

" Aella come over here" came a man's voice looking at the girl in front of him, he stretched his hand towards her to take it. " Not until you handover your mother to me. We have mates too, not only your father" she said looking at Lucian's mother with bloodlust. " You don't have any proof. And what the hell do you mean 'we'!!? thundered his voice sending shivers down her spine. " Listen well Aella you aren't a vampire like your family. You sure have guts to say 'we' in front of me and you are coming with me, not with your twin brother". He moved closer to her to hold her hand, " What right do you have to decide for me?" she asked looking at him with anger. He raised his hand to the side of her neck where her shoulders meet and touched a mark on the skin and said "As long as you have my mark on your skin, I have every right to make decisions for you". ------------------- Aella and Ares are the twins of Salvatore's, a major family among the vampires. For the twin's safety Aella isn't allowed to leave their home. After many years of request her father and her twin brother approves her to study abroad under some conditions. what awaits Aella while she is studying in abroad? Will she be able to follow her family conditions?

ru_na · Urbain
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Her request

As soon as Aella heard from her friend that she will be going to abroad for her second semester in two days she couldn't control her anxiety and rushed towards her father with lightning speed. Aella is a girl with full of energy than any other, just like a child. Not to mention even her heart resembles that of a child.

" Papa! Please allow me to go study with Nana. I promise, I won't cause any trouble" came a young girl's sweet voice with hope and joy, requesting her father. Her father Christian Salvatore is the head of Salvatore family and the chairman of the empire group. He is a pureblood vampire with deep red eyes, inky black hair with six feet height and fit muscles just like a celebrity, he is considered as one of the most handsome person as the vampires stop aging. Due to a tragic incident in the twin's childhood her father became overprotective of Aella and Ares, especially Aella as she lost her memory before the incident when she and her brother are eight years old. Nana is Aella's best friend Nancy Clayton and also fiancée of her twin brother Ares Salvatore. Though the Clayton family are humans, they have generations friendship with Salvatore's. Nancy's and Ares wedding date is fixed. After Nancy graduates from university she will finally marry into the Salvatore family. Aella looks up to her father, her big pink eyes twinkling with hope and shoots her fatal attack, her deathly cute look. Her father observes her from the side of his eyes. He tries harder not to laugh at his daughter's acting and Her father shifts his concentration from the documents and turns towards Aella. He gives a long sigh and questions "Honey, You can stay here and study whatever you like. Is there a need to go abroad?"

"Papa, I want to see and enjoy the outside world. How long will you lock me up in this mansion? I don't understand you at all." she pouts turning her head away from her father. Her father rubs his temples not knowing what to do with her. Her father shifts to the other side where Aella turned her face in the blink of an eye. " Are you angry with me, honey?" asks her father in a gentle tone.

" Yes, I am. You don't care about me at all! I won't talk with you unless you agree to send me with Nana" she shots him a sad puppy look. Till now she didn't pressure Christian to this extent. He is his lovely daughter's slave. He gave her everything except freedom since she was a child. Aella is spoiled a lot both by her father and brother. So till now she didn't ask to grant her freedom as she is happy with her current life. But in the recent family reunion her cousins mentioned a lot about humans life and their world. Which piqued Aella's interest as she didn't go outside of her family mansion. She only hunts animals, practices attacking with her father and brother. Learns from her assigned tutors. She was so fascinated by the outside world and finally decides to request her father. But her father seems to not allow her out which made her sad. After Christian observed her darkened expression her father finally gives in.

"Okay,fine. You can go with Nancy. But you have to follow some rules. How about this?" her father asked Aella.

" Yes papa. I will definitely follow all the rules. You are the best!" she screams in joy and kisses her father's cheek and leaves the place. Her father let out a chuckle as she leaves the place.

While Christian is reading the documents Ares suddenly appears in front and asks" Father! Is what Aella saying true? Did you really give her permission to go abroad?" with a shocked expression. His father pushes himself forward from the sofa and walks towards Ares, placing his hand on his shoulder, he speaks

" Yes. Make preparations for everything. Create her a fake ID. She should use that name in the university too. She and Nancy will take the plane two days from now and also inform your cousins to help her when she stays there, these are the rules she should follow. Violation of any one rule will result in being locked in her room" says his father and handovers a list of rules.

"Yes, father. I will inform her" and he leaves the place. He reads the list and adds some more points sneakily. Then he walks towards Aella's room. Aella opens the door and invites him in. They both sat across a table and Ares took out the list and started reading out loud

" These are the rules that you should follow while you stay there. Listen carefully, Violating any of the rules will end up you in this mansion and you will be never given permission to go out. You have to change your eye color to brown. As it is common in here. You can't expose to anyone that you are a Salvatore and can't expose that you are a hybrid. Don't even mention love, You aren't mature yet. No turning to your werewolf form unless it is full moon day. No drinking of other human's blood, drink animal's blood. Cover your scent all the time. These are the only rules you should follow for now. If there is anything serious happening there inform me through telepathy" listening to this Aella's mouth fell open. "what are these rules? How can I survive for years with only animal blood?" she asks him with an angry expression.

" Our cousins will help you to find a human. You can only drink from that human and not from others. Especially from Nancy. If you drink her blood I will bring you back the next second" he warns her. Aella knows how much her brother loves Nancy so she wouldn't dare to drink her blood.

" What's the matter with love? you are just born five minutes before me, yet you get to love then why can't I?" she questions Ares " If you want love then stay here. Father can introduce many guys to you or I can introduce my friends, I have no objection with that and there will be no rules too" he gives her a mocking smile. But what he said is true, Aella doesn't know much about outside world. The only thing she knows about love is that they can suck blood from each other as the vampires in love always does that. She isn't mature yet to find her love. Both the twins studied under private tutors and not in schools. Ares is studying in a prestigious university in their country, while Aella rejected that idea because she will always be under Ares monitoring and demanded that she will go with Nancy. Ares at least manages the empire group's affairs to some extent but Aella didn't show much interest in the company affairs. She learned many arts, while fighting and hunting are her all time favorite. As her family are all vampires both the twins are raised as vampires by her father and other close relatives. Though most of them don't know that they are hybrids, Only her father, his big brother's family and the Clayton family knows. Their father tried very hard to conceal the truth. Because if the word goes out that the twins are hybrids they will be killed with second thought as they are much stronger than pureblood vampires. Literally they can be called as monsters. While Ares can control his form on full moon day and can remain in his human form, Aella can't do that, she shifts between vampire and werewolf on her own comfort. It is very dangerous to be by her side on full moon day. She might even try to kill the people in front of her. Aella usually spends full moon in forest or her being constrained in a room with shackles to control the monster within her.

" I have to warn you to go into the woods on full moon day night. Don't attack anyone " he says with concern for Nancy. After a long silence " Nancy will be spying on you. She will inform me, so be careful and you will go with the name Angela Clayton as Nancy's adoptive sister. Good night, rest well Aella" saying this he leaves Aella's room. She is so excited at the thought of her going out and roaming like a free bird. She couldn't sleep at all as she is lost in her own thoughts. She wanted to make friends, go out with them and see if the outside world is really as fascinating her cousins and her best friend described it. As she can't sleep she took out a notebook and started to write the things in a list which she wanted to do outside. First thing she wrote was to make at the least five friends. The second is to visit many places with her friends.

She wandered in her own thoughts for sometime. Aella thought of writing about love but she remembered the warning that her brother gave and left the book in her backpack. And she placed another huge book in her bag, she thought of maintaining that book as her personal diary. She finally drifted into sleep. After sometime her father knocked the door but there is no response as Aella slept. He opened and walked towards her. He kissed her forehead and patted gently on her head saying

" Be careful honey, I can't afford to loose you" he stared with love and concern in his eyes at her angelic peaceful looking face just like a child who has no worries. Then he left her room and closed the door behind him.