
She Knew.

"Keep searching. Their lack of background only makes it more suspicious."

The Prince walked back with a sigh. If not for his brother pressing on this matter, he would have never allowed people with blank history to take a single step into the palace estate.

Unlike what rumors suggested, mass recruitment into the royal army wasn't his idea but his brother's instead. He thought it smart to make use of the people of his kingdom instead of running the soldiers thin. 

And having realized that he couldn't be everywhere at once, he gave in to the king's orders. Getting the Dragon Hatchlings was a pleasant surprise that only proved that his brother was right.

The Dragon Hatchlings aside, he was the most concerned about that man named Kumaou and the woman named Rose. More so about the former, since it was more than concerning that they didn't know about a human cultivator in the Origin Realm wandering about their kingdom.