
Vampire's Ascension

Set in a fantasy Victorian styled world that has some elements of modern technology as well as the mythos of vampires and the like mixed in. A corrupt government that manipulates its citizens with twisted truths and outright lies, as well as the people of the country who are too stupid to realize it. Aurik, a young man in his twenties, sees the world for what it is but can do nothing but suffer through life as he tries to live to see tomorrow. He is certainly dissatisfied with the way things are, both for himself and his country, but he gave up on trying to change things a long time ago. A lone man with no money, no fame, no name and no power cannot change the world. But what if he had power? One night, through a twist of fate, Aurik's life changes for the better when he meets a stranger and accidentally becomes a vampire. With the power of a vampire, couldn't he find a way to make a change? No, even then it would be impossible. But what about an entire society filled with vampires? Yes, that should do it. And so, Aurik decided that his goal in this new life would be one thing and one thing alone. Become the king of vampires and use their power to conquer his country and change things so that he wouldn't feel disgusted every time a politician spoke or a citizen believed them.

MagusRex · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

A Taste For Blood

Tristan's blood ran trickled down his hand before falling to the ground in uneven intervals. The cut wasn't anything to be concerned about and there wasn't much blood overall but it was enough to cause a change within Aurik.

The moment Tristan began bleeding an intense amount of anticipation erupted within Aurik's chest and the thirst in his throat intensified a hundred fold. The beating of his heart overwhelmed his ears and drowned out all other sounds as a surge of adrenaline filled his muscles and pulled him to his feet without his intention.

Aurik stared at the blood on Tristan's hand as a sweet smell assaulted his nose and a smile spread across his face. He could feel the blood pumping inside Tristan's veins, going up and down his arm in sync with the heartbeat overwhelming his ears. He didn't realize it but the heartbeat he was hearing wasn't his own, it was Tristan's.

Aurik took two very fast steps towards Tristan, closing the distance immediately, and grabbed onto Tristan's arm before sinking his teeth into the flesh. The moment the blood entered his mouth Aurik felt as though he had finally been released from a pit of fire and placed in the most amazing place on the planet. He felt the thirst in his throat start to subside after just a single gulp and new that he had to get more no matter what.

Tristan naturally didn't just stand there and do nothing as the man he was looking down upon a moment ago suddenly bit into his arm. 

"Argh! What the fuck!" He shouted with surprise and pain as his face twisted with anger.

Using his free hand, Tristan threw a powerful punch into Aurik's stomach, followed quickly by another that connected with his ribs. Punch after punch was thrown but there was no reaction whatsoever.

Feeling a bit of panic in his heart as he looked at Aurik like he was a wild beast, Tristan frantically tried to get away. He pulled the arm that Aurik had bitten away as hard as he could while pushing into his chest with the other hand.

Aurik could feel that he was about to lose his source of drink any second now but he wasn't willing to let him go so easily. He swatted away the arm that was pressing his chest and lunged forward with the same arm, slamming it into Tristan's face as he pushed his entire body forward.

Tristan stumbled back a few steps before his feet couldn't support him any long and he fell onto his back with his attacker pushing down on him. Aurik continued to suck the blood from the arm he was attached to and had placed his hand around Tristan's neck while squeezing hard enough to make sure the young man couldn't resist further.

There was no intent behind Aurik's actions, no thoughts behind his eyes. He was acting on pure instinct and had almost no control over his body as he desperately fought to get more blood from Tristan's veins.

Tristan looked at the two people who were accompanying him before locking onto Gray and speaking with strained words. 


Anise and Gray had been too stunned to act until now and had simply watched but the moment Tristan looked at them and spoke with such a pitiful look in his eyes, Gray found his resolve.

The burly young man charged forward and swung his leg as hard as he could into Aurik's chest and stomach, lifting his body slightly before he yanked on Tristan to pull himself back down. The slightest grunt escaped from Aurik as the kick landed but otherwise there was no reaction from him.








Each word was accompanied by another kick and with each of those kicks Gray started to lose confidence. No matter how many times or how hard he kicked, Aurik simply refused to let go.

Anise had been too mortified to move but seeing the strength drain from the face of the man she loved, she found the will to do something. Tristan was only moments away from passing out when the sound of metal clinking entered his ear.

He looked to the side and saw his pocket knife bouncing on the ground before landing just beside his body. His knew it was Anise who had thrown the knife and thanked her silently as he grabbed it and swung with everything he had at Aurik's neck and head with the blade poised to kill.

'I probably couldn't have killed you without at least some consequences earlier but now I can do whatever I want without having to worry!' Tristan thought before shouting.

"Just DIE!"

Aurik had been absorbed in quenching his thirst and had barely noticed when Gray started to kick him, however, with the shout from Tristan and the blade aiming for his head Aurik couldn't allow himself to stay in place any longer.

He let's go of Tristan's neck and reluctantly detached his mouth from the open wound he created before rolling to the side and quickly getting to his feet.

Tristan stood up in a hurry and with Gray at his side looked at Aurik with hatred as he brandished the knife in his hand with the intent to kill. His arm was a mess of blood and his clothes had been ruined but he didn't care about any of it, all he wanted was revenge.

Seeing that he was outnumbered and having gained control over himself again, Aurik decided it was time to leave. He gave the trio one last look before turning around and bolting into the nearest alleyway.

"Come back here you bastard! I'm going to find you and I'll..."

Tristan's voice faded into the noise of the city as Aurik sprinted through the streets and alleyways, arriving at his apartment in just a few minutes without even realizing that this was where he was heading.

He got inside and let out a deep breathe as he walked over to he mirror in his bathroom and looked at his own reflection, horrified by what he saw. His face was covered with blood, as were his clothes from the stomach up. 

He thought about what just happened and a large smile involuntarily spread across his face as he recalled the taste of Tristan's blood.

'What is happening to me? What am I!?'