

" Aella come over here" came a man's voice looking at the girl in front of him, he stretched his hand towards her to take it. " Not until you handover your mother to me. We have mates too, not only your father" she said looking at Lucian's mother with bloodlust. " You don't have any proof. And what the hell do you mean 'we'!!? thundered his voice sending shivers down her spine. " Listen well Aella you aren't a vampire like your family. You sure have guts to say 'we' in front of me and you are coming with me, not with your twin brother". He moved closer to her to hold her hand, " What right do you have to decide for me?" she asked looking at him with anger. He raised his hand to the side of her neck where her shoulders meet and touched a mark on the skin and said "As long as you have my mark on your skin, I have every right to make decisions for you". ------------------- Aella and Ares are the twins of Salvatore's, a major family among the vampires. For the twin's safety Aella isn't allowed to leave their home. After many years of request her father and her twin brother approves her to study abroad under some conditions. what awaits Aella while she is studying in abroad? Will she be able to follow her family conditions?

ru_na · Urbain
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: Her Defeat

Today is the day that many of the students are waiting. The swimming challenge will be held today. Aella is as care free as ever. She and Nancy left the dorms and headed towards the canteen for breakfast. Nancy started eating a sandwich while Aella just watched her friend eating.

" Hey, Angela. How are you doing?" asked Katelyn, who saw Angela and Nancy eating. " Fine" is what Angela answered. " You, ready for the challenge?" asked Katelyn with a broad smile.

" Of course, but I guess you should take care of yourself to not get upset over the result" said Angela with a smirk. Katelyn left in anger at Angela's words. She thought to herself that she will teach Angela a lesson after she won the competition.

" Hello, Is the seat next to you taken?" came Lucian's voice standing a few steps away from them. " No" answered Angela. Lucian sat beside Angela with his plate and started eating. Nancy who was sitting opposite to Aella choked on her food. She drank some water and finally calmed down. She didn't understood why Lucian came and sat next to Aella as there are many empty seats around them. " Angela I'm finished. Let's go" told Nancy in a hurried tone.

" Why the hurry Nancy? Angela didn't even touch her food" said Lucian sipping his orange juice.

" I'm not hungry" answered Angela with an annoyed expression. " Then why did you fill your plate? Is it you aren't hungry or you can't eat any food in here?" asked Lucian deliberately. Aella's eyebrows rose and sat down beside him and started stuffing her mouth with food on her plate. Lucian gave a smile as soon as she sat and started eating. He turned to Nancy and said " I will accompany Angela, you may go".

" It's okay. I can wait for her" answered Nancy. " I won't eat your friend. Rest assured I will safely bring her to your class" said Lucian. " Nana you can go. I will come with him" Aella waved her hand at Nancy indicating for her to leave. Nancy left with a worried look.

" Your friend seems to be overprotective of you. Is there something you are hiding?" he asked pushing his plate aside, resting his face on his hand, his eyes on her. " I am her sister so it's only natural for her to worry about me" answered Angela still stuffing food in her mouth. " Are you ready for your challenge?" asked Lucian. Angela's cheeks are completely filled with food that she can't talk anymore. Just like a chipmunk thought Lucian letting out a chuckle. She finally swallowed some food and immediately left for washroom.

Aella vomited the food. It tasted terrible to her. She couldn't even swallow. She rinsed her mouth over and over and came out. Lucian was standing outside with his backpack and holding her's in his hand. She walked towards him and took the bag.

" Hey, have we met somewhere before? I get a familiar feeling when I am with you" says Lucian staring at Angela's face. She turns towards him and says " There is no way we would have met. I didn't even step outside our mansion since I was a child" answered Aella without thinking what she has told to Lucian.

" Why is that?" he asked trying to know more about her. " I am sick when I was a child. So my father didn't let me out" answered Aella trying to make sure her face doesn't give an expression that what she is telling is a lie. While they are walking Angela hold's his hand and pulls Lucian towards her. Then a bike passes by the way where Lucian stood before. As soon as they touched both felt sparks and tingles. Aella didn't understood what it is so she shook his hand off. While Lucian's golden eyes widened.

He was staring at her in surprise. Lucian saw the bike rushing towards them before. He just wants to test Angela as to check if her reflexes are as fast as a vampire. But who knew after touching her he felt something else. His heart skipped a beat and started beating fast. He was staring at her confused. Aella heard his heart beat and she looked at him as to why his heartbeat became louder.

" You must be scared because of the bike right?" she asked him innocently. Lucian snapped out of his thoughts at her question. " What?" he didn't understood what gave her the idea of him being scared by a bike. " I can hear your heartbeat. It was normal before the bike crossed us but became louder after" she answered. She dismissed the thought that he might be a werewolf because if he is then he would have stepped aside before she pulled him.

" No, I am not scared" he answered. " Your hands are cold. How come you can hear my heartbeat before the bike came?" he asked with doubtful eyes. " I have sensitive hearing. You can ask Nancy" she assured him. She thought she was almost caught by him.

" It is cold here so are my hands" she answered. Lucian looked at her she isn't wearing much thick clothes. He extended his hand to hold hers but she stepped back.

" I am fine. Let's go its getting late for my class" she headed towards their campus. He left her in front of the class. Katelyn saw Lucian with her and gritted her teeth. She decides to teach Angela a lesson.

The class was finally over and some of the interested members headed towards the swimming pool to watch the show. Katelyn and Angela are dressed in their swimming suits. Both are beautiful which made the boys mouths hang opening.

" Angela! over here" shouted Alex excitingly waving his hand at her. He went near her " Hey you look beautiful today" he says with a shy expression. " Don't fall for me or your blood might taste too sweet" she whispers in his ear. His face turns red.

Lucian saw how Angela and Alex are giggling in their own world. He clenched his hands at the sight. Even Nancy is getting along with Alex where she always appeared uncomfortable when he is with Angela.

The competition started both seems to be on par. But Aella isn't using her full strength because others might be suspicious about her identity. Where as Katelyn was using all her strength yet can't cross Angela. The competition ended.

" The winner is Angela" announced Lucian to the crowd. Everyone dispersed after knowing the result. " Angela you are just amazing" screamed Alex with an amazed face.

" Don't get hurt Katelyn" snickered Aella. Katelyn lost her face in front of Lucian. "Just you wait" saying this Katelyn left the place with anger.

" Don't take it to heart Angela" said Nancy and Alex nodded.

" You have done pretty well Angela" complimented Lucian. " Thank you" she said and went to change into her clothes.

" So you are Alex. Angela's boyfriend. When did you meet her?" asked Lucian with his deep golden eyes staring at Alex as though he is threatening him to leave Angela. Alex gulped and said " Yes I am. Sorry but we aren't even friends why should I say this?" questioned Alex. Nancy didn't understood what happened. She was in shock at Lucian's words and Alex agreeing to it. She decided to ask Alex later.

Lucian left the place with an irritated expression. While Tyler followed him back.

" What is the thing with boyfriend Alex?" asked Nancy not understanding what's going on.

" Tyler came yesterday to our dorms and inquired why I left the dorms at noon. I answered that I had a date with Angela" he said. " What? Angela said that she didn't go out at noon when they both asked" said Nancy thinking what problems might come.

" Don't worry, I said Angela doesn't like to make our relationship public. This should explain why she lied" answered Alex. Nancy let out a sigh of relief. After few minutes Angela came out.

" Have a rest Angela. I am going back to dorms" said Alex. Angela nodded. He left and the both friends started walking towards their dorms. As soon as they entered the room Nancy took out her phone to call Ares.

" Nana. don't tell my brother about Lucian and that I attacked a werewolf". " No way, Ares told me to inform each and everything" she said with a stern expression.

" This is the last time. Please Nana" pleaded Aella.

" Aella, It hasn't even been a week you entered the university and you started getting into problems" said Nancy with concern.

" As I said this will be the last time Nana please". " Okay" gave in Nancy and dropped her phone on the desk.