
Vampire Boyfriend (BL)

What's this a new neighbor has turned up asking for a place to sleep for the night? And he's a total cutie. How will he possibly know that he has just walked into the den of a shut-in Vampire who is looking for a way to entertain himself for the night.

Phibble · LGBT+
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73 Chs

Chp 72: Family

Evan's POV:

The call from Layla was the last thing I was expecting but nonetheless I picked up. But to my surprise it was Ren that answered.

"Hi, it's me Ren. We kinda ran into a bit of a situation and we'll be round soon."

He sounded panicked which made me panic.

"What!? what kind of situation? are you alright? Where are you?"

"Its Lucas, I'll fill you in with the rest when we get there."

If my heart was still beating it would of stopped right there and then. 'Lucas?'

My knees gave out and I crumbled to the floor. 'What happened to him? Why were they coming? Did Lucas have another attack?'

My mind was frazzled and all I could think about was Lucas dead. I knew he wouldn't be but flashes of my worst nightmare haunted me.

I slapped my face a couple times to break me out of it. But the images were still there. I paced around the room untill Layla and Ren burst through the door with Lucas in Rens arms.

Blood dribbled down his neck and his body looked lifeless. Now this was when my heart would of stopped. It felt like someone had taken a knife and pierced me deep, twisting and turning it in further. My nightmares were slowing coming true.

He placed Lucas down onto the couch and explained what had happened whilst Layla bandaged Lucas's neck.

Ren tasted Lucas's blood. My anger filled me but I was also glad he bit him. I know he did it for the right reasons but Lucas is bleeding out now.

I traced my fingers around his face and pressed my forehead to his. He was still warm and his heart beat was still thumping away.

"Thank you, both of you."

"Oh no it's no problem if anything he stopped us from ripping each others throats out." Layla chuckled scratching the back of her head. Ren nodded to her statement and a smile creeped on my lips. 'These two are always there when I need them most. They may be troublesome at times but always have their heart in a good place.'

"I mean it, seriously you guys. If neither of you were there then he could've collapsed on his way back without my knowledge."

I raised my arms up into a high gesture and they both collapsed into me.

"Anytime lil bro!" Layla chuckled.

"Of course." Ren smiled.

This was nice. They were practically my family by now. I have know these two knuckle heads for far too long that it would be silly to still consider them as friends.

We separated from the hug and Ren cleared his throat suggesting that the two of them should leave for us to be alone.

I nodded and they walked out. The room fell quiet with only Lucas's deep breaths breaking the silence.

A smile crept on my lips at his adorable sleeping state.

"You always cause me so much trouble." I whispered as I laid my head onto Lucas's torso. Listening intently to his heart beat brought me to a relaxed state.

'How could this human twist so many emotions inside me. one minute I'm terrified then devastated then relieved and then finally at peace. I never thought I would experience so much with one single person.'