
chapter 17

Chihiro was holding nanaki while he rushed back towards the clan compound.

"I have to make it in time or he'll kill them."said chihiro as his eyes turned purple.

Giant bat wings popped out of his back as he flew towards the clan compound.

"His chakra signature I can see it but wait shinikawa's chakra signature is gradually getting dimmer."Said chihiro.

BOOM! Chihiro the burst through the wall of the building just in time to witness.

Jinichi about to stab jin straight through the


"Stop this right now Jinichi I won't let you kill them."Said chihiro his hair overshadowing his eye's.

"Big brother shinikawa!"shouted nanaki as she ran towards shinikawa's body.

Shinikawa was bleeding on the ground crouching his chest.

Jinichi turned towards chihiro a with smug look on his


"It was all because of you they were all killed because of

you."said chihiro as he glared towards jinichi.

"Ofcourse it was me who else could it be but if you had just died that day none of this would have had to happen."said jinichi.

"With you and nanaki around i could see becoming patriarch would be nearly impossible.

Tou two were extremely gifted and were especially our parents favorites."said jinichi.

"In our clan it's not the oldest who becomes patriarch but tne strongest and despite being the oldest.

I new tge chances of me becoming patriarch were

slim."said jinichi.

"So you plotted to kill our parents and chihiro hoping that the dysfunction would.

Allow you to become patriarch and you were the one who assassinated the daimyo and blamed our aunt."Said jin.

"That's right father had deemed jin to be a better leader than I was and not only that he was far more talented."said jinichi.

"So you plotted you kill our parents and because jin nor I was old enough you would easily become patriarch."said shinikawa.

"And because chihiro survived and became so strong you got scared so you and the elders orchestrated a plan.

To kill me and sell off nanaki but I guess either jin or shinikawa found out so you're plotting to kill the too."said chihiro.

"So you did all this you would sacrifice the lives of our family our clansmen all to be patriarch."said nanaki.

"Ofcourse you wouldn't understand.you're just a child being patriarch is my birth right so I'll do whatever it takes to keep it."said jinichi.

"You're a monster and I will kill you myself."Said nanaki angrily as her eyes turned blood red.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you I would prioritize on saving poor little shinikawa's life."said jinichi.

Chihiro was making sure shinikawa didn't bleed out and started gradually healing him.

"I can't change the shape of his body too fast the pain it would cause could traumatize his brain and possibly kill him."said chihiro silently.

"Unless I give him some of my blood."said chihiro.Chihiro then started to inject his blood into shinikawa's body.

It worked as shinikawa's wounds started to heal at a rapid pace..

Jinichi then appeared behind chihiro about to chop his head off.