
Unsuccessful attempt to collect information

In one basement, which was located on the outskirts of Central, members of one so-called “dangerous” group gathered for a discussion.

Mikaiellia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Night. Darkness reigns around, and gems cover the sky. At night, the world freezes: the streets are gradually, though not completely, empty, the lights in apartments and houses go out, leaving street lamps as the main source of illumination, the birds that sang their beautiful songs a couple of hours ago have subsided. And, despite the fact that most of the population of Central is already in the sweet Morphean kingdom, the nightlife continues: people in bars drink, discussing their exploits, politics, or trying to find salvation in intoxicating drinks; casinos and brothels are full of different people, hungry for profit and carnal pleasures.

Night is the time of crime, criminals and the mafia. It is at night that most of the crimes are committed: rapes, robberies, murders and attempts. It is at night that it is easier for criminals to rob, rape, kill and quickly escape from the scene of the crime, cover their tracks, lie low, leave the city. It is at night that dangerous groups hold their meetings in the basements, in the gateways and in the slums, develop plans, discuss tasks, meet with customers.

In one basement, which was located on the outskirts of Central, members of one so-called "dangerous" group gathered for discussion.

- All here? asked David Rutherford, the leader of the group. It was a tall man, about forty years old, whose eyes showed almost no interest in today's meeting.

"No, not all," the blond blonde said, "my brother is in the hospital.

- Something serious?

- No, he's fine. He gave you a report, - Samantha handed the leader an envelope.

"One is late," said a dark-haired man in glasses and took the envelope from the girl's hands, and then sat down not far from his boss.

— Well… So, gentlemen, let's start. Two weeks ago, you were given the task of finding out about a case involving the people of one very important person, and, if possible, collect information about the location of military bases and armories. Now I want to hear about everything that you managed to find out. Matthew, you were in charge of this operation, so I'm listening, - the leader of the group turned to the dark-haired man sitting not far from him.

"We all know very well that Colonel Mustang's team in charge of this case consists of seven people, including himself. So, we decided to treat each member of the team separately, including Fire Alchemist's best friend, Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes. Having chosen our "victim", we began surveillance, which lasted three days, and then began to act.

"That's good, of course, but I need information, not a plan for your actions.

- I understand, - saying this, Matthew adjusted his glasses, - will you allow me to tell about the "victim" and her "hunter"?

— Speak!

- As you command! So, in the team of Mustang dogs there are two men who love attention very much - this is Colonel Roy Mustang and Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc. They were taken over by Agatha and Ayana. Hymans Breda was taken over by our beautiful Samantha, Ensign Farman by Fred, and Petty Officer Cain Fury by Yuri Fudel.

- Yuri arrived? David was surprised.

Yes, he's late.

"He didn't even say hello to me," the leader muttered under his breath.

"I took on Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, but the hawk, Lieutenant Hawkeye, was taken over by Robert.

- I thought that Robert would take on the Mustang, but he decided to play with the girl.

- "Girl", as you put it, is to some extent more dangerous than the Fiery one. Only she can make the team and its commander work. As far as I know, she is the "Hawk-Eye" who became famous during the Ishwar Massacre.

- A hawk, you mean? It's interesting… this horse's team is very interesting," David began to laugh. The man knew what the Hawkeye was, he repeatedly saw how the bullets of this sniper flew right into the heads and hearts of his comrades-in-arms. But he never managed to see the hawk live, how unexpectedly he appeared so unexpectedly and disappeared, - So what's with the information? Start reporting already, otherwise you are sitting very quietly today, "he turned to the people who had been silent until now," I can't hear you! Matthew, sit down for now. I want to hear about Hughes, Mustang and Hawkeye at the end, but now ... And now Fred, Ayana and Samantha will tell me about their exploits. Go ahead, my good ones, I'm listening to you very carefully.

First attempt at publishing my work here. Translated through a translator, so there may be inconsistencies.

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