
Uzumaki of the Six Eyes

Choking to death on his love letter, now named Satoru, finds himself reborn as a helpless babe in the unforgiving world of Naruto. He lands in the lap of destiny, nestled amongst the vibrant red haired Uzumaki clan, during a period of false peace before the Second Shinobi War. But Satoru isn't your average infant. Reborn with the unparalleled power and name of The Honored One, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes hold a secret – the potential to rewrite the bloody history of the ninja world. But how will a silver haired, blue kid person from the modern world fare along alone in a world filled with war, violence, death and destruction. Will he be able to protect those he loves or will he be protected by them only to lose them. Every otaku dreams of being reincarnated but is it truly a blessing or just a cruel joke from fate. I do not own any of the characters from Naruto written by the one and only Masahi Kishimoto or Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. I only hold rights of any kind to my OCs. Love y'all for reading my fanfic. Criticism is welcomed.

ThatDudeG · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Cries beneath the Moonlit Sky

"The mission this time was quite the hassle", commented Akagi Uzumaki as the three readheads were returning to their village after their escort mission.

"That blasted noble from the Land of …". The genin's voice trailed off, swallowed by a heart-wrenching cry that pierced the twilight stillness.

'Genjutsu? Doesn't seem like it' thought Akagi as she tried interrupting her chakra flow.

"Akagi-sensei, why would a child be here right now"

Akagi's brows furrowed. "Abandoned, lost or a trap. This close to the village? Be on guard. Send a signal flare and get out of here if things turn south. You're only fresh genin – things could get messy."

The genin exchanged a sharp look, Akagi's sudden grimness snapping their minds into alert focus. They shot a flare into the dark sky, the crimson from the flare dissolving into the dark of the night.

They pressed on towards the sound as the flare alerted no response from a possible enemy.

Then they saw it,

Not a child but a vision. Moonlight, filtering through the dense canopy, bathed the clearing in an ethereal glow. Cradled by the gnarled roots of an ancient tree, a babe lay nestled in a bed of soft moss. Its silver hair, the color of moonlight itself, shimmered faintly. Eyes, the blue of a glacier untouched by mortal hands, shone with tears, yet held a depth that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality.

It was as if the forest itself had birthed a celestial being, a fragment of pure innocence amidst the harsh reality of the ninja world.

"A.. a.. a baby? What in the name of the rikudou sennin". The genin shocked and awed at the sight in front of him exclaimed.

"Akagi-sensei, what do we do now? "

Akagi's mind raced. A ploy? A weapon? She coud'nt fathom harming such a creature. But the village… Even though the Uzumaki's are kind it was only to friends. To their foes…

"For now", she said in a gruff voice, "we take it back".


[Baby's POV]

Disbelief clawed at my throat. Where was I? The colossal tree looming overhead mocked my confusion. I should be at the playground, finally spilling my heart to Angie. But the memory slammed back – the crumpled love letter, Angie's dismissive "Cringe!" and the paper fluttering back, catching in my open mouth. Did I really… choke on my own confession?

The suffocating truth closed in: I was dead. By a piece of paper, no less. Where were you truck-kun when I needed you the most. Then I started crying.

"Hold the damn phone! Why the hell am I bawling like a stuck pig? Seriously? A freaking baby? Three years old would've been pushing it, but at least I could, you know, move! Stuck in this... this squishy meat prison. What the actual f**k is this place? A freaking forest? Where in the nine hells did I end up?!"

"Fantastic. Now I'm wailing like a banshee in this who-knows-where forest. Gods above, any god - Yahweh, Odin, Buddha, freaking Arceus - please let this be an anime world I recognize! And for the love of all things holy, make it Pokemon or My Hero Academia! At least in Pokemon things are chill as heck, and in My Hero, I wouldn't even have to get close to Japan to be safe. Just... please don't let it be a warzone like Naruto or High School DxD with those monsters that could obliterate me with a sneeze. Bleagh, not Bleach either, where regular folks can't even see the creepy crawlies. And definitely no knock-off Chinese cultivation stuff, or those player-stuck-in-a-game manhwa worlds. Come on, universe, don't be a total jerk and shove me back into boring reality - that'd be the ultimate lame move! This better not be some bizarre Jojo's Bizarre Adventure situation either, where I end up with a buff bodybuilder next to me yelling about his stand. And forget about One Piece! Last thing I need is to be stuck in the middle of the Grand Line with no devil fruit and a bunch of pirates looking for a new crewmate!""

As my mind raced with confusion and fear, the rustling of leaves nearby snapped me back to reality. "Shit, what the hell is sneaking up on me now? Please don't let it be some wild animal. I'd hate to go out like this,"

Then, in a sudden burst of recognition, I spotted that the figures looming over me had vibrant red hair and a headband with the symbol of a swirling vortex. "Narunooooo!" I blurted out, a mashup of 'Naruto' and 'No'.

My mind raced with possibilities. "So, I'm either a baby during the Warring States period, definitely before the attack of the three villages. Or perhaps it's happening right now, but if they were fleeing pursuers, they wouldn't stop and check like this. Whatever the case, it's sink or swim time. Fate's a bitch, but please, let it not be cruel. I don't want to meet my end just yet." I paused, hoping beyond hope. "But the Uzumakis are known for their kindness... Here's to hoping that reputation holds true."

"The two of you can go back and take some rest, I'll go and report back to Uzukage-sama"


At the uzukage's office:

The Uzukage listened attentively to the report, his expression unreadable. "For now, leave the child here. I will have to discuss with the other elders before I make a decision," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "This child could be some twisted ploy. Using babies for war isn't beneath that fence-sitter brat or that thundering musclehead. If it is a threat..."

The atmosphere in the room grew heavy as the Uzukage's words hung in the air. Ashina's face darkened. The suffocating presence of Shin'en Uzumakumizu no Shihai-sha, the Ruler of the Abyssal Whirls, filled the room with a chilling intensity, a stark reminder of the power and ruthlessness of the village's most formidable warrior.

Suddenly a panicked old man burst through the door followed by a group of shinobi. "Kage-sama are you alright, I sensed a huge amount of chakra enter the village and approach the Kage's office," he exclaimed, his voice fraught with concern.

Seeing that there weren't any issues in the office Uzumaki Genji calmed down to analyse the situation. But with total indifference Ashina explained, "Interesting, what you sensed is probably that baby over there. At least that means that it wasn't an enemies' ploy. No village would ever use a child with such potential that even a veteran like you would sweat this much. No need to discuss more Akage, since you brought the child here, I'll hand him over to you to take care of."

Then, in a warm and compassionate tone, Ashina continued, "Children are the embodiment of innocence, and they bear no burden for the actions of others. There's no need to fear this little one. We will take him as one of our own and provide him with the love and care he deserves. Since fate has led him to our doorstep, it is our duty to offer him a home and a family. Let us welcome him with open arms and nurture him with the kindness and compassion that defines us as shinobi of Uzushio." Ashina then added, "Child you shall be named Satoru Uzumaki from this point on."

Suddenly all those present there heard a giggle and turned their head only to see the most beautiful aquamarine eyes sparkling with childish innocence stare at the adults with a mixture of curiosity and trust.

Ashina couldn't help but smile at the sight, his heart filled with both joy and sorrow. As he looked into the baby's innocent eyes, he couldn't help but be reminded of his own grandchildren, whose lives were tragically cut short during the first Shinobi World War. The memory of their laughter and playful antics brought both warmth and pain to his heart.

But as the Kage, he steeled his resolve once more, drawing upon the strength of his duty and commitment to his village. Even at the cost of his own life, he vowed to protect his land and the smiles of his people.

The Uzumaki clan's reputation for kindness did not equate to weakness. Behind their compassionate demeanour lay a formidable strength that commanded respect and instilled fear in their adversaries. The hidden villages knew all too well the power that the Uzumaki possessed, to the extent that even their own ally, Konoha, had to conspire with others like Suna, Kumo, and Iwa to eradicate them only to face huge losses leading to the end of the second shinobi world war.

A/N: Since it has not been mentioned in canon, I took the creative liberty to make the second war end due to such a reason.


[Satoru's POV]

After crying himself to sleep our protagonist woke up only to hear himself be declared as an Uzumaki.

'What in God's name did I miss. But considering the situation smiling seems like the right answer. Though it still isn't clear if it is post 1st war or in the warring states period since Ashina still seems to be alive. Though I am inclined to assume the former since he looks so old.'

'Also he said my name is Satoru what a coincidence that I have been named the same as my idol. Now all I need are the OP technique and the cheat blue eyes.'


This is my first time writing. Thanks a lot for reading this chapter. I will try to write as often as possble with word count around 1500 per chapter. I would love to hear you thoughts on this chapter and other ideas you guys have. Since this is my first time writing I'll probably keep away from lemons though I want some romance in. See you guys in the next chapter.

Creation is fun. Cheer me up! LOL

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