
Unruly Pet

Humans and werewolves are often nothing more than slaves to the vampires, "pets". Hybrid Fall is far from a perfect pet. Unwilling to give in she becomes violent, not anywhere close to the docile little thing she should be. She seems to be the only one fighting the injustice of the world, but one person, especially a slave, could never overthrow the government on their own... After years of anger and pain she meets her new owner, Derik, who has ideas suprisingly simmilar to her own. But can she overcome everything that happened to her with support, could that ever be enough? Would Derik even be willing to help her, or will he treat her how almost every vampire ever has? HUGE TRIGGER WARNINGS: this story deals with repeated and sometimes detailed elements of violence/assult, death and murder, slavery, fantasy racism, torture, gore, mental health issues, undetailed offscreen suicide, undetailed sexual assult and mentions of rape

Mythelia_Witrea · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs


"How's the patient?" Doctor Mia asked anxiously.

"Hanging in there, she's in bad shape though," I responded carrying the blond inside.

I covered up part of the worried expression on my face just enough to make me seem like a vampire. I needed to care enough to make sure I seemed like one of the people giving rights to pets but not too much for it to ruin the usual indifference of a vampire.

I set her on the bed and stepped back. Mia quickly picked up one of the needles on the counter and started an IV. Thankfully she had the mind to make sure she was ready before we got here.

After the IV started she picked up more needles and put shots into the port on the IV. She also pumped her stomach to get out any poison that wasn't already in her blood.

Mia pulled some kind of potion out of the cabinet. I'm not sure exactly what it is but it smells safe so I didn't stop her.

She was hooked up to one of those monitor things, I admittedly have no idea what the normal ranges are but Mia looked at them with a worried expression.

Her breathing was shallow and her heart raced like she was in pain. Trying to make it a little easier for her to breath I unbuckled her collar.

"Now we wait," Mia said, the moment felt somber, like mist hung in the air covering us.

When I finally had time to look at the girl more than her condition I noticed a few things about her. She was a lot skinnier than even most pets, and her hair was so oily it looked like her master hadn't even bothered to hose her down.

Tiny waves in her almost wet-looking hair hinted that it might have been curly at one point. She reminded me of someone, someone that etched guilt into my heart.

Someone the fear of losing was still fresh in my mind. Someone I tried not to think about anymore.

"Derik," I prompted. I waited till he hummed in response. "What are we doing about the last meeting we have?"

"We rescheduled, it's probably important that we stay here for when she wakes up. So we can explain what happened and why we took her and ask what she'd like to do."

"What can we do with her? It's not like we can throw her into a pet shop after her poisoning and she can't stay here for the rest of her life."

"Well, we can find her an owner we trust, she's a werewolf so we could get her a job, we could put her in a pack. It's not like we can really guarantee safety anywhere but if she feels strongly like one thing or another, we can give her a chance to try it."

"I guess there's nothing to be done right now, there's not much use in standing around. I'm going to help Adam with his work and update him on everything that happened."

I could hardly think about work but Adam was probably overwhelmed and it's not like I can do anything to help the poor girl.

I quickly opened my email and sent Adam an email on his personal account since a text was too long for everything. I worked quietly sitting in a chair until I heard the blonde's breathing get deeper. Which can mean one of two things.

When I listened to her heart I realized it was much slower than it had been. But it sounded like a healthy rate if still a little fast.

A little anxious I typed quickly like it would help what was happening. Adam finally emailed me back, my phone said it had been three hours since when I told him.

Basically, he said I made a good decision with the situation and that he would work into the new law into the website. He also said he was mad that me and Derik were still working on our day off but let it go.

A tiny pained noise made my eyes flicker to the blond. A sound that sounded far too familiar. Bright green eyes glazed over by pain stared at us in shock.

Tears fell out of my eyes and my breathing got deeper. I couldn't think about anything else, just about her. Just about how she'd never deserved it.

Just about how what he did to her was so wrong. Just about how sorry I felt, how much I'd wanted to save her.

Tears clouded my vision, my chest feels tight, the muscles in my face feel strained with the effort of not releasing the waterfall of tears.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Derik tried softly. His arms gently wrapped around me like he wanted to make sure it wouldn't scare me more and when he figured out I wouldn't react to that he rubbed my back therapeutically.

"He-he killed her, no matter how-how much I tried. I couldn't save her, I-I just wanted her s-safe. It's my-my fault," I choked out shaking.

I held my arms tightly to my chest like I was trying to stop the pain in the middle of my chest. Blinking rapidly and breathing heavily I held onto the sting in my eyes the best I could.

"No, no it's not your fault. It's his, only his," Derik soothed without having a clue what I was talking about.

"I couldn't save her, everything and I s-still couldn't save her."

"I know, I know. It's over now," He pulled me closer to him and all I could do was cry on his shoulder.

"Fall?" I flinched. It sounded like her, like she was here.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Rosie. I'm so sorry," I repeated to myself.

"Fall, look at me," she demanded gently. She looked so much like her with those bright green eyes.

She took a few steps towards me and Derik took a reluctant step back getting out of his chair next to mine to give us space. But I didn't want him away. I wanted him here with me. There to guard my back when I wasn't myself.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm the reason you died," I repeated.

"No, Fall, I'm alive." She gently sat next to me.

"You must hate me. How could I let that happen? You were my only friend and I didn't save you."

"No, Fall, I forgive you."

"You do?"

"Of course." She paused to hold my hands in hers. "It wasn't your fault, you tried everything to help me. You tried to cooperate, to beg, to fight. There was nothing more you could have done for me."

"You're real," I stated dumbly staring at our joined hands. Under the reak of bad potion I could smell her familliar scent and could feel the warmth of her small hands. *She can't be here. But she feels so real.*

"I am, he only wanted you to think I was dead," she explained.

"I'm so sorry." I threw my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I wanted, needed, to feel her breathe. To make sure she couldn't get away from me. Not again.

For what felt like hours I tried to get my emotions together. To get rid of the tightness in my chest and the burn in my throat. To untangle the knot that my thoughts were in. To release the tension in my neck and calm the shaking in my muscles.

And she sat with me, it was just like nothing had happened but so much had. I'd screwed so much up for her.

Suddenly it was like her whole mood changed.

Her muscles tensed, her heart picked up, and she started shaking uncontrollably. When I looked at her she looked around herself nervously before quickly pointing her gaze at her lap.

She was scared. All pets were scared to be in front of vampires, especially if they were caught speaking out of turn. When I had something on the line even I tried not to speak out of turn.

Gently guiding her to her feet I tried to shake all the pain in myself away. She didn't need that right now. She needed to be able to ignore me long enough to get herself situated.

"You're safe here, I promise. Neither of these vampires intend to harm any pet much less one that just got over a poisoning." I gently played with her hair trying to calm her and made myself look comfortable.

Which, for the most part, I would be if not for my episode and the fact that Rosie calling me by name meant I'd shown Mia a secret it would be best if she didn't know.

"This is doctor Mia, she works for us in a department starting laws for the health and rights of non-citizens." I motioned to the overwhelmed and confused woman.

"And this is my- this is Derik," I nodded in his direction. I wanted to call him my master but he wouldn't think of us like that and I wasn't in a place to call him my anything else.

Even if he didn't think of it like that I'm still beneath him. I might be almost level with a citizen but he was still above me. He still paid for my expenses and took care of me. And I just never could consider us equal.

He used to own me and to me nothing had changed.

Even if sometimes he feels like a friend or more than that I can't let myself view him as equal.

"What do she mean works for you that's impo..." She trailed off looking at my neck. Her fingers gently grazed my neck and wide bug eyes stared at me as I tried not to shy away from any contact with my neck. "How?"

"As a hybrid if I am debt free, I am a citizen. When Derik got me he officially freed me from my debt," I explained.

Derik gently took a step towards me and Rosie looked scared for a second before Derik stopped next to me. She stared confusedly at his arm around my waist.

"He must be something special... you never talk positively about vampires," she said almost wistfully.

"He is," I muttered. "But I've found a lot of amazing people recently. People that wanted better treatment of people like us."

I turned with a worried expression towards Mia. "I do hope we can keep this between ourselves. There would be nothing good happening if the people found out about any of this."

"Of course, Miss Smith. If vampires found out that hybrids could be hiding among them...the world could be so much worse for people who thought they were safe," she replied with a tone I couldn't quiet decipher.

"Thank you," I breathed.

"What do you want to do now that you are away from your old master Rosie?" Derik asked in a nervous tone. *It's so cute he's worried about seeming too abrasive.*

"What do you mean?" Rosie tilted her head a little.

"Well as a werewolf you have a few options since we suspended your master's privilege to own a servant or slave of any kind."

"How did you do that? Did she do something illegal?"

"Thankfully Fall's a quick thinker. She lied to our department which is a punishable offence. Fall said her punishment was to have no slaves or 'servants' for three years." He kissed the side of my head adoringly and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"She was always quick to make or adjust a plan. Outsmarted most of the vampires I saw easily." She smiled a little. *God I missed that smile.*

It was always genuine. Enough that you could practically tell whatever she was thinking was a fond memory. It lights up her eyes no matter how subtle it is and you wanted to see it over and over again.

Even with everything she's been through she wore that bright smile. Sometimes it was a little less happy, like right now. You could see it fade from happy to pain but she still managed it.

Always managed to focus on the positive, at least for a few seconds.

"Shouldn't I just be given back to a pet shop. Or maybe sent to a breeder since this is my third failed master?" She asked.

"No, God no, I'm not letting that happen. You've clearly seen enough," Derik said gently. *He's so perfect, always careful and genuine. But smart enough to realize when not to be.*

"What else would you do with me? Slave work?"

"No, no of course not. I can get you a good master, one that will make sure you're properly taken care of if you'd prefer. Or I can give you a shot at being a free werewolf, give you a pack, maybe a job. Anything you want, tell me and I'll see what I can do."

"You'd do that?" She asked with a surprised and confused tone.

"Of course," he replied with an almost sad tone. I'd love to say I knew what he was thinking but it could be any number of things.

"We're fixing it. It'll take time but it'll be over eventually," I tried. He nodded back in response.

"Well, living free is too risky. One vampire says I owe him and I'll get thrown right back," Rosie thought out loud. "Being a pet can be a little intimidating, lots of time with your master, lots of time to screw up. Maids can have a good life but it depends on how demanding their masters are. Being a blood slave is a little scary, you'd spend less time in danger but when you're being bitten there's always that panic if they might take too much."

Derik looked down glaring at the floor. All the muscles in his back and arms were tight and his jaw set. He wasn't growling but he looked like he might start and that would give Rosie a heart attack.

His arm always got tighter on me when he was thinking about something negative and me.

When it was just something negative and pets in general he still looked mad but he seemed a little less protective until he realized it might be that way for me.

"It's different for hybrids," I whispered and he gave a tight nod.

"Well of course it is, you can't die," Rosie stated.

"No, we can." Panic wavered on my voice. If Rosie started naming all the ways she knows we can't die I'm not sure I can calm Derik down. I love Rosie but they don't say dumb blond for no reason.

"Well not of blood loss, he never could take enough blood to make you die. And not for lack of trying, he tried everything once one of his guys accidentally took too much and you should have died. You looked like a pin cushion."

I shook my head rapidly but she wasn't paying attention.

"I thought you were dead a few times, it took you days to come around. And once he was sure you couldn't die of blood loss he tried a bunch of other things. Tried overloading your body with drugs, different illnesses, pain. Lack of oxygen even."

Derik growled loudly and Rosie's face paled. *Some people talk too much.* Internally panicking I watched Mia step in front of Rosie with a determined look.

She thought there would be a fight, it was a valid concern. Most vampires tend to lash out at whatever is unlucky enough to anger them.

Quickly trying to think of a way to distract him I practically jumped on him. I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shoulder. Making small sobbing noises I felt him move in surprise.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" One of his hands rested on the small of my back and the other around my shoulders. He gently kissed the top of my head and made small comforting sounds.

A large smile broke onto my face and a small purr echoed throughout my chest.

"Thank you, for coming back to me," I whispered.

"Always," he promised and kissed the top of my head.

For what felt like a long time I didn't want to move, just standing there with him close to me. It felt like we didn't spend enough time together anymore but even preoccupied he was always at my side. *I'm just being needy.*

Reluctantly pulling away I saw Mia looking worriedly at Rosie. Who smirked at me even paler than a ghost. When Mia seemed to think she could she carefully prepared her words.

"I know you won't want me near you but I'd like to examine you. To make sure there's nothing more I can do for you," she requested from a fair way away.

"If nothing else I can have Miss Smith follow instructions seeing as you wouldn't feel comfortable with me." Mia made sure to look down at the ground instead of at Rosie but I saw her glance at Rosie's bleeding arm a few times.

Rosie probably ripped the IV out at some point. *I didn't make her do that right? God, she's been through so much because of me and I couldn't protect her this time either.*

*It might even be directly my fault this time. I didn't see when she ripped it out, it might have been when she woke up of when she saw me.*

Scared looking she obediently got back to her bed even though she didn't dare sit on it. Mia motioned at the bed and Rosie sat on it with her heart racing.

"Please remember this isn't like most of the places you've been at, Dear. You're perfectly welcome to talk freely and voice your thoughts," Mia prompted.

"It's fine if you do it ma'am," Rosie mumbled.

"Miss Smith, I hate to ask this of you but the poor thing is obviously more comfortable around you than me or Derik so could you help me take care of her at least until she calms down a little?" Thankfully Mia had obviously been around pets a little and made her voice and expression sympathetic.

"Of course," I responded quietly and motioned for Derik to stay where he was. Mia let out a small sigh of relief and nodded thankfully at me.

And then I did that stupid thing I keep doing, I kissed him on the cheek when I left. *I was just going to be on the other side of the room, what is wrong with me?!*

"Obviously she doesn't have any infections, since I'd smell it but I'd like to make sure that there aren't any injuries that might cause an infection or further weaken her since she will be weaker now than she was before."

I gave a small nod. Smiling apologetically I gently ran my fingers over all the bones pets broke most often. I found a few bruises and cuts but other than clear malnutrition and lash marks on her back there was nothing her system couldn't handle.

If she'd been human it'd be different but as a werewolf she should be good as new after a few treatments over the next month or so.

"Her system needs to be flushed out, lots of water. Since she feels about as weak as a human I'd suggest small meals until her system can handle normal food again. That will make her stronger. A little salve on her back wouldn't hurt but other than that she should recover on her own if properly taken care of," I reported.

"That's a relief," Mia breathed. "I'll guide you through taking care of her injuries but first she should take some vitamins. They'll take up less space than normal food."

Mia started sorting through pill bottles until she found whatever vitamin she thought most appropriate. She handed it to me and I gave the bottle a light sniff before handing it to Rosie.

Less because I thought it was necessary but more to make Rosie feel better. Rosie took them without a second doubt and I felt thankful she was a little more comfortable.

Mia gave me a few cotton balls and a bottle of something that smelled sharp before giving me a jar of something that smelled oily and rubbery. Gently picking up a cotton ball in the tweezers I soaked it in the sharp liquid before gently rubbing it on Rosie's arm.

"I hope you know you are safe around doctor Mia and Derik. When I meet both of them I was a pet so I can guarantee neither of them have harmful intent towards pets. I know that personally," I said quietly before moving onto her back.

She gave a little nod as I worked between the dirty shreds of her dress.

"Have you decided what you want to do when you're approved to no longer be monitored?" I asked trying to distract from the process of cleaning the lash marks on her back.

"I was thinking I might try to be some kind of chore maid. It sounds exhausting but if I get good at it I won't have much to worry about. If that's not asking too much," she quickly added.

I didn't have to look at Derik to know what his answer would be.

"I'll see what we can do," I said softly. "In the meantime, what would you like to do before you're fit enough to be a maid?"

"I don't know, honestly."

"She can stay at our house until she's better," Derik suggested.

For all of half a second Rosie looked hopeful before guilt crossed her expression. She didn't want to make us take care of her, just like how I felt about Derik.

"It's all right Rosie, you don't have to worry about owing us. After everything you've been through it's the least I can do," I soothed.

But even if I wanted Rosie near me I didn't. I didn't want to lose her again, to see anything happen to her again. Not to mention I already felt like I was dragging on Derik financially enough without adding another person.

*This is the safest place for her this time. And Derik won't mind."

Hiding my anxiety from her I mentally reassured myself.

Is that backstory I smell?

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