
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Ceremony Banquet

It has been a few days since I dealt with the traitors who let those creatures run wild in the country side, Everything is slowly becoming normal for me as I am now the Lord of Castle Black, I've learned some new things in my time here thus far.

For one my parents whom I thought to be my birth parent were only trusted subjects of my birth parents the late Lord and Lady Black, it is not all bad though, Knowing my parents did what they had to do to protect me and give me a chance to live is a great feeling to have.

I know now that I am from the first ancient clan of Vampires, Julieta has helped me out with alot of knowledge about this world and that of my bloodline, I take pride in this new found information and I've decided i will do everything in my power to make them proud and uphold the Black family name for all eternity.

"The ceremony will be starting soon Jon"

"Thank you Julieta, You will be accompanying me is the right?"

"Of course I will, You did ask me to be with you on this important day" She giggles softly and smiles.

The feelings between us have grown stronger over this short period and I have days where I think I'll wake up and be that little kid again stuck in bed because I was sick all the time, Which found out that was do to the enchantment going wrong.

"Today is the day the people of your kingdom will get to see the heir of the Black family return to them"

I smile knowing this is what I must do to bring peace to the people It just hurts me to know my family will not be here on the special night "Sire you outfit for this evenings event have been prepared, Shall we get you ready?, Also Lady Valora your outfit has been prepared as well and the head maid is waiting for you at this time" Jerome speaks to me and Julieta from the side while bowing.

"Thank you Jerome" We say in unison.

"I shall got get prepared Jon and I will be back"

I nod in agreement "Take your time, I will get prepared as well"

She smiles gently and heads to go get prepared, "May I say something My Lord" Jerome asked.

"Speak freely Jerome, You are my closest servant out of everyone" I nod to Jerome's request.

"Thank you My Lord, If I may say I think you and Lady Valora would make a great couple and you would be able to keep the bloodline going as well, Plus I can see how happy you both are together"

I look at Jerome with some curiosity, "You really think me and Julieta would make a good pair?".

"Yes of course, She is always with you and you are alot calmer and happier with her around you, Plus I have been by your parents side for a very long time so I know that they would approve of your union together"

"I will think about it thank you Jerome, Let get ready for this evening"

a hour has past since we started to get ready for this evening, Julieta is wearing a tight fitting black silk dress with a slit on one side showing off her beautiful pale leg, With a black choker that held a blood ruby in the center, Her silverish white hair was put back into a ponytail and it fell down to the center or her lower back, She looked absolutely breathtaking as she stood there at the top of the stairs waiting for Jon to come out.

Everyone that could see her standing there could not believe how beautiful she looked, Everyone that did not know that Lord Black has returned to the castle, It was not mentioned to the public and they did not understand why a beautiful woman like her was standing alone, Several of the other male vampire's in the room found the courage to approach Julieta and ask her if they could accompany her for the even.

"Hello beautiful, Would you like to be my date for the evening?"

"How about being my date, I promise I'll show you a good time this evening"

"Would you like a strong man to protect you this evening?"

All the men kept swarming Julieta, All she did was smile and laugh at their pathetic attempts to win her over, "I am sorry but none of you are up to my standards of a possible partner" She had a sly smile on her face

"What?!" The men were speechless at her answer, They started to walk away beautiful one stayed and it was the one acting like he was strong, "I think you are just teasing me with this look, I will show you what a real strong man is like I won't let any other man touch you, If they try I will destroy them on the spot".

"Do not let my date here you speak like that towards me he will not like it very much" Julieta said with a vicious smile on her face, While she was looking at a fool courting death.

"AHAHAHA, Please I will kill him and show you that I am stronger, I am the strongest man in the kingdom even the old bags that lived here had to show me respect out of fear of what I could do to them".

There was a sudden killing intent coming from behind Julieta as a tall figure was in the shadows, The man that was just talking big like he was strong suddenly froze in his place and just stared at Julieta, "See you just made a massive mistake and sighed you own death".

"What is going on ?!"

"Where is this deep sense of dread coming from"

Everyone in the banquet hall could feel this malice coming from the top of the stairs but could not see where is was coming from, It affected everyone in the room as some people could not figure it out, Others tried to inform the guards about the situation but to their surprise the guards were not affected by this aura nor did they move from there position.

"I told you, You are not up to my standards and that if you kept trying my date would not like it".

"O-Oh yeah" The man brought back up the courage to try and stand upright and act like he was not afraid "Then tell your trash of a date to show himself if he is not afraid to get his head ripped off, I told you no other man is allowed to touch you" He stated as he pointed a finger at Julieta in a angry tone.

"As you wish but it's your head that will roll" Julieta turn to speak to me as she knew I was there and would be able to see me clearly even though no one else would be able to, When she turned to speak to me she was is shock by my appearance and she visibly turned red in the cheeks.

"Ahem...." She cleared her throat a bit and calmed down, she started to speak again "Greeting My Lord, Welcome to the banquet that was setup for you as everyone is excited to finally lay eye's on you".

The man that was originally boasting that he was the strongest and would not allow any man to touch her, Started shaking violently in fear as it finally made sense as to why she would be refusing other men in the room, No man in the entire kingdom could be compared to the Lord himself.

"W-W-Wait a moment are you saying that Lord Black is your date for the evening, The heir to the Black family is standing in front of me?".

"I told you no from the start, I told you my date would not like you trying to push me into anything, He was standing here the whole time that you fools tried to speak to me, The biggest mistake that you made, Was assuming the previous Lord and Lady of castle Black who are his parent would be afraid of you, Now you get to feel what real fear is like by their son".

She stands aside showing off a huge evil grin of glowing deep red eyes and sharp fangs showing through the shadows, "You think you can speak ill of my late parents or try to take what is my in my own home, You must be tired of this life to think you can take me on".

"I-I did not know that you were her date tonight My Lord, I deeply.....", Before he could even finish his sentence he felt a sharp pain in right leg before dropping to the floor and falling back down the stairs.

"AAAAHHHHHHH" The man screamed in pain as he laid there, It scared the rest of the people at the banquet, "Guards remove this trash and take him to the cells below the castle" Julieta ordered the guards.

"Yes Lady Valora" several of the guards replied in unison.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Gothic_Giantcreators' thoughts