

"Frejya…" Sam parroted, shock visible on his face. 

The first thing his mind went to were the Frejya files, but something wasn't right about that line of thought. 

The files detailed the creation process of the shells housing the Valkyrie AI, focusing on their role as artificial wombs that would help humanity recover once the Calamities are defeated. 

It spoke nothing of any queen, and Sam just assumed the name was used because it fits the theme, since Frejya is a goddess associated with beauty, fertility and sex.

'The blueprints you found are fake'

Just then Sam remembered what Wolf had told him in his last call. Up until now he had assumed he was referring to the Valkyrie files, since everything in the Freyja files matched what he learned about the Valkyries's bodies. However now that he thought about it there might've been something that slipped his mind.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Mjölnir asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.