
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Heavy Presence

We have begone to march from the capital, As we make our way towards the garrison in the south we all know what must be done and the men are eager to avenge their fallen brothers and sisters at the garrison, Along the road to the garrison you can feel the surrounding area feel heavy as if the place is surrounded by death and vengeance.

It will take two days to arrive at the southern garrison over looking the dead lands, "Hopefully we will be able to get some answers as to what is going on in the area and the means to end it" I think to myself as we are heading along the path.

"My Lord there are black clouds on the horizon there must be a storm coming in, Should we prepare camp and wait out the storm?" High Knight Bragdon asked.

"We will setup camp once we get closer to the pass towards the garrison" I stated to the High Knight.

"Yes My Lord" We make it to the pass within the hour and prepare to setup camp, "Make sure to setup sentry's and send out a scouting party to check out the pass before we head forward" I give out the orders and the troops begin to move immediately.

"Yes My Lord, Get the camp ready and setup sentry's and get a scouting party to check the pass" The High Knight commanded the troops.

We got the camp setup within time before the rain began to fall, I am sitting inside the tent with the High Commander and High Knight "So what information do we have about the pass? Have the scouts returned from the pass?" I asked both of them.

"They have returned My Lord, They reported that the pas is clear but the area surrounding the pass felt heavier then it was before we entered the area, They could not understand what was causing the feeling in the area but they advised extreme caution when passing through the area My Lord"

"We will follow the recommendation of the scouts when passing through the pass, They are all well seasoned veterans when it comes to scouting if something has them on edge we can not ignore this information, Everyone must keep there guard up and focus on the area as we pass through" I stated in a serious tone.

This situation is getting more and more frustrating as time goes by, We will be breaking camp in the morning and continuing our journey towards the garrison as we need to get the area cleared out and save the survivor's, Now with this new information of a heavy growing presence in the area is becoming a serious situation as it is moving closer to the capital at a alarming rate.

"Send a messenger immediately to the capital, Tell them to lock down the capital not to let anyone in or out of the capital and to up the watch of the guards and double the troops" I commanded seriously.

"At once My Lord it will be done" The High Commander stated.

"Are you worried about anything My Lord?" The high Knight and Commander looked at me with a confused look on their face's.

"With the increasingly heavy presents in the area the closer we get to the garrison, As well as we are still a day's ride before we get there and it is a day's ride back to the capital, With the presence of heaviness in the area spreading its not a simple task to handle at this moment as we have the undead at the garrison as well as trying to gather the information on how it is spreading" I stated to my men.

"I can understand how you are feeling My Lord, With this spreading quickly we need to handle the situation before mass panic spreads across the entire kingdom, We also do not want the situation to get out of hand either otherwise we will not have enough men to handle it either" The High Commander spoke in a serious tone.

The next morning we break camp and continue onwards towards the garrison to cleanse it and to save the survivor's located inside, The night before we sent a messenger back to the capital to inform them to lock the capital down and to double the guards and to not let anyone in or out of the capital until the area has been made clear.

"My Lord we are coming up on the pass leading to the garrison in the south, The area coming up is the area where the scouts said the heavy feeling in the area is supposed to be" The High Knight stated.

"Understood, Everyone be on your guard and make sure to keep a lookout for anything suspicious that may come our way"

"Yes Sire" All of the troops acknowledged.

We have reached the pass towards the garrison in the south and what the scout's have reported is true, This area has a heavy feeling to it as if it has a will of its own and it is a feeling of death all around.

"Have someone look up information about this area, Check if there were any major conflicts in this or the surrounding areas within the last few hundred years" I told the High Knight.

"Understood My Lord, We will look into this information and report back once we have anything, I really wonder myself if there was buy the area does not look like it would be a area of a battle other then the pass nothing else in the area would be of strategic value".

"Agreed but we still need to know what happened in this area especially if it is spreading, We need to find a way to stop it" I agreed to the High Knight, This area would not be a good area for a fight it would only be a death trap for both sides of the fight.

We have finally made our way through the pass, Nothing seemed out of place through the pass but once on the other side one could see the land was dying, "What is going on in this area?"

"My Lord the area is dying just like beyond the garrison, It might not be safe to occupy the garrison any long" Kellnor stated with worry.

"We need to figure out what is going on quickly and try to fix this situation before it spreads any further" I stated as I looked out over my kingdom to the south and seeing the land dying.

We continue towards the garrison as we can see the fortress blocking the path to the dead lands, It will still take awhile to arrive but the men know once we arrive it will be a battle to retake the area from the undead.