages including your home village before being pushed back by our people who have always tried to keep them at bay, On that day though more then we could have prepared for came pouring into the region and slaughtered everything in their path".

Without my knowledge I unconsciously let out enough force to out a hole in the wall just by throwing my around as I turned, I was so angry that my appearance had changed as well from a dull red of my eyes to the grayish silver of my hair, My eye's became I bright deep red and my hair changed to a silver color same as the moon on a clear night.

"I will destroy all of them who took everything for me and I will make sure they will never come back" I was saying all this while I subconsciously sat down on the chair in the center of the room, Apparently when I sat on this particular chair the entire cast started to glow with a deep red color as if it was coming to life again once given the chance, I could feel immense power coming from the castle as if it was a extention of myself.

I was irritated so much so that I blocked out everything else, "Bring me the ones who were in charge of keeping track of these creature and making sure they didn't get out of control, I must speak to them myself and deal with them" I said this deadly deep tone as I sat back in the chair, My eye's glowing deep red and all you can see of me as I sat on the chair was my lower half of my body, My hands on the arm rest and my glowing eyes, My upper body and my face were blacked out in shadow.

"It will be done my Lord, I will have the head butler go and bring them before you" Julieta nodded as she acknowledged my demand, She shivered a bit as she was excited to see what I would do to these men, "Jerome bring the four commanders here before his Highness immediately".

"Yes Miss Valora" The butler bowed before turning to leave to retrieve the commanders.

The longer I sat upon the throne thinking of what happened, The stronger my killing intent and my dangerous aura began to spread from the throne room towards the main staircase, Everyone in the lower area of the castle couldn't hide the terror in their hearts and they could not figure out what has made the Lord of the castle so angry that the air around felt as if a mountain was crashing down upon them.

The head butler Jerome returned to the keep with the commanders before he realizes the aura coming from the castle, "Is this the Lord's malice coming from the throne room?" As he was walking with a calm expression on his face, He thought to himself " These four must have made a serious mistake to have the Lord deal with them personally".

"What are we going to the throne room for?"

"There isn't anyone in that room, It has been empty for the last century maybe one of us will be promoted to Lord of the castle for our great work"

"Maybe we will get paid in tons of gold"

"Who ever called us to the throne room must be trash or worthless and is to afraid of our strength to come to us, HAHAHAHA no one is capable of taking us on just look at the villagers that were killed by the trash creatures that we are supposed to take care of, it was fun to see the destruction before we cleaned them up killing two birds with one stone".

The four commanders were laughing and teasing amongst themselves that they did not sense the aura coming from the throne room, At this time as they were walking Jerome that was walking infront of them had cold sweat forming on his forehead, He just could not believe the words coming from these four in the castle of Lord Black who is currently very upset inside the throne room.