
Unseen and unknown yet, loved

Hana. She was a simple teenager who had an unexciting story until Jungkook appeared out of nowhere in her room. She had to stick with him but stay hidden at the same time.Their journey turned out to be harder but sweeter too. . . . Can they not see him? Is he really just my imagination? But of all people in the world, why would I picture Jungkook? What if he's real? But that's not possible. "Why am I here?" He finally spoke, cutting me off. He has stopped avoiding my eyes...or maybe forgot to because of every absurd thing that seems to be happening. "That's the question that I should be asking." I shot back. "You just broke into my home," I said in a deadly tone. "No, you just kidnapped me here" He replied, his voice filled with fury. But his eyes were swollen and bloodshot. Was he possibly...crying? "Why did you bring me here? And how?" He demanded, his voice growing louder. "Look, I didn't bring you here. And I have no idea why you are here" I gave him a simple answer but his eyes said that he had trouble accepting my reply. "or why an illusion is chatting with me." I added as I shuffled back to my bed. Yeah, I can't keep talking to my stupid creation. "I AM NOT AN ILLUSION!" His loud voice shook me . . . This is fan-fiction in which the characters have the characteristics of the real members(almost). some events may have occured in real-life, this is done to make it look more effective but they are all my own imagination.

realisticone · Célébrités
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"Would you believe if I said that I was scared of everything, too?"


November 2017

My bedroom was absolute mayhem; a combination of laundry dress, books, and unnecessary items that were all scattered for display. Like always.

I was resting on my stomach on my bed, swinging my leg back and forth, chewing the back of my pen and pondering about my to-be-unamusing-life and already-gone-unamusing-days.

I generally write stuff that has happened and what I hope to happen which practically included 'fall in love' in my diary. Of course, it's not the matter of me falling in love, it's the matter of someone else falling for me that I envied for.

My only desire that has never betrayed me was 'stay hidden'. Apparently, I was the best at that; not attracting attention has forever been one of my best priorities for a safe life. But of course, staying hidden had its flaws; but social isolation was no biggie for me. I'm used to being alone at parties and school.

Yet this has never made me downbeat since I had a few friends, though not a bunch like others in my school. Rose and Alisha were the best. I don't really know why Alisha hangs out with me when a lot of way better girls had been craving for her company. Had been. But once she decided to sulk in with us, her reputation of being a to-be-popular-girl went downhill.

Rose has always been with me since my childhood. We were good buddies but we had not much in common.

Yet, that doesn't mean I had a happy-go life. Sometimes everything seems to be unbearable.

'My sister died yesterday.' I wrote, something that I have been shoving off my mind, until now. Just thinking about it, my heartthrobs. Tears sunk into the paper as they pricked down from my eyes, spreading the ink. I clutched the pages as her image flashed through my mind, again. Pulling the pillow to my face, I screamed with all tears, trying to let out the frustration with them.

I couldn't even sense the pain that throbbed down my throat badly. Her images flooded my mind in fast motion as memories raced past. I looked over at the frame which had a picture she and I taken at home on my sweet-sixteen party last year. Tears poured down as I stared at her smiling face, my diary still clenched in my fist.

My eyes hurt as more tears streamed down. But what hurt more was the feeling of guilt.

Then I saw something or rather someone on my bed. I jumped out of my bed instantly with a loud scream, but it came out more like a loud cry. Ignoring the pain that crept my head, I studied the figure that sat on my bed from head to toe. My vision was slightly blurred as I've been crying the whole time, but I could perfectly recognize the person sitting cluelessly in front of me.


Hello people.

This is only the introduction of the story. The coming chapters will contain more dialogs and more fun filling scenes.

I hope you continue reading~

This is my first super-natural fan-fiction and my very first fan-fiction and I really hope you enjoy reading it.

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