
chapter 23

Sukuru held his head in pain as his eye's constantly kept shifting from black to green.

He continued stumbling through the dark.The voices in his head seeming louder.

Every second that went by.He then stopped and sat down on a nearby rock.

"Everything here could kill me it doesn't help that whatever is stocking me is messing with my brain."Said sukuru to himself.

"I'm not even at the entrance to true purgatory yet but I'm struggling to even kill these things."said sukuru.

"Will this damn thing just attack already."thought sukuru as he clenched his head in pain.

A sword tgen pierced sukuru's chest as a shadowy figure stood behind him.

"A sentient creature strange you're really weak must not be from here."Said the mysterious figure.

Sukuru then vanished as if he wasn't their appearing a few meters away.

"So you're what's been stocking me ever since I dropped here."said sukuru.

"Hey be grateful if could have killed you while you where unconscious."said the figure.

"Why didn't you do that then why just watch from the shadows?"asked sukuru.

"Well I wanted to study you but you're quite boring and not worth my time."said the figure.

"But I find it kinda impressive that you're able to resist my small spell."said the figure.

Sukuru didn't have time to think before a kick headed straight to his face.

"This figure it's humanoid."thought sukuru as he flew into a nearby wall.

A giant hole then opened in the ground beneath sukuru a giant mouth attempting ti swallow.

Him whole but the humanoid figure sliced the ground cutting the giant carnivorous.

Hole in the ground in half killing it.Sukuru closed his eye's as he swiftly doged at strike.

From the blade of the humanoid


Black flame's then lit the entire area ablaze revealing the hundreds of giant creatures.

Ready to jump in a devour them at any point but most importantly it revealed.

The humanoid figure.Sukuru stared in shock at the blue haired girl infront of him.

He did not care that it was a girl as in this place gender did not determine strength.

He was suprised that she looked fully human something tgat shouldn't be possible.

A bolt of lightning then rushed at sukuru as he reflected it back at the girl.

But she grabbed it with her hand crushing it.She then appeared infront of sukuru.

Sending a kick towards his head.He grabbed her leg but she twisted her body.

Freeing her arm as she stabbed he sword at sukuru's shoulder.

But blood came from hers instead her arm instantly healed.

As she slammed her leg down at sukuru's head.Suru jumped away as the ground beneath him cracked.

The girl smiled appearing behind sukuru and placing her hand on his back.

"My magic it's gone."Saud sukuru.He was then kicked in the back of the head as he was slammed into a nearby wall.

Sukuru got up as his body was behaving strangely the voices in his head once again grew louder.

He then closed his eye's as he blocked a strike from the


"Let's see were about equal in speed but her physical strength is above mine."Said sukuru.

"But their us one advantage I have I lost my magic but I haven't lost full counter."Said sukuru.

A blade was then about to cut his head off but he used full counter reflectung the strike.

As the girls beck started to bleed rapidly but the wound immediately closed up.

But sukuru seized the opportunity and sliced off her arm.

As soon as he dud tgat hundreds of vike creatures star mted rushing towards him.

"Wait I get I now why only those creatures attacked me she I'd the one controlling them."said sukuru.

The girl then appeared infront of him as she stabbed him in the chest.

The monsters eagerly waiter to devour and feast on sukuru's body.

Sukuru's body dropped to the ground as he looked up at the endless darkness.

"Why am I so weak can't I win something."Said sukuru.

His body then started to glow as his mana had returned not only tat it had trippled.

Sukuru's consciousness then took a backseat in his own body.

"Oh interesting something if feeding you power."said the girl.

"I wonder if he's like me no doesn't seem to have a gift of any kind."Said the girl.

Her blue eye's glowing in the darkness.

"But what are those things and why are they where hus soul should be."

"Deciders reality manifest."