
Uzumaki Tales : Song of the Mockingbird

"Weak !! YOU ARE WEAK !!! Your brethen dies in droves and you cower behind a barrier ?!! How the mighty have fallen. The last heir to Uzushiogakure." The Raikage spat on the floor, near the dead body of my father. All around me, I see dead bodies of my familly. My brothers, my sisters, my uncles and aunt's, grandpa's and ma's. All just DEAD. And surrounding me, standing over their corpses, the invader. "The Barrier can even protect the boy from my Dust Release. How interesting. Let's pilage what we can and-" Abruptly interrupted, Onoki looked up to see a cloud of gaz quickly escaping the dead bodies of every Uzumaki. "I curse you Kages of the world, Kiri, Kumo and Iwa shall all perish during your lives. Your dream of prosperity shall disapear in the dust you like so much, Onoki. And my soul willl be looking from beyond the veil." With solemnity unbefitting a four year old, I took a fallen kunai and cut myself. Using my blood as ink I draw one of the variant of the Shiki Fûjin on my palm and flared my chakra. Then immense pain assaulted me as my very Soul was extracted. In exchage, the gazes around started chasing and killing every Shinobi I considered an enemy. And in the brief instant before I lost my soul, where I saw the 4 of the Seven Sword of the Mist die, I smiled, content with the outcome. ***** The cover isn't mine. If you are the owner and don't want that I use the image, tell me, I shall change cover.

Valien · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Library and the training

Before me stood hundreds of books, on so many subjects I didn't know where to start. The nerd inside myself wanted to go look at the chakra theories. But I wasn't only interested in the theories. I wanted to look beyond mere easy strenght, I wanted to recreate our clan, it wouldn't be possible without much preparation and skills. Skills in diplomacy, in logistics, in specialisation. I would need to learn to lead. And I had no one to lead yet. I would need to learn our history, our customs, everything a Clan Leader should know. And I would need to prepare myself for the beast : Politics.

Fortunately, I had time before I did anything needing skills in diplomacy and politics. Right now I would do well to just awaken my Adamantine Sealing Chains, and start my education in Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. As I said I would also need to learn our history.

The mist hadn't dispersed yet and wouldn't for a long time. The variant of the Shiki Fûjin was truly a dangerous attack. Using the soul of the user, clouds of the corpses of the perceived ally would start chasing and killing the perceived enemy. It would continue until every hostile person in a radius of 3 kilometers where dead. And the mist wouldn't disappear for a long time. Oh no, it was powered by a soul. Something so unimaginably powerfull it could seal a Bijuu inside a toddler.

Anyway, with this much protection I should be able to train in peace for the forseable future. I have plenty of food when I think of the bank of salmon and fresh fish on the coast of the Island. And I had proper techniques and manual to ensure I trained well. I was good to go.

Therefore,I focused myself on the Library and first looked at the E and D jutsus. The Kawarimi, the Henge, and the Bunshin. After finding the books, I looked at the Chakra control exercices used by my clan. I don't think we would use a lot of leaves here, it's not like we have an infinite supply of trees on this little island.

I started reading, and get that. To improve our Chakra control, we must first take a bucket of water and put our hand in it. When we push our Chakra inside the bucket, after some time, our Chakra will take a natural spinning form, creating a small whirlpool. It's usually clockwise but it doesn't matter. What we want to achieve here, is to stop the water from moving TOTALLY. It shouldn't just slow the whirlpool or desequilibrate it, It shouldn't also push the water to spin, for exemple, anti-clockwise instead of Clockwise. No, you should be able to just stop the water from moving altogether. It demanded really fine control as a bit too much chakra and the whirlpool spun conversely and too little and you just slowed the Whirlpool.

After discovering this new way of mastering Chakra control, I went to the well near our mansion and found it unblemished. How happy I was. I took the bucket and went back to my mansion. From there I trained.


The next two weeks proved to be truly infuriating. I thought it would be easy as even Naruto could do the leaf control exercice. But it seems I wasn't as much of a genius as I thought I was. Anyway. After two weeks of non-stop training I succeded in keeping the Water still for 1 hour straight. Luckily I found some small branches and the kunai used for the Shiki Fûjin. I used them to go fish. I also found some seeds, I think for rice plants, that I planted on the ground around the mansion. I don't know how long I will stay here, so I want to be able to eat well while I train. It would be good for me later on.

So the training went on like that. I practiced the Kawarimi, Henge and the Bunshin and succeded after three days. Afterwards, I cut my time following my need. From 5 a.m I trained my Chakra Control by walking on the ground and applying the correct amount of Chakra to stick and not propulse myself. At 7 p.m I ate for 30 minutes, then went to the nearly restored courtryard and practised my Taijutsu kata. I found a basic kata that was just my style. I knew there were more advanced ones in the Library but they weren't what I wanted nor needed. I spent a month on one of these kata just to find that I was fighting my instinct just to perform a barely passable kata. So I gave up and looked at what was resonating with me. The name was of the Taijutsu was Water Punch. Yeah, not that great of a name so I changed it. It shall be named the Whirlpool Flash.

It consisted in using the water malleability to make the body as fast and flexible as possible while keeping the strenght at a maximum. The kata was fairly small and didn't take long to master. I could understand why it was such a basic Taijutsu. But my goal there was to make it truly devastating, so I would experiment and try new thing in the near future.

Anyway, the Taijutsu practice went on until 12 p.m, then I ate and started on my Fuinjutsu. In one month I had already covered a lot of material. From storage seals, to exploding ones. I really found where my talent was. Honestly I was really looking forward what I would do later on. I had several ideas I wanted to bring into the world and I was truly excited. I studied and practiced my Fuinjutsu for the next 6 hours before eating and training my ninjutsu, which consisted on the Shadow clones. I needed it if I wanted to become strong really fast.


Two years later

I was now 6 years old and should be stronger than Kakashi was at my age. I should be, I had access to the best training method created to this date, the Shadow Clone. I succeeded in using it by the 6th month of my training. I thought it would be easier as Naruto learnt it right after the three D- ranked Jutsu. But no, I spend 3 weeks trying to create a clone just to waste my time. So I went back to other jutsu and practiced the Shunshin, applied some Fuinjutsu on myself and improved my mastery of the Whirlpool Flash.

But after mastering the use of the Shadow Clone, I started truly making enormous progress. They helped me applied the two new Seals on my body. A storage seal and a restriction seal, used for training. Simple but a testament of my progress. Then I had them learn some of the Taijutsu I was intersted in. I wanted to dissect the Taijutsu and take wathever would help my main one. I would also have proficiency fightçing against these style as I used the Shadow Clones to spar against me.

But still, again, the most progress made was in Fuinjutsu. As I learned the different seals, I learn different ways to create new effects and my brain was just absorbing everything, categorising it, and linking it in new ways to create new ideas. One of the ideas I had was t create a seal that I would inscribe on the seed of a rice plant that would absorb chakra in it. It would boost its growth and be extra nourishing and full of chakra. What I discovered was that the seeds "born" of the plants from the sealed seeds, pocessed the effect without me having to seal them. So I just had to preserve the method and plant the new seeds. And I would have Chakra full rice. It was just delicous. And nourishing.

After the discovery I wanted to prevent the Rice from escaping my hold. I didn't want to give free access to chakra full food to everyone. So I designed an self-destruction seal that would destroy the seed if not near me. the lenght authorised was 6 kilometers. Again, proof of my genius in Fuinjutsu.

But during those 2 years of constant improvement, I saw the mist slowly receding, slowly evaporating and dispearing. The implication weren't lost on me. So I started to pack. Fortunately I had improved my version of the storage seal tattoed on my back hand and could store at least a ten by ten meters room.

Therefore, I planned. I wanted to explore the world and I wanted to find my brethren. So I packed several bags of rice, knowing I would need Chakra full rice on my journey. I packed lots of Ninjutsus and Fuinjutsus as I knew that my storage seal was adorned with the same Self-Destruction seal I created for the Seeds. I didn't forget to apply it on myself in case I died. I didn't really wnat to, but I had to prepare myself for the eventuallity. I was starting my new life as a Shinobi and I would need to kill and fight, tooth and nails to survive.


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