
Valhalla: Battle for the afterlife...

Killswitch · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


It was within the throes of this agonizing finality that the atheist's journey into the unknown began. As he faded from the realm of pain and suffering, he emerged, with inexplicable circumstances, before the awe-inspiring gates of Valhalla - a realm where the brave and the valiant find eternal glory, woven into the tapestry of myth and legend. In the heart-wrenching moment of his untimely demise, the atheist bore witness to both the indomitable strength residing within him and the harrowing consequences of his courage. Though his mortal life was extinguished, his legacy would live on, forever etched in the annals of his battle against the darkness that sought to consume him. It was during the last fight, the particularly grueling last punch that the boundaries between his life and death seemed to blur. As the pain consumed him, he found himself transported to the realm of Valhalla, awakening before the majestic gates that now stood before him. Haunted by the memories of his agonizing torment, the atheist's resilience was tested to its limits. The indescribable suffering he endured had etched indelible marks onto his being, scars that would forever remind him of his relentless pursuit of knowledge amidst the darkest depths of human cruelty. "I am dead?, but, but, dead!, why?, how, dead!," he screamed.As he stood before the gates of Valhalla, the atheist's past experiences mingled with the surreal present. The pain he faced in his torment, though unfathomable, had forged his character, shaping him into a person of profound strength and unwavering determination. " Yes Gregory, find solace in your new pursuit for glory," the guard said. Somehow the voice was many voices and they were mingled but spoke at the same time, it was weird, but somehow calming, deep down he felt he had to continue, it was not a choice. Though the scars remained, they no longer defined him, but rather fueled his quest to unravel the mysteries that awaited him in this new realm beyond human comprehension. Through a haze of confusion, the atheist found himself guided past the resplendent gates of Valhalla. The mythical realm enveloped him with an ethereal ambiance, a realm where the boundary between reality and legend dissipated. As he stepped inside, awe and bewilderment replaced his initial confusion, his senses inundated with sights, sounds, and aromas beyond mortal imagining. Beneath his feet spread a vast expanse of intricately designed floors. The patterns etched into the surface seemed to breathe with life, depicting grand battles and heroic sagas of warriors long past. Each step he took resonated with the echoes of valor and the enigmatic triumphs of those who had come before. "Wow, Valhalla, beautiful, just wow," Gregory murmured with his jaw dropping at every turn.Guided by unseen forces, he was led to a grand hall where a feast of epic proportions awaited him. Upon a long table lay a veritable feast fit for the gods themselves. A myriad of succulent meats, rich fruits, and golden goblets brimming with the finest drinks beckoned him forward. The fragrant aroma, a tantalizing blend of spices and cooking fires, filled the air, mingling with the laughter and revelry of the warriors gathered. Awestruck, the atheist found himself surrounded by mighty warriors, boasting brawny frames and battle-worn countenances. Their eyes sparkled with tales of glorious conquests and heroic deeds, seemingly aware of his arrival. They regaled one another with stories that echoed through the hall, a symphony of valor and camaraderie, creating an atmosphere tinged with both reverence and mirth. As he sat among these legendary figures, the atheist listened intently, captivated by the recounting of battles fought against impossible odds and mythical creatures vanquished. Each warrior's story unfolded like a tapestry of triumph and tragedy, weaving a mesmerizing tapestry of valor and sacrifice that had earned them a place within the hallowed realms of Valhalla. The feast continued in full swing, the hall reverberating with laughter, jests, and the clashing of goblets. The atheist found himself unwittingly drawn into the revelry, sharing moments of camaraderie and laughter with these larger-than-life companions. If only for a fleeting moment, doubts of his disbelief in the supernatural seemed to dissipate, harmonizing with the extraordinary tapestry of Valhalla.As the warriors toasted to past triumphs and awaited the battles yet to come, the atheist was swept up in the atmosphere of unity and unyielding resolve. Despite his confusion and lingering disbelief, he sensed a deeper truth in the tales spun around him—a truth that hinted at the possibility of a realm beyond human comprehension, where the boundaries of existence blurred and the extraordinary became tangible. In the midst of this unparalleled gathering, the atheist's heart wrestled with conflicting emotions. Though his rational mind clamored for explanations, he couldn't deny the undeniable aura of truth and ancient wisdom that permeated Valhalla. In this legendary realm, his doubts slowly ebbed away, replaced by an insatiable curiosity and newfound appreciation for the immeasurable complexities of the universe.Gregory sat at the grand table, his eyes wide with disbelief and awe, these warriors spoke of other realms, other worlds, worlds of elves and magic. Valhalla, the legendary hall of fallen warriors, lay before him, with its great halls, golden beams of sunlight streaming through stained-glass windows, and the resounding echo of boisterous laughter and merriment, but still he couldn't believe he was in the famed Valhalla. The air was filled with the scent of roast meats and ale, mingled with the unmistakable energy of valor and victory, he had eaten his fill but he kept eating and drinking the ale.Surrounded by a sea of battle-hardened warriors and mighty gods, Gregory's presence stood out like a flickering candle amidst a raging inferno. He had never envisioned himself in such a place, especially not in the afterlife of a faith he did not believe in. As an atheist, he had always been skeptical of any notion of an afterlife, let alone a realm as mythical as Valhalla. Suddenly, the doors swung open, and Gregory's gaze shifted to the imposing figure entering the hall. It was Odin, the All father of Norse mythology, the object of his demise, the secret bearer, the one being who locked his offspring in a cave, Gregory had questions. Clad in armor that gleamed with otherworldly light, he exuded an aura of wisdom and authority. Across his broad shoulders draped a cloak adorned with ancient symbols, venerated throughout the ages. As Odin approached, the cacophony of voices lowered, and an air of reverence settled upon the room. Time seemed to stand still as the god's cold, yet piercing blue eyes locked with Gregory's gaze. With a voice that resonated like thunder, Odin spoke, "Welcome, Gregory, to the Halls of Valhalla, eat!, drink!, be merry, anything you will, for tomorrow you begin. You, an unlikely presence in our realm, are chosen to be our champion."Gregory could hardly believe his ears. A champion?, wait, what champion?, begin what, chosen?, he, an atheist from a world so far removed from this mythical place. "Gregory faces the realms and after, the three hells of will, he is going to be our champion!," Odin's voice echoed around the room. The room was filled with cheers and applause, some corners with whispers that it was supposed to be Thor, not this newcomer. The atheist tasked with defeating the very realms his rational mind rejected. It was a dream from which he surely would awaken. However, the gravity of Odin's words and the intensity of his gaze made it clear that this was as real as the chair he sat upon. Odin walked gracefully as he took a place next to Gregory, his presence commanding the attention of all seated at the table. Seeing the confusion on Gregory's face, Odin began his explanation, his words resonating through the hall like a symphony of conviction. "The World Tree connects the nine realms, Gregory," Odin began, his voice calm yet imbued with an ancient power. "And now, a great peril threatens them all. You have been chosen, in your very disbelief, as a champion, as the one who has the potential to bring balance to the realms and save them from destruction, then afterwards face the other religions in the battle for the afterlife."