
Uzumaki Tales : Song of the Mockingbird

"Weak !! YOU ARE WEAK !!! Your brethen dies in droves and you cower behind a barrier ?!! How the mighty have fallen. The last heir to Uzushiogakure." The Raikage spat on the floor, near the dead body of my father. All around me, I see dead bodies of my familly. My brothers, my sisters, my uncles and aunt's, grandpa's and ma's. All just DEAD. And surrounding me, standing over their corpses, the invader. "The Barrier can even protect the boy from my Dust Release. How interesting. Let's pilage what we can and-" Abruptly interrupted, Onoki looked up to see a cloud of gaz quickly escaping the dead bodies of every Uzumaki. "I curse you Kages of the world, Kiri, Kumo and Iwa shall all perish during your lives. Your dream of prosperity shall disapear in the dust you like so much, Onoki. And my soul willl be looking from beyond the veil." With solemnity unbefitting a four year old, I took a fallen kunai and cut myself. Using my blood as ink I draw one of the variant of the Shiki Fûjin on my palm and flared my chakra. Then immense pain assaulted me as my very Soul was extracted. In exchage, the gazes around started chasing and killing every Shinobi I considered an enemy. And in the brief instant before I lost my soul, where I saw the 4 of the Seven Sword of the Mist die, I smiled, content with the outcome. ***** The cover isn't mine. If you are the owner and don't want that I use the image, tell me, I shall change cover.

Valien · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Adamantine Chains and Mind Eye of Kagura

For the next week I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the possibilities linked with being an Uzumaki. While I knew that we had lots of chakra and a good regeneration ability, I completely neglected the other abilities this bloodline came with. The Mind Eye of Kagura, an extremely potent and powerfull sensory ability. The Adamantine Chains, a Hidden Jutsu that release chains made of the potent chakra of the Uzumaki to bind and seal. 

I haven't done anything to learn the techniques and to unlock our Kekkei Genkai. So I started. Between my training with Sashida and Mikasa, I put aside my studies in ninjutsu and focused on the text from the Library of Uzushio I had wiht me. 

Introduction to the Admantine Chains : 

'In order for an Uzumaki to unlock his Sealings Chains, he must first meditate and find the sources of our chakra. It is, usually a red ball of light thought it has been reported that it can vary in color and in shapes. After finding this ball of light, pokes it and let the chakra escapes from the holes you created. This Chakra is the essence of our being, releasing its chakra is unlocking a part of ourselves. After poking one hole. You must start exercising control over the Chakra escaping. And you require for that different control exercices than the ones used for the normal Chakra. That is why, I have recorded them here. You shall train your control till you can move your chakra out of your body, with precision and minimal loss. Up to the 80th percentile. You must repeat this cycle of poke, release, control. And when you can control 10 chains made from your Inner Chakra, you have finnaly become a Master at the Jutsu. Know that at this level, you can start teaching other young Uzumaki in the intracacies of the Jutsu and have become an asset to your clan. Have faith young Uzumaki.

How exciting. I knew I was missing on something, but I didn't know it would be this good. Just the Adamantine Chains would increase my strenght by a lot. And the variation in the scroll made finding a style that corresponded me easier. But first I had to understand everything the scroll said. So I looked up at everything it explained.

From what I could understand, The red ball of Chakra was a small source of Chakra found inside the soul. Inside the Mindscape, you must find your representation of your Chakra and delve into it till you find the special one, a kind of realm inside your Mindscape, a Chakrascape. This Chakra is the code behind how your Chakra is, like the DNA of your Chakra. We know that Kekkei Genkai and abilities are passed through blood but it carries through Chakra as well, as the reincarnation of Asura and Indra proves us. And this Chakra is the key to unlocking our abbilities. I suspected that should I unlock my Adamantine Chains I would probably unlock my Mind Eye of Kagura too, as the ability was stored inside the same area of the Chakrascape.

The excercises underneath the first paragraph of the book were trully inspiring. It consisted in first swirling the Chakra inside the body, then just outside the body, as a sort of armor. Finally you had to concentrate the Chakra through your Tenketsu and form Chakra string. After wards You had to refine your Chakra string and start creating your brand of Adamantine Chains. Where do you wnat them to come out of ? How thick should they be ? Do you want spike on them, like roses ? Do you want them to have an end that blows or cut or pierce ? Everything depended on your preference and the exercices didn't end there, their were at the least a dozen, just for this Jutsu.

Then the Chakra percentile was a jauge of how much you lost of your chakra when you used it. When you are in the 80th percentile, you lose 20% of your Chakra to your body, yoiur environment. You're not very efficient but still better than almost every shinobi outside. Only jonin and Kage level have better Chakra control than you.

With this done I started practicing, for the next 5 months I practiced everyday till I dropped. My Shadow clones were put to good use as they each were exercising together to improve faster. I could use my first Chain by my seven birthday even though I was only at the 50th percentile. I had lots of work before I could use a second one. 

Mikasa continued with her Illusion Seals and made some cool improvement. First she didn't forget to put the newly created one on us. So that we could be henged forever without needing any concentation wasted on it. So I found myself with black hair and green eyes too, probably in order to pass me as the brother of Sashida. She also made a variant of the Bunshin, she just included a shadow and a voice. Something simple for her talent as an aspiring Genjutsu mistress. Yes, from what I understand she has great talent for the Illusory art. It seems simple but agains as I asked her how she did it she just responded : "You just need to constantly calculate the position of the sun and adapt your Bunshin with the information. Then you use another genjutsu to make the sounds around you seems as if it's a voice and change this voice to correspond the one you it to. Does that make sense ?" And I just looked at her...

Meanwhile, Batsu was succeeding really well. His business and farm were thriving and he had already bought three other farms. He didn't made the people leave, but instead gave them the new techniques I showed him and made them pay a sort of tax on their revenue. Of course to stop people from cheating we had to make sure everything was in order, so it was a bit of a waste of time but it was necessary. I didn't want fraud on us. And while his experimentation with what he called now the "associative plantation" was stagnating from all his time spend on the business, it didn't stop him from collecting new sample every chances he got.

Sashida, on her part was slowly catching up to me. She totally had an affinity for the Admantine chains and spend her whole time playing and trying with them. I had to forces her to come practice our taijutsu and kenjutsu. And while she wasn't very good at that, she amply compensated with her skyrocketing mastery of our Hidden Jutsu. She already had three Chains with a controle over the 30th percentile. While she lost a lot of Chakra using the three of them, just by keeping one from coming out, she could use two with 86th percentile control, which made her a pain the ass to fight. Fortunately I was strong and fast.

Also, during the training, my theory based on the area of Chakrascape the two abilities of our clan were situated, was false. I didn't unlock the Mind Eye of Kagura. So I had to look into it as well.

Mind Eye of Kagura : An introduction

The Mind Eye of Kagura is an extrasensoriel Kekkei Genkai that gives the Uzumaki a Chakra Sense almost unrivaled in the whole world. It can sense every being be they, plants, animal, human, bijuu, demons, etc... The more you practice the ability, the more you'll discover. There was once a man that could predict the future of someone, just by looking at his Chakra. Another could discern emotions and states of being, he became our first Sage. Some succeeded in making their Mind Eye more precise and see how the chakra moved around, giving them a waterdowned Byakugan. So, the Mind Eye of Kagura is an extremely important facet of every Uzumaki.To succeed in unlocking it, you must go to your Chakraspace and find the red ball. There instead of poking holes, you must start stretching it and take the form of a dome with you in hte centre. The exercices are beneath.

As I looked beneath and I could see only two exercises that would expand my sense and makes it more precise. That is what I spend the next week on. I quickly unlocked my Mind Eye and started making ridiculous progress in the next month. While at first it didn't go more than 2 meters around me, by the time the month ended I could stretch my sense 75 meters around me. Or, 2 to 3 meters increment each and everyday. Ain't that sick ?