
Unspeakable fears

"What do you fear the most?" this question made Khansa's skin crawl always. She didn't fear heights, fire, water or death like others. Her fear was not losing a loved one or failing to meet up to the expectations of others. It was better to let her fear die a silent death than to speak it out loud. "I fear nothing" Kabeer said it in a mocking voice. Fear had no place in his dictionary, he was even amazed that people had fears when life was all about desires and adventure. Two polar opposites where one refuses to speak out her fear and the other denies having any. A spark between these two seems unusual to you? Wait until you see it.

MishalZamir · Sports, voyage et activités
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15 Chs

That was harsh

After what felt like an eternity Tate said, "That was an order, duh"

"Yeah, and what are you? My mother?" I joked.

She laughed, "Wouldn't want to be a mental illness patient, no" she then put a hand in her mouth as if she felt apologetic.

"Sorry Khan-" I cut her off, "And here I was thinking that maybe you had some heart in you Tate, thank you for shattering my expectations" I continued, "I owe you a drink for this, remind me to do that later on"

"No wonder Kabeer hates you" I was about to leave when she blurted out these words.

I rotated back and gave her a funny look, "What are you saying?" I asked her.

"Nothing" she shook her head as if she weren't supposed to disclose that to me

"Anyway, I apologize for what I said, Khansa. Please come to my party and let's bury the hatchet. I really admire you and want to be friends with you" her voice sounded genuine, but I just went away without replying to her.

Kabeer hates me? Tell me a new thing, please. I might give a shit someday about him hating me.

I went to my psychology class and saw Ajwad sitting with one of the girls from our class, whose name was Lily. I smiled at him, waved, and he returned the gesture.

I sat down with them and opened up my book.

"Okay class, I have a very interesting project for you all" The students made yawning sounds.

Ma'am Jane shushed the class and continued," I am going to assign you partners from the medical department students, and you would have to interview them" she finished.

"What type of weird project is that?" one girl laughed.

"What does that have to do with Psychology" another boy asked?

"We are learning about human behavior in this course, so why not learn about the behavior of those who opt for altruism and want to help the humanity?" She said calmly as if we were little kids who had no sense.

"Yeah, not everyone wants to help the sick people out of selflessness, maybe some people want money Miss Jane" Edward said jokingly, and the whole class erupted in laughter and snickers.

"Is it wrong to think of money?" Ma'am asked him and continued, "That is going to help us in dissecting human behaviors and these are the types of questions that we will come across throughout the project.

"I've talked to the head of the medical department and assured them that it would not in any way impact the studies of their students. You all have 6 weeks to jot down anything they reveal to you and prepare a report on their findings" She then took out a piece of paper and started announcing names of the pairs' for the project.

Ajwad got paired up with the meanest Queen Bee of the medical department, Jennifer Styles, and I looked at him with a sympathetic expression, and he just shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care.

"Khansa Abeer has been paired with Kabeer Alaric" I shouted, "What?" The class went deadly silent, and ma'am gave me a disappointing glare before going back to announcing the pairing.

What on earth was happening? I would rather die than work with him. "You're so lucky Khansa" Lily said dreamily.

"How?" I said shockingly.

"Have you seen Kabeer Alaric, girl?" She looked at me surprisingly. I shook my head, "Why would I even look at him?" I knew what she meant, but I tried playing dumb because I was sick of everyone idolizing Kabeer.

"He is so attractive and oh my god that voice of his is so hot" she gushed.

"Do you want to exchange partners then?" I asked, and she looked at me as if I were insane.

"I would definitely want to change them, as I don't even like the one I got paired up with". She said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes and went to ma'am jane, "Ma'am I would like to exchange partners with Lily" I told her, and she shook her head as if I had asked her to quit her job.

"I do not like to change my decisions Khansa. Learn to grow up and keep your differences aside from the work" she said in a serious manner.

"But ma'am-

"It's 60% of your grade. Be wise" she said before dismissing me.

"It's okay Khansa, it's just a project" Ajwad encouraged me and I nodded.

"If Kabeer gives you any trouble, tell me instantly, okay?" he looked at me with his hazel eyes and I smiled.

"Now let's go to cafeteria and ask esha about her partner" I said before grabbing my backpack.

The cafeteria was buzzing with energy today and Esha was going on about getting her crush as a partner whose name was Keenan. She was talking dreamily about him when I noticed Kabeer sitting at the medical corner sitting with his friends. That was the popular side of the cafeteria where all the popular kids sat down. Mostly, the medical department kids. Only two weeks had passed since Kabeer had arrived here from Australia and he instantly became the golden, prized inspiration for all of them. The girls couldn't stop admiring his handsomeness, and the boys wanted to be his friends. Wonderful.

All the cheerleaders, jocks, football, and hockey teams also sat with them.

Ajwad was also on the football team, but he liked to sit with us.

"What did I do to deserve such a horrible partner in psychology?" I muttered and the two of them laughed.

"Kabeer will make your life hell" Esha said while looking at where their whole group of friends were sitting and chatting.

"I don't think he will "Kabeer said while eating his sandwich. Esha asked him why, and he shrugged his shoulders, "Khansa always thought Kabeer liked him, but I think the opposite of that" he said as if he was talking about the weather.

I remembered how back then I used to tell everyone that Kabeer secretly liked me. I know that was not the truth but that was a joke. I don't know why Ajwad had to bring that joke back.

"Okay Ajwad, that was harsh "Esha said awkwardly.

Honestly, he was right. Back then I did have feelings for him, so it makes sense that I also tried to prove he did too. Oh god, how embarrassing that would have been.

He shook his head with a smile, "Khansa has a habit of going after those who treat her like crap "He then stood up and went towards Kabeer's table, he shook hands with him and hugged him as if they were long-lost friends. He then sat down with them and started talking casually.

I felt so betrayed right now, but it was so childish to think like that. Ajwad only spoke facts, but why did he have to go towards them like that? I swear I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I smiled and pushed away the plate before standing up and leaving the cafeteria. I heard Esha calling after me, but I was so furious that I didn't stop.