
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Returning Home

I am looking forward to returning home to Julieta and to get ready for our wedding day, The men are in great spirits after we were able to route out those creature's and protect the kingdom, The only thing that does bother me is where did those orcish looking ones come from.

We will need to seek out the information of these creature's, Find out where they came from if anyone made them that way and if so who is behind it, I know of one person who might be able to shed some light on this but once a traitor always a traitor and he might not give the information I seek.

It is a few days before the wedding and Julieta is worried, "I hope Jon is ok and that he will make it back to me, Right now I do not care if we have to push the wedding date back I just want him home to me safe".

"He will return triumphant from this battle, Plus it shows a lot of strength to the men that he personally lead them in this fight like a proper Lord should, With his strength and personality he would never let mere creature's such as those to stop him from winning and returning to you My Lady" Jerome stated with pride.

I can see Castle Black in the distance, We are about a days ride from home so we decide to stage camp here for the evening and let the injured soldiers rest a bit, I am very proud of my men for their actions in the fight we managed to end it with just a few men injured and no one lost their life, I do not care about any other kingdom or its subjects but anyone in my kingdom I will always make sure to protect or avenge if need be.

"My Lord your tent has been prepared and your horse is been looked after as well"

"Great job captain, go and inform the high Knight that I want to see both of you in my tent immediately" I say as I'm walking towards my tent with a few elite guards in tow.

"Yes My Lord" The captain bowed his head and responded before getting the High Knight for the meeting.

Inside my tent I sit down on a elegant chair behind a table that has some reports on the desk that I am going over from the battle, The information that has caught my attention the most right now is that fact that the reports state the orcish creature's came from the deserted lands to the south, The only signs of life that used to reside their are the remnants of a old kingdom that was destroyed several hundred years ago.

The kingdom to the south use to be a flourishing location that brought people from all over the continent to it's location, One day there was a nasty war followed by plague that completely killed off the entire kingdom, No one was left alive even women and children were not spared and that is why it has been completely deserted by the other kingdom's and left in ruin for several hundred years, Everyone just calls it the dead lands and no one ever goes there do to the monsters and plague still there.

If these creature's came from there then either their breeding down there or someone dumb enough is making them there, That land is lawless and adventurers always go there to try to get rich by defeating monsters and looking for treasure amongst the decade ruins of the old castle there.

"You wished to see us My Lord?" The High Knight spoke from outside the tent at this moment.

"You may enter" I responded in a calm tone.

I look up and see both the High Knight and the Captain of the army infront of me kneeling with the heads bowed, "Please stand the both of you" I say to them and the both rise to their feet.

"I wanted to congratulate both of you on your deeds during this time as you both have shown me your strength and loyalty"

"Thank you for the praises My Lord" Both of the men replied in unison.

"As such for your deeds in this battle, I will give you both rewards, First High Knight Kellnor please step foward"

High Knight Kellnor was a bit surprised that Lord learned his last name and called him up first, Even the thought of getting a reward from the Lord did not cross his mind.

"You have done exactly as I asked of you by getting rid of those creature's and keeping all of your men safe and alive, By doing so I hereby grant you the title of High Commander congratulations on your promotion to High Commander"

The newly appointed High Commander could not believe he had been promoted, He simply followed the order given to him by Lord Black to destroy the creature's and to come back safe, He was visibly shaking with joy "T-Thank you My Lord it is a great honor to receive this promotion and I will take it with pride" He bowed his head and thanked Lord Black.

"You are very welcome High Commander Kellnor, Now Captain Bragdon Please step forward"

Same as Kellnor, Bragdon also was a bit shocked by the Lord calling him by his last name but he stepped forward to hear what the lord has to say.

"Captain Bragdon, You have done a outstanding job coordinating to army and getting eventing done in a hurry so we could respond to the request for reinforcements in a faster manner, With that in mind I am promoting you to the rank of High Knight and you will report to High Commander Kellnor directly unless I ask for you myself, Congratulations on your promotion to High Knight"

Bragdon just like Kellnor was visibly shaking with happiness, "Thank you My Lord for the great honor I will hold this position and serve with pride of the Noble Black Family".

"Now the last piece of the rewards is that I will be giving you both a two thousand gold piece bonus for your hard work, Also when we return we will hold a proper ceremony for both of your promotions and you are both ordered to take some time to rest and spend with your families".

"Yes My Lord" Both men replied in unison and bowed theirs heads, Both were very happy with how today turned out.

The next day we break camp early in the morning to try to get back to the castle in time, I was ready to be home to be completely honest with myself this is completely different to me I really never spent much time away from home, It was a good experience but one I knew had to be done to keep the morale of my men high and make sure everyone returned home to their familes.families.

We have been traveling much of the day already but you can see all the men in high spirits as soon as you can see the gates of the kingdom not far off in the distance, "We have finally returned home" I think to myself while looking at my home with a gentle smile on my face, When I hear the sounds of trumpets going at the sight of the Lord's return, It fills me with a joy I had never experienced before and to know this feel is what my father must have felt is amazing.