
Unspeakable fears

"What do you fear the most?" this question made Khansa's skin crawl always. She didn't fear heights, fire, water or death like others. Her fear was not losing a loved one or failing to meet up to the expectations of others. It was better to let her fear die a silent death than to speak it out loud. "I fear nothing" Kabeer said it in a mocking voice. Fear had no place in his dictionary, he was even amazed that people had fears when life was all about desires and adventure. Two polar opposites where one refuses to speak out her fear and the other denies having any. A spark between these two seems unusual to you? Wait until you see it.

MishalZamir · Sports, voyage et activités
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15 Chs

you're choking him

Today I woke up with a pounding headache and almost gave into the temptation of taking a day off. Then I remembered how miserable I would be here with my father and brother, so I decided against it. Although, I hadn't seen dad for like a week now, but that was because I was always cautious enough to leave for College before any of them decided to make my life miserable any more than it already was. I was feeling so down that it took me so long to get ready, and I didn't even pay attention to what I grabbed out of my closet, and I was pretty sure it was something terrible, but I didn't have it in me to pick something else. I hastily made a messy ponytail and brushed my teeth.

As soon as I got out of the door I heard my brother whisper-yell something and I instantly closed the door with a silent thud and thanked god when he didn't notice it, "Man, I promise I don't have money right now" he sounded scared.

"Do you think I'll believe your lies, huh? Listen up Zaviyan, you are messing with the wrong person. I wouldn't blink an eye before putting a bullet in that forehead of yours" the man's icy voice sent a shiver down my spine and I shuddered at these rough words.

What had Zaviyan gotten himself to? Why couldn't he do something right once in his life? I was so sick of him making my life hell. That man wasn't beating around the bush. I had a feeling he was from some sort of gang otherwise, and people like him don't care even if they have to murder someone. Nobody would bat an eyelash if we died. The police would stay quiet like always because we weren't born with a silver spoon. We didn't have money and power like the others.

I went to an elite college where the kids were extremely privileged. I was studying on a scholarship, which I was certain that I would lose due to my ongoing unsatisfactory performance in the exams. I at least had the motivation to study in high school. In College? I lacked the mental peace to concentrate even on the basic concepts.

My calculus books were filled with weird drawings and doodles. Once one of my teachers told me that she found it hard to believe that I was a scholarship student since my grades were hitting rock bottom continuously. I mean, I had stopped taking my ADHD medication and my brain fog made it difficult to grasp the concepts like a normal person now.

I had a very dark future and no amount of optimism could erase that. What the hell was I even doing in this engineering field? I remembered when I disclosed to my father that I was going to apply for admission into this College, he had laughed at me and told me education was useless, and I would stay an idiot always.

Luckily, he didn't stop me from getting admission there, but that also came with a cost. He hated my paintings and drawings with a passion and considered artists trashy, so he warned me if I opted for Arts, he would not allow me to enter into his house. I gave the entry test for the engineering field, and I don't even know how I passed it. Ajwad told me that I underestimated myself a lot and that I was really smart, but I found it really hard to believe him.

So, I was stuck doing something I had zero interest in. I was immersed in my thoughts when I heard shouting from the TV lounge, "What the fuck did you just say?" this was the voice of that man who was threatening to kill Zaviyan earlier.

"Blaze stop man you're choking him" another man said in a voice filled with concern.

What if the man kills Zaviyan? I didn't hate my brother this much that I wanted him gone. I still had a heart inside. I weighed my options and considered calling the police, but what would they even do? It was useless to even think about calling them. I was speaking from experience, they didn't do anything when a woman from our neighborhood got murdered by a mafia leader. The police stayed tongue-tied at all times whether it was harassment or oppression caused by the mafias to the common man.

The shouting intensified, and I feared something terrible would happen. I was scared he would also kill mom if he found out Zaviyan wasn't alone, so I grabbed a vase from the table and went out hurriedly without thinking twice. It's an ADHD thing to do and say things before even thinking about them, you really can't blame me for taking that step.

The scene unfolding in front of me made me really scared, but I steeled my spine and took a deep breath.

The guy whose name was supposedly Blaze was choking Zaviyan, who had tears leaking from his eyes. The guy looked really young with his blonde hair and his arms were covered in tattoos. His dressing definitely looked like that of a gang leader although he looked like a college student.

He had such an ominous aura around him that I couldn't bring myself to look at the guns resting on the table which I was sure belonged to him.

The other guy was trying to calm Blaze down with a horrified expression etched on his face.

"Leave him alone" My hands were shaking, and what was I even thinking before grabbing this vase? I couldn't even hold it properly, and this vase wouldn't even put a scratch on him.

"And who are you?" Blaze loosened his hold on Zaviyan and asked me curiously.

Zaviyan gave me a murderous glare and gritted his teeth.

"Just leave us alone, or I'll call the police!" I ignored his question and warned him with my voice laced with steel.

He looked at the vase in my hands and laughed, "Did you really come out of that room to fight with that weapon of yours?" He raked a hand through his hair and continued, "Are you seeing how naive this girl is, Axel?" he asked this from the other guy, whose name apparently was Axel.

Axel just laughed and looked at me with a pitiful expression.

"You're lucky Zav, I was about to choke you to death, but now we can strike a deal" he said in a calm voice before looking at me, "You're the sister of this loser I suppose?" he said that in a cool voice and I dreaded his next words.

"Shut up man, do not even think about it" Zaviyan glared at him.

"Do you think you have a choice?" Blaze said ominously.

Before he could say anything else, I ran towards him and hit his head with a vase. Tiny droplets of blood from his forehead started trickling down to my shoes, and I backed away instantly with revulsion.

"Khansa, what the fuck are you even doing?" Zaviyan shouted at me furiously, while Blaze stood there as if I hadn't just made him bleed.

The guy whose name was axel said mockingly, "Your sister has no manners, Zav"

"Man, just give me a week, and I'll return the money. Khansa is a nuisance and not even worth your time" Zaviyan said this to Blaze who was still looking at me with curiosity. What does that even mean?

"Khansa" Blaze took my name smoothly as if he were testing how it sounded and continued talking to Zaviyan, "You have one week to pay back my money. If you fail to do that I'll not even think once before choking you to death, understand?" and then he gave me a strange look before walking out of the house as if he hadn't just scared the shit out of us.

I thought he would murder me after what I did. I took a sigh of relief and looked at Zaviyan who spoke in a voice dripping with malice, "Khansa when will you learn to understand that some people are dangerous and not to be messed with?" he gulped down water hastily and winced at the pain.

"That sounds rich coming from someone who is abusive and violent" I retorted back.

He laughed in a bitter manner, "He would've taken you away if I hadn't stopped him, and that is how you thank me?"

"You did something that every brother would do, Zaviyan. Stop trying to gaslight me into thinking that I am always wrong" I said in a calm voice.

"Oh? Do you want to experience what it feels like to be kidnapped by those mafia guys?" He smiled ruthlessly. He continued, "I don't have any money anyway, and you are also good for nothing, so maybe it will be a good riddance".

"You're so disgusting that it makes me sick" I told him in a serious tone. I grabbed my backpack and

I grabbed my backpack and slammed the door with a loud thud.

Wonderful. Now I have missed my first class of calculus, and today we were going to study the most important topic.

I guess I'll have to ask Ajwad to teach me that. I took a cab to college as I had missed my bus.

I instantly went to the cafeteria to eat something because my stomach was constantly grumbling and reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything.

I regretted going there as soon as I spotted Kabeer with Jennifer. Their friends were laughing about what God knows what.

I took my sandwich and granola bar as inconspicuously as I could and just when I thought I had evaded them I heard Jennifer say, "Hey, Khansa right?" to tell her tone was condescending would be an understatement.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, what?" I was pretty sure she was going to say something extremely petty.

"Your clothes look awful. Ever heard about sense of styling?" as soon as she said this, her friends started laughing as if it were the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

I saw Kabeer and found him scrolling through his phone as if he couldn't care less about what was happening around him.

I smiled at her sweetly, "Ever heard of minding your own business?"

She took a sip of her juice and shook her head dramatically, "That was a piece of advice for you because honestly, you stick out like a sore thumb with such hideous dressing"

I was about to reply to her when Kabeer said, "Why do you even care?" he asked in a calm voice.

I looked at him and found him looking at me with a bored expression on his face. Oh, he didn't have to speak up for me. The mere fact that he took my side made me so furious.

Jennifer raised her eyebrows and smiled in a strained manner, "What baby?" Baby? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. My expression must give away how amused I was by her answer because Jennifer asked me in a low voice, "What is so funny, Khansa?"

"Apart from your existence? I don't think anything else, and honestly quit being a bully to others. There's a fine line between humor and disrespect"

Kabeer's friend Cole whistled, "Way to go Khansa. I'm impressed by your sass and retorts"

Kabeer glared at Cole and went back to scrolling through his mobile phone.

I rolled my eyes and went outside before waiting for Jennifer's response. Honestly, what was her problem? Okay, I get it her mother was a fashion designer and her dad was a millionaire, but did it really give her a right to belittle others? Oh god, here I was thinking that the kids here couldn't piss me off any more than they already did, but they found new ways to do that every day.

I was dreading how I would even approach Kabeer for my psychology project. He wouldn't even cooperate with me and I had my 60% grade at stake here" He would take delight in knowing that I would get an F grade. He hated my guts, and I was glad we were on the same page, but I had to put my resentment aside before working with him. I couldn't risk losing my scholarship.

I put all these thoughts at the back of my mind

and went to my Chemistry class. As soon as I entered, I heard Tate's shrill voice, "Khansaaa!" Oh god, I did not have the patience to deal with her right now.

I smiled at her, "Hey Tate, what's up?" She flipped her glossy hair at the back and frowned, "I invited you to my party last night, and you didn't show up?" she seemed upset. I just couldn't bring myself to trust her. Why was she being so friendly for no reason at all, and what was the catch in all of this?

"I told you earlier parties are not my thing" I told her in a disinterested tone.

"Look, I don't understand why you're so closed-off but as I said earlier that my intentions are genuine, so you don't have to be cautious, Khansa" She took out her notebook and patted on the seat next to her, "Come sit with me" What was she even on about? I looked at where Ajwad was sitting with Lily and sighed, "Fine and by the way Tate?" I dramatically looked at her, "Has anyone ever told you that you're disgustingly stubborn?" I said with a hint of playfulness evident in my voice.

She rolled her eyes, "When Tate wants some, Tate gets it" she then took out her red shade of lipstick and started applying it. Wonderful.

"A fifth grader wouldn't even come up with a cliché line like that" I laughed and sat down with her.

"Shut up and let me apply my makeup" she whispered. The teacher still hadn't come, and only thirty minutes were left.