
chapter 16

Sukuru woke up looking at his as he noticed they were much larger than usual.

He snapped his fingers a black orb appearing infront of him.

The orb showed him his reflection."What why do I look like I've aged atleast six years?"asked sukuru in confusion.

"Wait old man what did you do to me!"shouted sukuru in anger.

"Calm down you little brat if I didn't remove that anti aging magic on you.

You would have little to no growth in strength once you're body us of age I'll reactivate it."replied katteshi.

"You could have asked fir my permission first.How will I explain to everyone that I randomly aged six years?"asked sukuru.

"Calm down I'll cast a shape-shifting spell on you and it's not like you're losing much.

You're a high ranking demon with the commandments you could potentially live forever."said katteshi.

"You say that like living forever is a good thing."said


"I don't think it's a good thing I think it's the greatest curse of them all."said katteshi.

"However even if you were to die if you are strong enough when you due it won't matter.

You can basically just recreate you're body afterall the commandments have blinded with you're soul."said katteshi.

"What do you mean by that?"asked sukuru."Well you're soul it can't enter the afterlife anymore."replied katteshi.

"I didn't plan to tell you this but those with those commandments are forsaken by god."said katteshi.

"Well I've been born again so their is no use thinking of what will happen after my death."Said sukuru.

"That's the spirit now let's go continue you're training."said katteshi leaving the room.

Sukuru jumped out of bed looking at his body noticing the giant hole in his chest was gone.

"That old man really sent me to die against that thing.I wonder if he planned this."said sukuru.

Sukuru used the orb to scan his body finding out his exact heeight and weight.

He was now 5,4 an weighed a hundred a ten pounds.He had created a black jacked with a white t-shirt underneath.

And baggy pants he had also created a pair of shoes as without chakra sandals were basically useless to him.

Shinobi where sandals to feel the chakra at the souls of their feet.

And make it easier to not be heard and perform exercises like water walking.

He then walked out of the room.Wondering what hell he'd be put through today.

"Alright sukuru today I am going to start teaching you seal magic.Specifically demonic seals."said katteshi.

Katteshi then cut his hand righting a small seal with his blood.

He then raised his hand up in the air causing sukuru to freeze in place.

"Why can't I move?"asked sukuru.It's because I ordered you not to."replied katteshi.

"This seal is called absolute order and prevents any thing weaker than me from disobeying my orders."said katteshi.

"Now tgat I think about it I should have used this all the time's you slacked off on you're training."said katteshi.

"Now it's time for the hardest training you'll face because you're going to have to study."said katteshi.

"And trust me their are no cutting corners in this process."Said katteshi.

"And no I'm not sending the information into you're


The last time I did that you were brain dead for five weeks."said katteshi.