
Vämp Lövë Ëmpïrë

what do you mean by I'm your soul mate I don't even know you Deliala said

LegitBoss · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Elmore and Emerald

"Get your hands off Percy before you infect him with your tastelessness you tasteless rascal" Mr Duch said to Michael

"Uncle are you still angry about it" Michael asked

"Of course I'm angry, why wouldn't be angry? You married a woman who has flat breast and average butt and do you know the worst part of it? she's shapeless" Mr Duch said shamelessly

"That's not true uncle, she has an average butt,breast and curve, uncle I love her and she loves me back" Micheal said with a pout

The old man scoffed and said"Love my foot" Then he turned to Arian and asked "My child which modeling company do you work in?"

"Uncle I'm not a model but a soon to be business tycoon" Arian said with a faint smile

"So what if I say I will pay you a million dollar every month if you be my model, What do you think of the offer"

"Uncle are you trying to bribe me, cuz if you are it won't work as ND besides I have three Platinum card, actually two are mine and one is my father's" Arian said with a smirk

"Percy she's your girlfriend right please help me convince her" Mr Duch said looking at Percy with puppy eyes

"You have an event coming up right?" Percy asked and Mr Duch nodded so he continued" She'll be your model that day and that would be her first and last time of doing that shit, ok?"and Mr Duch nodded again then Percy walked to Arian and whispered"Babe you have to do this or else he will keep pestering you, if you want to objet there's actually no problem

"That's actually not a problem, I'm bored of staying at home all day'' Arian said and Mr Duch heaved a sigh of relief he thought she wouldn't agree

Arian arrived home late, she was very tired and decided to soak in a hot bath when she got out, she wore a white pajama and headed downstairs to eat dinner,

Happiness filled her heart when she saw her two best friends sitting on the couch in the living room, Arian ran and hugged them from behind

"Guys when did you come back, you should have told me you were coming I would have picked you at the airport" Arian said to Elmore and Emerald

Elmore and Emerald were identical twin the only difference was that Elmore was a boy and Emerald a girl

"Sweetie we couldn't bring ourselves to. trouble you" Elmore said

"Yes you were having a wonderful time with your boyfriend and we couldn't spoil it" Emerald said as she hugged her back