
Utopian Dream

In a world with select people who are born with various kinds of powers and abilities, there is a boy with none trying to thrive with what was given. Enjoying each day to the fullest is what he strives for. However, he also has a dream of creating a place where even regular people can achieve great things. A world where abilities and powers don’t determine how far you will go in life. It may seem like an impossible goal, but you won’t know unless you try!

DrowsyNightowl · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Dawn Of A Dream


The alarm clock rang.

As Bertram opened his eyes slowly, like curtains rolling up, the usual thought flashed in his mind when he woke up. "Another day, another adventure!" He wasn't remarkable in any way, so his goal was to always try to live life in the most enjoyable way possible.

Bertram's mother yelled from the kitchen, "Come grab breakfast after you get ready so you can get ready for your first day of the school year!"

Ah yes, it was the first day of the school year. Usually nothing notable, but what made it exciting was that a majority of students in my grade would be twelve and a special test would be administered. An exciting time for the small amount of the population but for normal people like me, it was another reminder that life can be unfair.

In the reality I live in, the world is filled with people with abilities, or powers, obtained by different means that are bestowed by the higher beings we call gods. Twelve years old is the typical age when abilities, or the potential for it, are awakened. Although there are some very rare exceptions of being awakened earlier or later, it happens less than one percent of the time.

Apparently that age is the prime time for the body to accept and adapt to these powers. It is practically guaranteed for people from bloodlines with abilities. In the city I live in, they obtain them without fail.

Even if there was a chance for those people to not receive powers, it would be hard to consider them average by any other means. Anyone with a family member who has an ability is generally wealthy and in high standing. Nevertheless it is none of my concern, since I'm not from any notable or prestigious bloodline.

There are rumors that even a normal family can gain abilities. However, I don't buy into the never been proven possibility that someone from a commoner bloodline can achieve this. As my father says, it's just propaganda to make us normal humans feel less left out in this cruel world.

It must be nice being one of the Gifted or one of the Vowed. To have the superior advantage to change the world and make a significant difference.

"BERTRAM! Did you fall asleep again, you have to get going!" my mother screamed. It was quite terrifying as it echoed throughout our home and was coated with anger.

Wait, I lost track of time wandering in useless thoughts. "I'm almost ready!" Bertram yelled back.

That's right, there's no use in wishing for a miracle. I'll pave my path to make an impact in my own way, to create a world where anyone can achieve great things even without abilities. For now, enjoying life one adventure at a time working towards that goal is all I can ask from myself.

I dashed to the kitchen and grabbed my breakfast to go. My father was in his typical routine of being at work already. He worked early and came back late to provide for our family. I waved goodbye to my mother as I opened the door.

Waiting near Bertram's home was a boy that was always in the same class as him, Mykel. Bertram's neighbor, fellow regular person, and childhood friend. "It's about time, I thought I'd be waiting forever. Let's go before we are late. '' Mykel said in a very relaxed but cheerful tone.

We both had no luck in this life when it came to wealth, bloodlines, or the ability lottery. We chose to focus on obtainable goals and skills. In our case it was general combat, swordsmanship especially. Training together daily for hours on end was our usual routine. One thing was certain though, we wouldn't let the cards we were dealt affect us from attempting to reach great achievements in our lives. Or rather, try our hardest at least.

As they arrived at the academy for the start of the school year, both took a deep breath to mentally prepare before entering the madness that would be this school year.

The special test, involving an orb that would determine your potential for powers, would happen today. No doubt there will be havoc throughout their class and the academy, as the future of students are determined.

Bertram chuckled and said "Hey, maybe one of us will take the orb test and have the potential for an ability."

"You know we have no such luck, but I guess we can dream for now." Mykel replied back.

We both sorrowfully laughed and entered the doors.

The first day of class for the school year begins.