
chapter 13

Sukuru sat meditating ad he tried to keep still."He's actually not doing too bad."Said katteshi.

"I made their trainings all different due to what they need but their picking it up at an alarming pace."said katteshi.

Hawk's training involved devouring as many creatures in purgatory as possible.

This would allow a wide variety of abilities while also testing his capabilities.

He would also have to hunt some of these creatures himself.

Wild training was mostly physical while containing some basic magical knowledge.

However sukuru's training was meditation as he needed to keep his emotions in control.

Katteshi then walked up to sukuru slamming him on the head with a cain.

"What was that for old man?"asked sukuru


"You need to learn to control your emotions under pressure so from now on.

I will be giving you different task every day as to strengthen your mental state."replied katteshi.

"What does that have to do with the commandments and me unlocking the rest if them."asked sukuru.

"You're not ready to unlock those the commandments not only require the body to be strong.

But they also require the user to meet certain

conditions.replied katteshi.

"Now you're task for today will be keeping still while I hit you on the head."said katteshi almost sounding happy.

"Oh wait look at the time I have to get going now."said sukuru.

"Time moves differently here one second in you're world might aswell be a hundred years here."Said katteshi.

"Wait I thought 1 minute in purgatory was a year in the real world."said sukuru.

"Didn't I already tell you their two different places this place might as well be another dimension."Said katteshi.

"I still don't get why someone would create place like this."said sukuru.

"Well no life forms are actually supposed to be here it was not complete.

Purgatory was supposed to be a place to train and grow stronger."Said katteshi.

"The creatures you see here are the subordinates of my master

Most gone insane and Thea small minority like me keeping their sanity."said katteshi.

"A large amount of creatures are beasts that naturally evolved to make purgatory their habitat."said katteshi.

"So those giant monsters are soldiers?"asked sukuru.Katteshi nodded his head silently.

Sukuru was then hit in the head as he dropped to his knees.

"That's for trying to skip training now get back to meditating."said katteshi.

"Also hold this."Said katteshi handing sukuru a purple


"This is a magic item to help with magic casting and it can be used to seal items."said katteshi.

This was not fully true the orb also meant to seal sukuru's dark power.

katteshi then ruffled sukuru's hair as he walked our of tje room leaving sukuru to meditate.

"Well atleas he's not going to hit me."Said sukuru.He was then hit on the head as katteshi appeared behind him.

"Thought I forgot about you're training now start meditating."