
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

msgel · Général
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90 Chs

Chapter 10: Future Mistress

"Laurice, wake up. Dinner's ready." The man whispered softly on her ears.

She tossed in bed when she heard that familiar soothing voice and smiled brightly with her eyes still closed. She felt his warm hand on her right cheek and she rested her hand on top of his. The man gently caressed her lovely face and kissed her forehead. It was the same warmth that have always made her blushed every single time. Laurice was a late sleeper so she tends to take naps before evening came. And since then, the man would wake her up with a peck on the forehead. It was a simple yet sweet gesture that turned into a habit they both got used to.

Slowly, Laurice opened her eyes and saw the man with the most beautiful smile she have ever seen. His black piercing eyes turned into narrow slits whenever he does that. She was always in awe because of the bright and calming aura around him. As if blinded by sight, Laurice covered her eyes and peeked.

The man chuckled, "I made your favorite" he said.

"Which one?" There was clear delight on her tone.

"Your absolute favorite."

"Oh! Really?! How come? There wasn't any foul stench."

"Am i not the greatest?" He bragged then added, "I made sure the mackerel won't smell. Come down and eat after you wash up." He kissed her again in the forehead before exiting the room.

Her eyes beamed with joy. Now, she's actually getting hungry.

She quickly got up from the mattress, fixed the bed and went straight to the bathroom. She enjoyed her usual warm bath and then took her time drying up her long hair. She donned a simple white shirt and pedal shorts.

Her mouth was watering as she stride out of the room and smell the delicious aroma of the food. She have only been eating fruits and vegetables for quite a few days now as per her doctor's prescription and she was already getting sick of it. She was craving for meat and carbs and sweets! Good thing, her man was a great cook. He can come up with creative dishes using simple ingredients that will not compromise both her health and her appetite.

Just as she was about to reach the railing, she stopped on her tracks. There seems to be another voice coming from downstairs. 'They have a visitor?' She wondered.

'They seem to be arguing.'

'A woman?' Laurice got even curious. It's past the hour of seven.

'Who would visit this late?'

Something tugged on her chest. She couldn't explain why she was feeling nervous all of a sudden.

She anxiously went down the stairs and walked over the kichen without making a sound. There was an eerie silence that followed.

Then, there ... on her own kitchen ... she saw a man and a woman. He was kissing her full in the mouth. They didn't seem to notice her and continued devouring each other fiercely, both their hands touching each other rather intimately.

She gasped in horror. Her palms started to sweat. There seems to be ringing on her ears she could barely hear a thing. Her eyes fixed on the pair who jolted when they heard her.

The man was shocked and pushed the other woman who wasn't fazed at all with her sudden appearance. The woman looked at her with a bitter smile on her face as if mocking her. Laurice shivered.

"Laurice ..." The man stuttered. "It's ... not what you think."

His eyes pleaded guiltily and walked closer towards her.

"Laurice, honey ... I ..."

"How ... how dare you?! In my own fuc*ing home?" Laurice cursed. She has never cursed anyone before. She was always polite and a lady in all aspects.

Looking at the man whom she love dearly with disgust, she shoved his hands away briskly. She went a few steps backwards. She really wanted to slap his face instead but didn't want to get near him for some inexplicable reason.

She was feeling wretched inside. There were visible tears looming at the side of her eyes as she stared at him for sometime without saying anything. Then as if recalling something, she held back those tears from falling.

'No, not again. Not here. Not now.'

She didn't want to look any more pathetic than she is right now.

Her heart seemed to have fallen into an abiss.

Her face fell grave.

The man felt a nostalgic air around her. He frowned.

He couldn't utter a word.

Laurice looked pale and listless. As if she wasn't present anymore. The man felt a familiar chill in her cold eyes.

He doesn't like what he's seeing.

'What has he done?'

Then a hoarse voice erupted. "Get out."

Laurice took another glance at the man, and looked at the woman with an expressionless face. Her mouth twitched.

'You witch!' Laurice muttered inwardly.

"I said, get the fuc*ing out of my house." Laurice repeated with a low but firm voice as if sending warnings. Anymore delay from the both of them leaving and she will call security.

"Laurice ... please i beg you to listen. I ... i'm sorry." The man whispered.

Laurice smirked. 'Sorry? sorry for being an as*hole?'

'How dare you cheat on me!' She thought.

Her face turned ugly. There was fury in her deep black eyes.

"Sorry? Huh! You didn't mean it. I've seen enough. I will never accept your apology Kai. Don't you dare show yourself again or i'll do whatever it takes to ruin your life." She muttered.

The man was perplexed. The woman he loves hates him. Laurice hates him now. He closed his eyes and left her place with a heavy heart. The other woman followed behind.

Laurice was left rooted to the ground. Her gaze fell to the shut door and her face immedicately crumbled.

Tears fell from her eyes.

The silence was deafening.

It was so familiar to her.

She smiled. But the smile didn't reach her eyes.

It was bitter and desolate.

'It seems the people she loves the most loves leaving her behind.'


"Mommy! mommy!"

Someone seems to be calling her.

'Who is it?'

Louie was awakened by the sound of someone's weeping. He stirred in bed and started to panic when he realized it was Laurice who was crying. She was shivering, too.

He kept calling for her while he shake her shoulders forcefully trying to wake her up. She must have been having a nightmare. His nanny once told him before that nightmare's could really be scary and also life threaning. Now he seems to have understood what she really meant by then.

Louie climbed out of bed and ran out of the room and shouted, "Father! Father!"

Sid who was sitting in his study while working on his laptop was interrupted by the frantic voice of his son. He swiftly strode out of his bedroom which was along the hall and he saw his son standing with an panic-stricken face on the door of the guestroom.

The butler, the nanny and a servant went together with Sid and entered the room.

Sid frowned. The woman was still shivering as if cold with beads of sweat in her face. He went closer and felt her forehead.

'She seems to be running a fever.'

"Call the doctor." He ordered.

The servant immediately made some calls. Soon, a few other servants and a nurse went inside with a man in white coat.

"Daddy, how's mommy?! Is she still having a nightmare? Why is she not waking up yet?" Louie looked at his mother and felt so terrified he started crying.

"She's going to be fine. The doctor is here," He muttered as if telling it to himself rather than to his son.

Sid took the child in his arms and comforted him as he stood aside and waited for the the doctor to examine Laurice's condition. He was getting a bit restless but it doesn't seem to show on his face.

He waited rather anxiously for the doctor's diagnosis.

'The woman is at their own home. If something is to happen to her, he would be the one responsible for it.'

But ofcourse he wouldn't let anything happen to the woman.

"I need to put her on i.v. drip since her fever is quite unstable. We need to monitor the patient's temperature and blood pressure closely every three hours for 24 hours atleast. If she resumed having chills and started to vomit, i advice you better take her to the hospital and have her admitted to run some necessary tests."

"What's the cause of her fever?" Sid asked.

"The patient seems to be under a lot of mental stress and was probably lacking enough sleep. She would need a few days of rest to recuperate."

"What's the cause of the fever?" Sid repeated.

The doctor furrowed his brows, as if reading his mind he responded, "This is common to young women, there are a few types with the same symptoms. The stress could be emotional, financial or work related. Something must have triggered her that causes a chemical imbalance in her body which greatly affected her mood. She will recover as soon she gets enough rest and sleep. I would recommend a healthy diet for her as well."

Dr. Go briefly explained. He was their Family Doctor who is a Licensed Nutritionist and is a General Practitioner in medicine who also specializes in gastroenterology. He trusts his judgment but could not keep himself from worrying about the woman.

After leaving a few instructions, the doctor left the room together with the servants. Butler Han remained inside and inquired, "Young Master, do we need to notify young miss's family about the situation?"

"There's no need." Sid simply replied.

"Yes, young master." The butler lowered his head and remained standing to one side.

"You may leave. I will call you if needed."

'He wasn't needed.' The Butler felt defeated by his young master yet again.

"Yes young master, i will serve you dinner in an hour. I shall take my leave for now then."


Sid who was holding little Louie the entire time went towards the bed after the butler went out of the room.

Butler Han reminded himself to stay alert in case of another emergency.

'He could not let anything bad happen to the future mistress of the household.'

I hate having nightmares.

I hate getting sick.

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