
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Impending Death

I turned 19 this year, I have been helping my father in the fields working the wheat and I'm actually able to work now without getting to weak or sick for that matter, I still get my daily medicine from Julieta about mid day.

"Your doing great son, you've grown stronger and it looks like you have become taller as well" My father laughed as he said the last part, He is not a short man either about 6'4 and my mother isn't short either about 6', But I was always shorter then both of my parents at around 5'10 apparently though I have hit a growth I'm my mothers height now and I'm not sure how that happened.

Also my muscles have changed as well from a frail kid to having some muscle definition showing now, I never really noticed nor paid attention to it I just figured from working with my father all this time it was bound to happen, Apparently though everyone in our village has noticed the drastic change in me and I've seem to attract some attention from a few of the young women in the village as well.

"Why are you laughing father" I look at him with a slightly confused look upon my face.

"It's nothing my boy, It's really nice to see my son becoming a strong man after going through everything when you were younger"

"Julieta is here with your medicine Jon" My mother called out to me with a wave.

"coming mother" I turn to head towards the house to go take my daily medicine, When I notice in the distance there was what looked like to be smoke coming from beyond the ridge line to the east of the village, "Father what is that in the distance"

He looked in that direction and his face turn a ugly shade "We need to warn the village and get everyone to saftey" I looked at my father in shock as I've never seen his face like that before and it worried me alot, We start to run towars our house to get my mother and Julieta then head towards the village.

We make it to the center of the village and gathered everyone, "We need to gather everyone and leave the village as quickly and safely as possible" My father was yelling so everyone could hear him.

"what's going on?"

"why must we leave our homes"

More questions like this were coming from the villagers as they were trying to figure out what was going on, They were scared and worried and just didn't understand why they had to leave.

My father looked around and noticed everyone was frightened by the sudden information to leave, "There is smoke coming from the ridge to the east, there is only another village in that direction for miles the last time smoke came from that direction there was a attack that destroyed most of that area before I spread this way.

The villagers that remembered what happed back then were terrified even more and were frantically trying to collect what they could take with them, Before anyone could make any progress to get out of the village there was screaming coming from the far end of the village as there were monsters attacking.

"How did they get here so fast" My father stated as he gathered myself and my mother together, "What are those things father" I ask visibly terrified as I see these creature tearing the villagers apart and eating them, "Now is not the time to talk we must run for the capital city for safety" My father grabbed my mother and myself and started to run.

I looked behind me and we ran noticed that more people were trying to get away but the monsters were not stopping, They kept killing and eating the villagers as they were running after everyone, As we were running my mother tripped and fell to the ground, My father stopped and turned around "Mary" but before he could do anything to help my mother those monsters caught up and started to eat my mother.

"RUNNNNN!!!!!" My mother screamed as she was being bitten and torn apart, My father grabbed me and ran as fast as he could while crying, "MOTHER!!!!" I yelled as I did not want to leave her behind we were still being chased by those damned creatures and it felt like we would not be able to escape.

My father dropped to the ground and I fell along with him when I recovered I could see that one of the creature had caught up to us and my father was trying to fight it off, He was visibly injured badly but he was not giving up as to give me a chance to run "JON RUN TO SAFETY AND LIVE" My father screamed at me to leave and run, I just froze in place and could not move.