
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Garrison Report

It has been three days since the wedding, My wife and I have enjoyed some well needed alone time together to consummate our marriage as husband and wife, Today we decided to just relax on the balcony and have some blood tea when we received a urgent report from the scouts who were sent to the garrison in the south again to look for any survivors.

"My Lord, We have word from the scouts" The High Commander reported.

I nodded as we headed towards the war room, My wife followed as well due to the fact that she wanted to hear if there were any survivor's at the garrison and if so what the plan was to rescue them from that nightmare.

"What is the situation at the garrison?" Julieta asked the High Commander as I was looking over the reports from the scout's.

"My Lady the situation is strange to be sure, They were able to determine that there are a small number of survivor's inside the armory of the garrison the locked themselves in and are currently surrounded by the undead, The scouts were not able to get close enough to assist qnd they did not want to alert the undead to their presence as they were afraid if they did that the undead would chase and follow them back to the capital"

"Understood" Julieta said in a firm tone, I could see she was really upset about the situation and was concerned with the saftey of the survivor's.

"Let the scouts know they did a excellent job with providing this information, Have them help in solitary confinement for a few days just in the event that they had caught whatever had caused the disease at the garrison, They will be fed and taken care of by healers and if they show no signs of infection or turning into those abominations they will be released to return to their duty with a reward for there hard work" I stated as I wanted to keep the capital safe from harm and to protect my men in the chance they caught whatever was happening.

"Understood My Lord I will inform the scouts immediately as they are waiting at the entrance to the capital at this moment"

"Please tell them not to worry, They are not in any trouble just a precaution we must take as we don't know how the disease is spreading" Julieta stated before the High Commander left the war room.

"Understood My Lady"

"Dear what are we going to do about the survivor's inside the garrison?" Julieta asked concerned.

"We must rescue them at all costs, Before we are able to do so we must clear the undead in the surrounding area before we can move in to rescue the survivor's, The only issue at this moment will be the undead inside the garrison as it is unclear of how many exactly are inside" I stated with a bit of concern and frustration in my voice.

Jerome came in at this time "My Lord and Lady, We have lunch prepared would you like to retreat to the dinning room or to the balcony?"

My wife and I decided to eat on the balcony and try to rest for a bit before we get back to figuring out what we are going to do with the garrison, "Honey what plans do you have for the garrison? Julieta asked me while reading the reports.

"The main focus at time is to clear out the undead to save the survivor's, The issue though is we have no accurate numbers on the undead inside all we know is the armory is the only save spot at this time" I say with alittle stress in my voice.

She understands my frustration about this and she feels the same, These are our people that we must protect but with issues like this coming up we just don't understand the cause of it, We run this kingdom together as Lord and Lady and share the responsibility of protecting everyone, My wife is very brilliant and can find solutions in just about any issue but this one is frustrating for both of us.

"I will coordinate the resources needed for the new guard that will take over the garrison when you have wiped out the undead and save the survivor's inside the armory" Julieta said in a firm tone.

"It will be done according to that plan but first we need to mobilize that knight and archers and make sure everyone is wearing strong armor so no one gets hurt by the undead, Once one of our men are injured in the slightest we will have to end his suffering before he turns" I said in a firm tone as well know that we can not lose any more of our citizens to these undead abominations.

We have been preparing the troops for the fight that's gonna be happening at the garrison to the south, The men all know the plan and what must be done the first step with be to clear out the undead from the village and the surrounding area to the garrison then we will move forward to the garrison and clear it out, The last step to do will be rescue the survivor's inside the armory and bring them home to safety.

"We are ready to head off to the garrison My Lord" High Knight Bragdon said as he saluted.

"Good job, We must get there quickly and save the survivor's and cleanse the area before it spreads even more" I said in a loud tone to all of the troops as I get on my horse ready to leave, Before we leave I turn to look at my wife and gesture to her that I will return to her safely.

"Be careful my love and return to me" Julieta stated in a firm but loving tone.

"I will be safe and return to you as soon as possible" I kissed her softly before departing.

We started to make our way towards the garrison we are twenty-five hundred strong, two thousand knights as well as five hundred archers going to retake the garrison from the undead and rescue the survivor's inside, With these men twelve hundred and fifty knights plus the five hundred archers will be posted to the garrison as well as one aerial messenger this way if this incident arises again we will know before we lose everyone again.

We have also planned to build a smaller outpost a mile away from the garrison this time that will house any civilian from danger if they fall into danger once again, We also plan to build stronger fortifications as to protect everyone better from the dead lands and to keep dangerous creatures from ever getting through.