
Utopia Academy (Wolf Pack)

A teenage wolf boy named Charlie is given the chance to save his country, Utopia. The enchantress has been kidnapped and some think by their rival country, Dystopia. Four wolf kids are trying to figure it all out before time runs out.

Shy_girl08 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Times Never Forgotten

(10 years ago)

I watched as my dad died in front of my eyes. "Miranda, watch-" He winced in pain and gasped for air. "Watch Charlie for me." He says and takes his final breath. The cold air surrounds us and my dad was gone. Not gone for a few days or weeks. Gone. Forever. Just like that.

"RICHARD!" My mom screamed. She was bleeding everywhere. Our rivals came into the village and killed most of us. I was only five when my dad passed. My dad was dead on the wooden floor. The blood surrounded his body.

They left with my mom lying on the floor bleeding to death. "Charlie, g-go grab some t-towels." My mom said and she was wincing in pain.

"Okay mommy." I said. I ran upstairs to grab some towels. I saw broken glass and pictures on the walls were all scratched up and some arrows were on the floor. My eyes filled with tears, but I held it back. I came back with towels, and saw my mom still bleeding on the floor. "Mommy, I'm back." I said.

"D-did they lay a h-hand on y-you?" Mom asked. Sweat rolled down the side of her face along with some blood.

"N-no."I stuttered. I couldn't bear seeing my mom like that. They scratched her pretty badly. I grabbed the towels and put them on her wounds. My mom was wincing in pain every time I pushed down on her wound.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked. I shook my head. She stared at the ceiling and I saw tears running down her face.

This is to give you a picture of what happend before I start the story.

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