

A talentless youth enters the world of immortal cultivation, what awaits him on this path? Heaven only gifts it's chosen few while all others strive to survive. This is the story of a boy with no powerful bloodline, family, system, nor teacher. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~§~§~~§~§~§~~§§~~§~§~§~§~§~~~~§~§~~§~~ What to expect? This is my beginner level Xianxia, that is to say from everything i've read this is what I consider cultivation. As such we will set up everything from the very bottom, and we will delve into topics of cultivation until my brain fries. At first we will take it slow for like 20 ish chapters, after that we will pick up the pace as we have our first real conflict. No systems as that is not my cup of tea, they are fun but remove all tension in a story. No special bloodline, like we need to be able to identify to this person to a degree and humans simply aren't that special. We will start from the VERY bottom, so if you aren't in it for the long haul I wouldn't recommend reading further. Now, my writing isn't perfect, I am not some english teacher, I am just someone that overread and now I can't see myself just reading anymore. If you like my story, please support me via comments or whatever this site uses.

HC_HC · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
42 Chs

New day new gear

"Time for the first meal! Wake up! You all have 10 minutes, get to the eatery otherwise you will not be served until the afternoon!" A woman's voice shocked all the sleeping children awake.

Bran Ai hadn't slept for more then 40 minutes before he was forced to wake.

His body was heavy, even lifting his arms felt as if stones had been tied to his body finding it a struggle to to sit up.

"Ahhh I'm so hungry!"

"Finally food!"

"I thought i was going to starve"

His roommates all expressed their desire to eat.

This was the first time Bran Ai heard them speak, he didn't even see them until late in the 'night'.

They each spoke in their own language not able to be recognized by him, even if he could hear he couldn't understand.

Without waiting they rushed out without even looking for their sect directory.

Either way they weren't the only people that would be headed there right? Even if they got lost they could simply ask around and an adult would surely tell them.

Bran Ai was left alone in the room, he still wanted to sleep more but couldn't pass the opportunity to have a meal.

"life is hard" He got up wanting to chase after the others before quickly turning around to grab his bag.

"Can't forget this, I still don't know my way around here" he made sure that everything he owned was properly put away in the bag.

Bran Ai walked out, many children were still making their way out following the others in a frenzy as to not miss out on the food, one never knew if it would run out.

The kids have been well rested, having been put to sleep through chants and spells they had reinvigorated their minds and now they needed to replenish their bodies.

Like a pack of hungry dogs they simply followed the leader while ignoring the things around them, was the person in the lead going the right direction? They ignored this question or maybe it never came up.

A few of the smarter ones also took their bags looking for the sect directory while chasing after the others nonetheless.

But for all the action some have, others simply wait for certainty.

Bran Ai had a decent snack in the night already but it couldn't be called filling, plus he of all people wouldn't skip out on a meal.

The berries seemed to provide him with energy, just not the energy nor nutrients his body needed.

While the berries could satiate him for a bit, he still needed more then just a little sugar.

Coming from a land where famine and disease were rampant he knew the value any small amount of food has.

Staying at the back of the pack he took notice of the kids that had a bag and looked at the sect directory, he didn't have any real purpose of doing this, simply - he thought that it wasn't so weird to take his bag with him after all.

One thing he did pay attention to were the ones he felt looked very energetic.

Most of the kids had a face of desperation, anxiety or desire, yet a few of them looked far too calm and composed as if this was simply as expected.

One of them even seemed to be enjoying the situation running alongside everyone else without a care in the world.

While the kids had been well rested, they certainly weren't well fed.

Bran Ai himself was had a face filled with desire, his eyes had developed slight shadows underneath while the eye's themselves looked a little bloodshot yet when he saw these people he both felt a little ashamed and challenged.

Maybe it had to do with how he lived so far but he couldn't stand the calmness they they exhibited, had they never felt hungry? Was he so pathetic? He knew that comparing his living to others was idiotic, but he couldn't help it.

Bran Ai felt a tad seen, he ran a little slower so he wouldn't draw attention.

He didn't have anything to be ashamed about, he shouldn't even care about others thoughts but he couldn't help it.

Other's started to slow down as well for different reasons, they either lacked the stamina to run long distances slowing to a snails pace or figured out that the group had no real direction.

Luckily only one wide path lead both to and from their building to the other sections, so even if they didn't know where to go they would eventually arrive at the central area.

The path they followed soon merged with other paths followed by an influx of children, the path was narrow allowing for at best four grown ups to walk side by side.

Currently over two hundred kids clashed at the various crossroads.

Now the real competition to be first began.

"Move it I'm eating first!" a larger boy ran with all his might pushing aside those near him.

"In your dreams fatty I will eat first!" a girl responded putting her leg in-front of the boy tripping him, forcing him onto the ground.

The kids behind the boy tired to slow down but the one's behind pushed them forward causing many to fall and crush the boy.

The girl didn't look back running from the scene.

In the distance a sign could be seen depicting a soup bowl and the words [Little one's eatery].

A woman in what looked to be in her early 30s' stood in front with her arms crossed dauntless in the face of the incoming stampede.

"Stop! All of you get in line!"

With that the advancing army slowed to a crawl, quickly forming a zig-zaging line not allowing for the passage of any passerby's.

"A straight line form a straight line! come on move back the lot of you!" the woman ordered them while swinging a ladle.

She waited for a moment for the line to form and for them to quite down.

Bran Ai had almost ended up near the end, luckily for him more children had appeared from side paths.

The fat boy walked slowly near the back of the line, his pants were torn at the knees and blood had clearly been drawn.

He looked ahead trying to find the girl to give her the evil eye but couldn't find her.

He didn't note the fact she spoke the same language in his mind revenge is all he wanted.

"Now then, I've been told to inform you that once you are done eating you are to head over to the sect registry to pick up your identity tokens after which you will head to the western gate where you will be taught your lessons for the day, so be quick to eat and head out"

Her voice traveled into the ears of each child regardless of distance allowing for even the stragglers to hear.

"Understand?" She squinted her eyes a little menacingly


"Yes ma'am"


"How can we hear you in our heads?"

A good amount responded putting a smile on her face.

'Some have learned quick, the rest are simply responding based on what others are doing'

"Good, now grab a platter, bowl and spoon, sit wherever you can and make sure you return them!"

One by one each would have their turn, every last child would be served an equal amount and the same food with no refills.

The food in question was a simple vegetable soup along with a bread bun and a small pill with unknown effects.

Little by little the line moved forward, little by little Bran Ai got closer to a free meal.

Once he successfully acquired the food he searched for a place to sit.

The area wasn't too large, it couldn't accommodate well over two-hundred children let alone have enough seating for them.

Looking around he could only choose to stand over to one side.

Bran Ai gulped the food down and felt satisfied, could he go for another bowl? yeah he could but sadly the -no refill- rule shattered such hopes.

He swallowed the little pill crushing it between his teeth only to make a sour face, it was bitter.

Bran Ai wasn't the only orphan here, more then One hundred forty children joined the same club making them the majority, some already had a name before coming here while others are assigned one just like him.

He finally saw a few others whom he could view as unfortunate as him, maybe not so injured but they lacked nutrients just like him.

In the end it wasn't a good thing, but he had a sense of comradery with them.

'I guess- I guess I better go now, we're do I place this? ah there'

Having returned his plate and utensils Bran Ai left following the directions in the sect directory while trying to avoid interactions with the others.

His feet did not feel great, while the berries had unknowingly healed Bran Ai they could only do so much without any materials to work with.

He once more passed through the same familiar area that he saw yesterday to make his way to the sect registry office.

It wasn't too far from the area he stayed, but given his current situation he felt it was miles away.

A few other kids had already arrived before him forming a line to wait their turn patiently.

Bran Ai seeing this joined the waiting queue like the rest.

The walls of the registry were made of stone while the floor seemed to be a mix of stone and wooden tiles giving it a beautiful checkered patern pleasing to the eyes.

He could see that each child that left had received a rectangular plaque with their name on it, along with a set of light gray wool garments.

To say that he was exited was an understatement, this would be the first clothing he owned.

Once it was finally his turn he was rather exited, this would be his only real item of clothing he ever owned.

He currently wore some rags he once saw someone throw out since they were too torn already for anyone to make use off but for him it was enough at the time.

It was ill fitting, uncomfortable and itchy but since all other options weren't available to him these rags he called clothing had become his most prized possession.

Even so he really wished to replace them.

"Your name" the attendant asked from behind the desk.

"I am Bran Ai" He said with confidence.

"Bran Ai~ ah here you are, take this identity token, disciple tunic and you have a choice of footwear"

The attendant passed him his token and tunic then pointed him towards a rack that held many different styles of footwear from across many different culture's and eras.

Sandals and shoes of all kinds of wood, leathers, straws and cloths, so much more then Bran Ai had ever seen or believed he would see.

"I suggest you get these wooden one's with the leather straps, it will probably last you the longest" the attendant gave his suggestion.

Bran Ai thought for a second taking the suggestion, these options were beyond his current capacity to choose from.

While he did did wish to try the ones made of cloth of varrying colors the current state of his feet would ruin them in mere moments.

He didn't know the words to express gratitude so he simply and awkwardly bowed.

He didn't put the sandals or clothing on yet choosing to wait until later, hoping it will rain soon so that he may clean himself.

Water was precious after all, it would be wasteful to clean oneself with something he nearly died searching for multiple times.

Apparently Misfortunate isn't a word my auto correct knows.

Seems that in the english language its rarely used, and unfortunate is the more commonly used one.

But at the same time others say its not a word and that only Misfortune + unfortunate are correct.

But for my purposes Misfortunate is now a word cause it sounds better.

comradery real word many different spellings...

camaraderie, comradely with slightly different meanings.

HC_HCcreators' thoughts