

Outside the borders of Phoenix City, the trio could be seen following right behind Ozul.

The forest already encircled the city, but he was taking them farther into it, toward a place he could still remember.

"Is it far?" Raven asked, wondering if she should have packed clothes. They had been sprinting for half an hour already.

"Not much..." replied Ozul without turning around.


Half a day passed.

Ozul stood staring into the mess of forest veins coiled together like hundreds of snakes mating.

Behind him, the trio huffed and panted nonstop. They had asked him more than a few times to stop and rest, but he insisted it wasn't far ahead until it was almost getting dark.

"What is that?" Zier pondered out aloud, as his eyes caught the sight before them.

They were still in a forest, surrounded by tall trees, but it was as if another level of forest stood before them.