
Vampire King's Revenge

After a thousand years in celestial jail the vampire king has finally be freed, and everyone is going to feel his wrath.

karim_lotfy · Fantaisie
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Out Of Celestial Jail

"Finally after a thousand years locked up in the celestial jail I have finally been freed, the king of this land has returned and will rule these people once again" Edward said with ecstasy dripping from his teeth.

Now that I have been released from this celestial jail I'll head directly to the vampire kingdom, "Target oneself teleport to the vampire kingdom" . He waited a bit after releasing that spell but it didn't work.

It seems that being locked up with celestial chains for a thousand years has weakened me but I am still the most powerful in the land. I'll have to fly there until my power recovers. After one day of continuous flight he reached the vampire kingdom but he was surprised but what he saw, the place that was once the most prosperous land in the world and that was home to the strongest kingdom in history had become abandoned and was filled with the filth of society.

"What has become of my kingdom ?!" Edward screamed with his deep voice "Filth isn't this the almighty vampire kingdom ?" he asked the first person that he saw.

"Who are you calling filth ? I am gonna kill you grampa"

"You dare talk to the great Edward this was I am the king of this land and your hereby banished from it"

"Gramps stop saying nonsense, I'll leave this once because your old and weak but next time you're dead"

"Black fire of destruction devoured every part of his body and burned his soul into ash" Edward said , Black fire started appearing from the boy's arm and it kept burning fiercer and fiercer until it devoured him and all that was left were ashes.

Multiple people saw this scene and they all ran in fear, "Edward has returned run for your life"

"The worst monarch in history has come to curse us"

"Were all gonna die"

Everyone started screaming as they ran.

What should I do now ? I must go to my castle to rest a bit. I haven't had any good rest for a thousand years.

Edward fought over the kingdom and headed to his castle, he then saw it and the shock appeared on his face, his castle had been abandoned by his family and people of the lower class were inhabiting it, it was raided of all of it's lute, it looked as if a thunder bolt had destroyed it.