
Upgraded hitter Conquest of the Issekayev (Konosuba)

What will happen to different stories if the place of the insecure OYAShs is taken by a person who has dreamed of power and a personal harem all his life? This is a story about a man who got a chance for a second life, and then for a third, fourth, fifth ... And he will stop only when there are no undefeated demon kings and girls forgotten by the OYAS in the multiverse. #By the way, if it's easy, look at my other fanfic The path to success is rebirth? and Immortal God of Chaos#

ZeNT3R · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: Beginning Goblin Slayers

Opening his eyes, Kazuma looked around sleepily.

- So, well, this time we are at least at home, - he muttered, getting out of bed.

After they finished their acquaintance with Wiz and Kazuma finally made the order, for which he came, they returned to the guild, where Aqua initiated a large-scale drinking binge, buying all the adventurers booze at her own expense.

- I wonder how quickly she can drink her share? Kazuma muttered to himself, casting a glance at the snoring goddess nearby.

Showers in the hotels of this world have not yet been invented, so in order to finally wash off the remnants of yesterday's drinking, Kazuma went to the baths. Cecilia left the city yesterday, returning to Alcanretia, a city where the Axis cult flourished. And he didn't want to wake up Yun-yun, who was sleeping sweetly on the next bed, so with a clear conscience he allowed himself to lie in the bathhouse for almost an hour. Going outside, he unexpectedly ran into his partner, who was just leaving the female part of the bath.

"… Good morning Kazuma!

"Hi Yunyun," Kazuma smiled. - If you are uncomfortable, I can turn away ...

- No no! Everything is fine! I just didn't expect anyone to be here at a time like this ...

Despite her words, the girl still tried not to cross his eyes, and her face was filled with paint more and more.

"I'll wait outside for you," Kazuma chuckled.

Quickly leaving the girl, Kazuma settled down near the nearest wall and waited.

"Although the towel is not small, he could not hide such a figure! And her sweet embarrassment from every little thing ... well, there is no need to rush with people like her, so you will have to wait a little ... "- he sighed to himself.

After a couple of minutes, the girl left the bathhouse. Her face flushed a little again at Kazuma's first glance, but this time she was able to quickly deal with it. Discussing yesterday's booze, they reached the hotel building and went upstairs to find that Aqua was still asleep.

"Considering how much she drank yesterday, I don't think waking her up now would be the right decision," Yunyun whispered.

- Then I propose to take to the quest without her, will you go?

- Yes! - no longer caring about the goddess's sleep, Yun-yun shouted. - Let's go right now ?!

"Yeah," Kazuma smiled, still amazed at the girl's enthusiasm.

Putting on a full set of their "adventurous" clothing, which actually did not differ much from the usual, they hurried to the guild. Once inside, they quickly exchanged a few words with their unfortunate colleagues and went to the bulletin board.

"So, this is too easy ... this is too difficult! ... for that we need Aqua ... Here! How do you like this?

After looking at several ads, Kazuma chose one and ripped it off the board, held out to Yunyun.

* Goblin hunting *

A small tribe of goblins has appeared near the foot of Mount Kraugate, kill them. Bounty for the head of one goblin: 20,000 Eris.

- Hmm, goblins are pretty easy opponents and give quite a lot of experience for them, I'm all for! - Immediately the girl nodded, reading the text on the sheet.

- Excellent, then let's go!

Walking to the registration window, Kazuma marked the quest, after which he and Yunyun slowly set off. Along the way, Kazuma decided to share the information Luna had told him with the girl.

Goblins. These creatures were considered quite dangerous to ordinary people. They were weak singly, but they could unite in groups and use different weapons.

If you give a brief description, then they are mobile, short, violent, attacking people and livestock.

Their typical habitat was considered a forest, but this time the goblins for some reason settled down on a mountain path leading to a neighboring city. It was because of this that the reward for their murder was somewhat inflated.

- Looks like we are at the goal! Yunyun said cheerfully, reaching for her wand.

"Yes, it looks like that," Kazuma nodded, taking out his sword.

The mountain was typically earthy in color, rocky and almost devoid of vegetation. There were only a few rare trees. A single narrow path led up, which, moreover, was rather uneven. In addition, even though the path was wide enough for five or even six people to walk side by side, there was a rock on one side, and a cliff on the other, which made any person somewhat nervous.

- Okay, go ahead!

Having said that, Kazuma took one last look at his skill window, mainly looking at the ones he learned after fighting the demon.

[Skill: Ice Charge]

In fact, it was analogous to a magic charge, but it consumed more mana per shot, instead of imposing a short "frostbite" debuff on hit.

[Skill: Frosty Wind]

This skill allowed with a wave of the hand to launch a small frosty conical wave, which briefly froze anyone who stood within its reach and did not have sufficient magic resistance.

[Skill: Dimensional Leap]

Like all skills in Kazuma's arsenal, it was a virtually time-free skill, that is, it was applied instantly, and also did not need any words to activate. The skill itself made it possible to almost instantly transfer your body to any point at a distance of up to 10 meters, which in battle provided many opportunities for both attack and defense or retreat.

"They seem to be close," Yunyun whispered.

Climbing the mountain path, they walked down the slope to the spot marked as the last goblins to be seen. Already on the way, they saw many footprints, which clearly left small feet. After carefully passing this place, Kazuma began to descend down the trail. He walked a few steps ahead of the girl and raised his hand, urging her to stop.

"I think they're around that corner, ready?"

- Yes! Yunyun whispered, tightening her grip on the wand in her hands.